Bk 30 Command Procedures Flashcards
To fix the responsibility for IC on a specific individual through a standard ID system, depending on the arrival sequence of members and companies, commanding officers shall:
Ensure that a strong, dedicated and visible IC will be established from onset of incident
2 To fix the responsibility for IC on a specific individual through a standard ID system, depending on the arrival sequence of members and companies, commanding officers shall:
Establish an effective incident organization defining responsibilities assigned to IC and other individuals operating within the ICS
3 To fix the responsibility for IC on a specific individual through a standard ID system, depending on the arrival sequence of members and companies, commanding officers shall:
Provide a system to process information to support incident management, planning and decision-making
4 To fix the responsibility for IC on a specific individual through a standard ID system, depending on the arrival sequence of members and companies, commanding officers shall:
Provide a system for the orderly transfer of IC to subsequent arriving officers
What are the tactical priorities? In order
Rescue, Hazard control, Loss limiting, Victim/Occupants stabilization, Safety
Which to tactical priorities are ongoing throughout the entire incident?
Victim/occupant stabilization and safety
What are the standards of command?
Assumption of command Situational awareness Communications Incident objectives and IEP Resource development Incident organization Evaluate and revise Transition of command
Which standards of command must be addressed immediately anytime there is an assumption of IC?
The first six
Who shall assume command?
The first fire department resource of member
How does the first member/resource initiate the IC process?
By providing a size up
The size of Charlene clued what?
Unit designation, address or location, brief description of incident, observed conditions, brief description of actions taken or to be taken, any obvious Safety concerns, additional resources and staging, assume offensive – declare defensive if appropriate
The incident shall be named with what?
A geographical location and IC (Wilshire IC)
For ease of communications, what is recommended when naming an incident?
One word identifier. (Pico IC, not Valley View IC)
What incident command options define the company officers role in tactical activities and IC modes?
Investigative mode (nothing showing), Offense of mode, Defensive mode, Command mode (stationary ICP)
What are examples of offense of mode which require immediate action to stabilize an incident?
Offensive/interior Fire attack, Rescue, any incident with concern to Firefighter safety, working incidents that require further investigation by company officer
What situations would warrant a defensive mode?
Vacant structure, or risk/gain too significant
What are examples of defensive mode?
Protecting exposures, confining damage to involved structures
What type of incident would require a fire company to choose command mode at the onset?
Certain incidents, by virtue of size, complexity or potential for rapid expansion and require immediate, strong, direct incident command
What shall be initiated and utilized to assist in managing these types of incidents?
A tactical worksheet (ie F666, ICS 201)
If the company officer assumes IC mode, what options are available regarding assigning their remaining members?
May place company into action with a designated actor, assign crew to another company officer, utilize crew to assist IC with staff functions (recon, sit stat/re stat)
IC’s initial actions shall conform to what?
One of above four modes (offensive, defensive, investigative, command)
Who can serve as initial IC?
Any sworn member, regardless of rank
What must first arriving officer do?
Assume command after transfer of IC complete
What must first truck company officer do?
Assume command after transfer of IC complete
What must first BC do?
Assume command after transfer of IC complete
Assumption of command is discretionary for all ranks above what?
Battalion chief
And engine may pass command to another engine company, provided that the additional company is what?
On scene
If a fire resource and battalion chief arrive simultaneously, who assumes command?
Battalion chief
Passing command to a resource that is not on scene is what?
Strictly forbidden
What is the preferred method to transfer command?
Face to face
What is preferred secondary to face to face?
Via radio
Outgoing IC shall as a minimum, relay what to incoming IC?
Conditions, actions, needs
What should be reviewed between outgoing IC and income and IC?
Tactical worksheet
What tool is the most effective foundation for transfer of command?
Tactical worksheet
Does the arrival of a high-ranking officer on scene automatically indicate that command has been transferred?
No, not until the transfer of command process is complete
The person being relieved of IC, will normally be reassigned to what?
A position in the ICS that is most advantageous to the incident
Where should chief officers and staff personnel report to at an incident?
Directly to the command post
Who can effect a change in incident management in extreme situations relating to safety?
Any member
How may this be accomplished?
Notifying IC and initiating corrective action
When there are no active incidents, who operates as department command under the supervision of the deputy department commander (DDC)?
Who will normally be the highest ranking member assigned to an incident?
Platoon duty Assistant Chief (OCB A/C, OVB A/C) Command 22 or Command 42
When the AC arrives, the BC will normally be reassigned to what?
Deputy IC, Operations, or Planning
What are the roles and responsibilities of the AC?
Assume command or not, declare intentions, develop situational awareness, review and evaluate strategy, review incident objectives, ensure sufficient resources are on scene, Implement command and general staff positions, transition initial IC OPS, planning, or Dep IC, provide a liaison with other agencies/departments, other duties as necessary
The basic configuration of icy addresses what three operational levels?
Strategic level – overall direction of incident
Tactical level – objectives assigned to division/groups,
Task level – work assigned to individual members
Whenever two resources are assigned to same geographic area or function, what shall be done?
One of the officers shall be placed in command of that area or function
When a company officer is assigned a division or group, what should they do with their own personnel from their crew?
Should designate an acting captain for their crew, or reassign them to another officer
What should the division or group supervisor consider?
Assigning a member to act as his staff assisted
According to NIMS, NWCG and FIRESCOPE, what is proper span of control?
3-7 with 5 being optimal
In a fast moving, complex operation should not have more than how many divisions/groups?
No more than 5
When is it appropriate to have six or more divisions/groups?
In slow moving, less complicated incidents
What should be done when the number of divisions/groups exceed the span of control?
Divide incident into branches
When establishing a division or group, the IC will assign each division/group supervisor with what?
Tactical objectives, a radio designation (Roof division, Ventilation group), ID of companies assigned to that division/group
What is the key factor in determining how many companies are assigned to a division/group?
The conditions within that division/group
Who can serve as a division/group supervisor?
Any officer, chief officer, or any department member designated by the IC
What info should be relayed as soon as possible when the IC implements branches?
Which branch a division/group reports to, and the branch tac channel
Where should communications from division/group supervisors be directed to?
Branch director, not IC
Normally, the fire departments needs at an incident can be managed by implementing what four of the five ICS sections?
Incident command, operations section, planning section, logistics section
What section is responsible for completing tactical priorities?
Operations section
What additional responsibility falls under operations section?
The safety and welfare of all personnel working in the operations section
What are the roles and responsibilities of the operations section?
Coordinate activities with the IC, implement IAP, assign resources from staging to div/grps, build organization using branches, div/grps, provide BRN/ DIV/GRP’s with tactical objectives, manage Ops section activities, provide for life safety, determine needs and req addt’l resources, Consult w/ and inform other section and IC staff, ensure a staging manager has been assigned
To maintain continuity and effectiveness, the Ops Chief and IC should be located where?
Together, at the incident command post
What is the planning sections primary responsibility
Developing and maintaining situational awareness
What is the planning section chiefs primary task?
Plan ahead of current events
What are the roles and responsibilities of the planning section?
Develop and maintain sit/stat, manage personnel/accountability re/stat, evaluate current strategies and plans with IC, refine and recommended changes to plans, forecast possible outcomes, evaluate further resource requirements, utilize technical assistance as needed, evaluate tactical priorities, critical factors, safety, Gather, update, improve, and manage info
What are the roles and responsibilities of the logistics section?
Manage medical unit/rehab, manage base, provide/manage any needed supplies or equipment, forecast and obtain future resource needs, coordinate with planning section, provide any needed comms equipment, Provide fuel/repairs for equipment/apparatus, attain specialized equipment for IC, provide food and associated supplies, Secure and maintain fixed/portable facilities, coordinate immediate CISD, Provide and logistical needs as requested by IC, supervise assigned personnel
Which briefing should be 30 minutes or less?
Operations briefing
What type of responses typically will not escalate beyond the commitment of initial resources and therefore do not require a formal activation of the ICS system?
Automatic alarms, any assistance call, any EMS call requiring only one or two companies