BK 57 Fire Code Flashcards
And assemblage occupancy is one intended for gathering of at least how many people?
Any tent or membrane structure with a capacity _____ of shall be considered an assembly occupancy
10 or more people
For asphalt kettles, fuel containers shall be kept at least how far from the burner?
10 feet
*insulated containers allowed within 2 feet
Remove any portion of a tree which extends within how many feet of the outlet of a chimney or stove?
10 feet
Outside storage of combustible material shall not be located within how many feet of a lot line?
10 feet
Storage in the open shall not exceed what height?
20 feet
On roofs with a slope of less than 30° (including flat roofs) wires, cables, antennas, or other suspended obstructions must be at least how high off the roof?
7 feet
Passageways on roofs shall be what size?
(1) every 50 feet, 3 feet wide with 7 feet of clearance
And asbestos abatement permit is issued for how many days?
180 days
Upon completion of abatement work, a letter shall be mailed to the FD within how many hours?
48 hours
Fire safety watch for asbestos abatement worksites must inspect every area of the worksite every 30 minutes and firewatch shall continue a minimum of how many minutes after the cessation of work?
30 minutes
All vegetation must be no higher than 3 inches if within how many feet of a structure?
100 feet
Maintain all vegetation located within how far of any combustible fence or street/ Alley/highway?
10 feet
A minimum of one floor warden per floor is required. Additional floor wardens shall be required when the occupant load of a floor exceeds what?
500 people
Commercial high-rise buildings less than 35 stories are required to conduct mandatory fire drills at least how often?
Commercial high-rise buildings 35 or more stories are required to conduct a mandatory fire drill at least annually and every ______ there shall be a total building evacuation fire drill.
3 years
Where fire lane access requires accommodation of FD apparatus, overhead clearance shall not be less then how many feet?
14 feet
Bitch all new and existing addresses shall have numbers that are how tall?
Minimum 4 inches
What is the hydrant spacing in feet?
Low density residential – 600 feet
High density residential and Neighborhood commercial-300-450 feet
Industrial and commercial – 300 feet High density industrial and commercial – 300 feet
Buildings with a standpipe system shall have a hydrant within how many feet from the FDC?
100 feet
Building shall be considered to have acceptable emergency responder radio coverage when signal strength measurements in ____ % of all areas on each floor of the building meet the signal strength requirements in sections 510.4.1.1 and 51
Emergency power systems for exit signs, fire pumps and elevator lighting shall operate within how many seconds of failure of the normal power supply?
10 seconds
Temporary wiring for electrical power and lighting is allowed for a period no more than how many days?
90 days
Battery powered emergency lighting shall have a power test annually.The power test shall operate for how many minutes?
90 minutes
What is the purpose of the elevator shunt trip?
To disconnect the main line power supply to the affected elevator prior to the application of water by automatic sprinklers in the elevator machine room or shaft
How many spare sprinkler heads shall be provided with automatic sprinkler systems?
300 or less=6 spares
301-1000=12 spares
1001 or more heads=24 spares
What is the minimum size for FDC signs?
8” wide x 4” y’all
Sprinkler heads in spraying areas shall be cleaned from overspray residue. Polyethylene or cellophane bags maybe used to cover the head provided they have a thickness of what?
0.003 inch or less
Auxiliary equipment such as switches, doors, window releases, interconnected valves, damper releases and supplemental alarms shall be manually operated at ____ month intervals.
12 month intervals
In covered and open mall buildings, standpipe hose connections shall be provided so that all portions of a tenant space do not exceed ____ feet from hose connection.
200 feet
Where are sound powered phone jacks required?
In stairwell at every level Each location that a stairway exits to a public way
On roof at exit of each stairwell
In each elevator car, room and lobby which exit to a public way
How many handheld sound powered phones shall there be?
Minimum of 6
How long must the cord be on sound powered phones?
6 feet
Manual pull stations must be placed within how many feet of an exit?
5 feet
Additional manual pull stations shall be placed so that travel to the nearest box does not exceed how many feet?
200 feet
Manual pull stations shall be installed on the wall at a height of what?
Smoke control systems must be able to switch from primary power to secondary power within how many seconds of failure of the primary power?
60 seconds
On existing buildings where the FDC’s are not visible to approaching fire apparatus, the FDC connection shall be indicated on a sign on the street front or on the side of the building. That sign must have letters of what size?
FDC letters at least 6” tall and 2” wide
Fire pumps in high-rise buildings must have an on-site fuel supply sufficient for 100% demand for how many hours?
8 hours
states 6 hours in another part of the fire code
Sprinklers are not required on an atrium if the ceiling of the atrium is more than how many feet above the floor?
55 feet
Means of egress shell have a height of no less than what?
The posting of occupant load is required for every room or space which is used for assemblage, classroom, dining, drinking or similar purpose having an occupant load of how many?
50 or more people
Where more than one exit or access to more than one exit is required, the means of egress shall be configured such that loss of any one exit or access to one exit will not reduce the available capacity to less than ____ % of the required capacity
Emergency power for illumination egress shall provide power for no less than how many minutes? Includes exit signs
90 minutes
In order for a stairway to be considered part of in accessible means of egress, stairway shall have a clear width of how many inches?
48 inches minimum between handrails
All areas of refuge shall be large enough to accommodate how many wheelchairs?
Two wheelchairs
Minimum width of each door opening is how many inches?
32 inches
Doorhandles, pulls, latches, locks and other operating devices shall be installed at what height on doors?
34-48 inches
Stairways shall have minimum head room of how many inches?
80 inches
Spiral stairways are permitted a headroom clearance of how many inches?
78 inches
Exit signage shall be placed in a manner that no point is more than how many feet away from the nearest visible exit sign?
100 feet
How many exits must a floor have if the occupant load is 500 or less?
How many exits must a floor have in the occupant load is 501-1000?
How many exits must a floor have in the occupant load is more than 1000?
Elevators with a travel distance of how many feet or more above or below the main floor and intended for FD use shall be provided with emergency operation?
25 feet
At gas stations, and emergency shut down control shall be located within how many feet from dispensers?
20’ and 100’ in BK 57
BK 1 states 15’ and 100’
Lumber shall not be stored within how many feet of any building?
10 feet
Lumber shall not be stored within how many feet of an unprotected opening in any building?
15 feet
When shall there be a responsible resident manager on the premises for hotels and apartments?
If apartment house has more than 16 units, or if Hotel has 20 or more guest rooms
Helicopter pad on the roof of a high-rise shall be what minimum size?
50 x 50
What does the large red on a helipad indicate?
Allowable weight, in thousands of pounds
The numeral is oriented to what?
Magnetic north
Fire access road gates shall be a minimum of how wide?
20 feet
Fire access roads with fire hydrants shall be a minimum of how wide?
26 feet
Request for the assignment of a fire safety officer from the FPB shall be made to the office of the bureau of fire prevention and public safety during normal business hours not less than how many hours in advance of the need?
24 hours in advance. For an assignment on a weekend or a holiday, the request shall be made at least 48 hours in advance
An application for a permit for any proposed work or operation shall be deemed to have been abandoned how many days after the date of filing?
180 days
Extensions may be granted for an additional period of how many days?
90 days each extension
And the airport is in the area of land or structural surface that is used for the landing or taking off of aircraft with an overall length of what?
Greater than 39 feet
A place of public assemblage is any building or premises having assemblage capacity of what?
50 or more
An operational permit is required to engage in the operation of an atmospheric above ground tank exceeding how many gallons?
60 gallons
And operational permit is required to engage in the business of operating a refinery. A refinery is defined as being able to produce how many barrels per day of petroleum, chemicals or petro chemicals?
More than 100 barrels per day
A motion picture theater is any building or premises designed or used for a showing of motion pictures, when and admission fee is charged and when such building or premises is open to the public and has a capacity of how many?
10 or more people
Each person holding a certificate of fitness shall notify the department in writing of any change of their business, residential or notification address within how many days of such a change?
Within 10 days
Roofing kettles over what size would require a general approval?
Over 15 gallons
Initial submission of the business plan shall be within ____ days of notification by the department or within ___ days of the establishment of the business, which ever is sooner.
30 days, 30 days
An infant is defined as how old?
Younger than 2 years old
Small arms ammunition are less than what caliber size?
Less than .75 caliber size
Asphalt kettles shall not be located within how many feet of any combustible material?
Within 20 feet
How many copies of plans are required for asbestos abatement?
3 copies
A letter must be mailed by the contractor to the fire department within how many hours of the completion of the permitted work?
Within 48 hours of the completion of permitted work
Sprinkler heads may be covered by thin plastic bag during abatement to avoid their contamination. This bag must be no bigger than what?
0.003 inches or less
Viewing ports shall be at least what size?
18 x 18”
Re-spray of fire protective coatings shall be completed within how many days after receipt of the final air monitoring clearance?
Within 15 days
Firewatch must inspect every work area of the worksite every 30 minutes. Firewatch shall continue at least how many minutes after the cessation of work?
At least 30 minutes after the cessation of work
Smoking shall not be permitted inside any asbestos abatement area or within how many feet of any asbestos abatement area?
Within 25 feet
Vegetation must be maintained at a height of no more than 3 inches within how many feet of the building?
100 feet
Matches in excess of how many pounds, including the containers, shall not be stored within how many feet of any open elevator, shaft opening, open stairway, or the vertical opening?
50 pounds
Crowd managers shall be provided for facilities or advanced were more than how many people congregate?
More than 1000
High-rise emergency plans shall be made available upon request to personnel of the fire department. Upon any change in ownership, or management, the new entity must submit any required updates within how many days?
Within 10 days
Occupant instructions and training shall be made available to all new occupants within how many days of their assuming occupancy in the building?
Within 14 days
Firelands shall be a minimum of how wide?
20 feet
Overhead clearance for fire lanes shall be no less than how many feet?
Not less than 14 feet
Fire access roads shall be at least how wide and tall?
20 feet wide, and at least 13’6”
New buildings ____ or more stories shall have stairway access to the roof. (Penthouse)
4 or more stories
Key box is for fire service elevators shall be mounted how high off the floor?
Clear space of how many feet shall be maintained around fire hydrants?
3 foot space around
Fire command centers (fire control rooms) shall be a minimum size of what?
200 ft.² with a minimum dimension of 10 feet
An on premise fuel supply shall be sufficient for not less than how many hours at full demand operation of the fire pump system?
Not less than six hours States 8 hours in another part of fire code
A standby power system shall be installed in air traffic towers that are what Height?
More than 65 feet tall
For solar installations on roofs, there shall be a clear perimeter around the edge of the roof of at least how many feet?
At least 4 feet wide, 18 inches from hips and valleys
How much clearance for solar panels around skylights, ventilation hatches, Standpipes and roof access hatches?
At least 4’, 10’ from ground mounted solar panels
A special permit shall be required for any storage, display, sale or other use of Christmas trees within buildings win more than how many trees are there?
More than 10 trees
volume 6 states 25 trees
And automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings with a floor level having an occupant load of 30 or more that is located ____ feet or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
55 feet
Buildings with a rooftop heliport or hellispot shall be equipped with a class ____or ____ standpipe system.
I or lll
Portable extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 pounds shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than how many feet above the floor?
5 feet
Portable extinguishers having a gross way greater than 40 pounds (not including wheel type) shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than how many feet above the floor?
Not more than 3 1/2 feet
Sound powered phone jacks shall be installed at which locations?
Every floor level in each room closed exit stair way every exterior location where and enclose stairway exits to a public way exterior of each in closed exit stairway on roof each elevator car, elevator room, elevator lobby which exit to a public way
Minimum cord length on the six handheld sound powered phones is what?
6 feet
Manual fire alarm boxes pull stations shall be located not more than how many feet from the entrance to each exit? (Yes it is worded exactly like that…entrance to each exit… meaning the exit)
Not more than 5 feet
Additional manual pull stations Shelby place so that travel to the nearest box does not exceed how many feet
Not more than 200 feet
The height of manual alarm boxes shall be between what Heights?
Minimum 42 inches and maximum 48 inches
Suitable means shall provide for maintaining the temperature of a pump room or pump house, where required, above what temperature?
Above 40°F
Stairway ID signs shall have a minimum size of what?
12” x 18”
Bk 1 states 12” x 12”
Emergency disconnect switches for exterior fuel dispensers shall be located within ____ feet and not less than ____ feet from fuel dispensers.
100 feet, 20 feet
BK 1 states 100 feet, 15 feet
At compressed natural gas filling stations, a fuel shut off for the dispensers must not be closer than how many feet and not further than how many feet?
Not closer than 25 feet Not further than 75 feet
For fire escape stairs serving ____ or fewer occupants, an approved fire escape ladder is allowed to serve as the termination.
10 or fewer
All buildings with they have a spot or heliport shall have all portions of the Hellespont or port area within how many feet of a 2 1/2 inch outlet on the standpipe system?
All portions within 150 feet
A clear space of not less than how many feet must be maintained on all sides of a spray booth?
3 feet
For temporary FDC’s, fire department access must be provided to within how many feet of the FDC’s?
To within 100 feet of all temporary or permanent FDC’s
When and approved water supply for fire protection is required, either permanent or temporary, at what point in the construction phase must the water supply be made available?
As soon as combustible materials arrives on the site
Portable electric appliances shall not be placed closer than how many feet to wash basins, bathtubs, showers, or other grounded services?
Closer than 5 feet
Rooftop helipads have a large number on them. What does this number indicate?
Allowable weight, in thousands of pounds
What is the preferred background color for rooftop helipads?
Drums or carboys shall not be stacked more than ____ high.
2 high, unless on pallets
What is the maximum stacking height of drums and or carboys?
12 feet
Smoking, matches, open flames, and other sources of ignition shall not be permitted inside of or within how many feet of any facility used for the storage of fireworks, smokeless powder, small arms ammunition or small arms primers?
Within 50 feet
No more than how many pounds of explosive materials shall be stored in any one explosives vault?
No more than 500 pounds
Explosive materials shall not be transported during the hours of what?
7-9 a.m. and 4-7 p.m.
If it is not certain that all charges have been designated during a blast in operation, no person shall enter the blast area until at least how many minutes after the firing?
At least 45 minutes
Vance on paper processing equipment shall not be less than ____ feet from the ground.
12 feet
Every liquefied flammable gas bulk distribution station shall be surrounded by a substantial fence at least how high?
5 feet high
LP gas tank vehicles shall not be left unattended at any time on residential streets or within feet ____ of a residential area, or hotel/apartment complex.
500 feet
For organic peroxides, 55 gallon drums shall not be stacked more than how high?
More than one drum high
Piles of unstable (reactive) material shall not exceed how many cubic feet?
1000 ft.³
And employee who is attending a asphalt (tar) kettle, must have the kettle within sight, and be no more than how many feet away?
Within 100 feet
There shall be a portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 40 BC rating within how many feet of each tar kettle?
Within 25 feet
Hi-boys shall be limited to a capacity of how many gallons?
55 gallons
Flexible piping for using tar kettle is on roofs, flexible piping shall not exceed how many feet in length?
Not more than 6 feet
For tar kettles, fuel containers that operate under pressure shall not exceed how many gallons?
20 gallons
All containers with the capacity over what, shall be provided with lids?
Over 40 gallons (5.3 ft.³)
A bonfire shall be at least how many feet from any structure?
At least 50 feet
Portable outdoor fireplaces shall not be operated within how many feet of a structure or combustible material?
Not within 15 feet
Open flame devices shall not be used in a group ____ occupancies.
Group A occupancies
Combustible storage shall be kept at a minimum of how many feet from battery chargers?
A minimum of 3 feet
Vacant building Blackard’s shall be a minimum of what size?
24” x 24”
**DB 13-04 states 24” x 30”
Liquid or gas fuel vehicles or boats shall not be located indoors for displays unless what 4 criteria are met?
Batteries are disconnected
Fuel tank does not exceed 1/4 or 5 gallons
Fuel tanks are closed and sealed
Not to be fueled or defueled in the
Wood pallets shall be stored no higher than how many feet?
No higher than 6 feet, and separated from other pallet piles by a minimum of 8 feet, and 25 feet from the storage of other commodities
Fueling from dramas or other containers and I have a capacity greater than how many gallons shall be accomplished with the use of an approved pump?
Greater than 5 gallons
A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher having a rating of ____ shall be provided for each permanent takeoff and landing area and for the aircraft parking areas.
Within 100 feet, but no closer than 20 feet.
BK 1 states 100 feet, and 15 feet
Dispensary hoses shall be a maximum of how many feet in length?
18 feet
BK 1 and vol 6 State 14 feet
Ignition sources shall be removed from all areas within how many feet of a spray booth?
25 feet from opening of spray booth
Displays of flammable liquids shall be limited to how many gallons in retail sale areas?
30 gallons
A permit is required for any tent over how many square feet?
Greater than 450 ft.²
How many feet clearance must be maintained at all times around firehose cabinets?
3 foot clearance
Single station smoke detectors are tested how often?
Every 6 months
Bailed packing material are limited to how many cubic feet?
7200 ft.³
If storage is susceptible to water, it shall be stored how many inches above the floor?
4 inches above floor
Diesel engines for fire pumps, which are tested weekly, shall be run for how many minutes?
30 minutes
Electrically driven motors for fire pumps, which are tested weekly, Shelby run for how many minutes?
10 minutes
In high-rise occupancies, sprinkler heads over how many years must be tested?
Over 50 years
Fire access roads shall extend to within how far from a facility?
150 feet
Dead end in excess of how many feet requires at least one additional ingress – egress Rodeway?
700 feet
Fire lanes which must accommodate the operation of FD aerial ladder shall be a minimum of how many feet wide?
28 feet
No parking within how many feet of a private hydrant on a fire lane
30 feet
Dead end fire access roads in excess of what shall be provided with an approved area for turning around?
150 feet
Schools may be fenced and gates may be locked provided that a safe dispersal area based on what square foot per occupant are located between the school and the fence?
3 feet
Search required safe disburse all areas shall not be located less than how many feet from buildings?
50 feet
New buildings ____ or more stories all have stairwell access except those with a roof slope greater than ____ ?
4 units vertical or 12 units horizontal
Address numbers Shelby Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters and minimum of ____ “ x ____ “?
4 inches high 2 inches wide (Width shall be 1/2 the height)
Key boxes shall be mounted where?
At each elevator bank and the lobby nearest to the lowest level of FD access
In buildings with 2 or more elevator banks, a single key box shall be permitted to be used when such elevator banks are separated by not more than how many feet?
30 feet (additional key box is shall be provided for each individual elevator or elevator bank separated by more than 30 feet)
What is the exception of the above question?
Hey single key box shall be permitted to be located adjacent to a fire command center or the non-standard fire service elevator shall be permitted to be secured and a key box used for other purposes
Build up type single 2 1/2 inch outlet hydrants mounted by an angle valve shall be used in areas having a static pressure of ____ PSI or more?
210 psi
Streets with the raise the median center dividers, excessive traffic blows or more than 80 feet in dedicated with require the installation of hydrants on where?
Both sides of the street
Buildings having occupied floors located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of FD vehicle access must have what?
A fire command center for FD operations
The fire command center shall be separated from the remainder of the building by not less than ____ hr fire barrier
1 hour
The fire command center shall comply with NFPA 72 and shall contain the following features.
- Emergency voice/alarm comms system
- FD comms system
- Fire alarm zone panel
- Annunciator panel visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether they are operational
- Air distribution system
- FF’s control panel for smoke control systems
- Stairway door unlocking
- Sprinkler valve and water flow display
- Emergency and standby power indicators
- Phone forFD use to public
- Fire pump indicator lights
- Building plans indicating the floorplans and building core, means of egress, fire protection systems, FD equipment and access, location of firewalls, fire barriers and smoke barriers
- Building information card
- Work table
- Generator supervision devices (manual start and transfer devices)
- Public address system
- Elevator fire recall switch
- Elevator emergency or standby power
- Master switch for unlocking elevator lobby doors
Access to sprinkler valves, standpipes and other fire protection equipment provided in storage areas shall be served by a aisle with a minimum width of?
3 feet
Emergency responder radio coverage systems shall be provided with an approved two source of power capable of operating for how long?
At least 24 hours