BK 1 Basic Inspection Guide Flashcards
What is minimum size for numbers/letters in an address on an occupancy?
4 inches high by 2 inches wide
- height in inches shall be 1/10 of the distance in feet from the property line to the structure as seen from the street which the structure faces
- the width of the numbers shall be 1/2 the height
Who may require that a key box be installed in and approved location?
Fire chief
What is the minimum size for FDC signs?
8” wide and 4”high
Fire hose and extinguisher cabinets must have a sign with letters at least how tall?
3 inches
When must a responsible resident reside on the premises?
Apt House- 16 or more units
Hotel- 20 or more guest rooms
Smoke detectors required by chapter 9 of LAMC shall be tested every how many months?
Six months
Fire hose in standpipe hose outlets and hose cabinets must be how long?
100 feet in length
When and where are fire alarm system is required?
APT HOUSE- 3 or more stories or 16+ units
HOTEL- 3 or more stories or 20+ rooms
What is the exception to the fire alarm required rule?
Fire alarm systems are not required in buildings constructed or converted to such use prior to September 19, 1947
Fire alarm systems shall be tested when?
What is the minimum width of walkways, Aisles, and Aisle ways?
44 inches
A fire escape via window indicates that the window shall have a minimum dimension of how many inches when open?
29 inches. Must be 30 inches above the floor and landing
Exit signs and directional signs shall have block letters at least how many inches in height?
6 inches, with a stroke of not less than 3/4”
Stairway identification signs are required in buildings how tall?
Buildings 3 or more stories
Stairway identification signs are required at each floor level landing in every stairshaft. What four pieces of info must each sign contain?
Floor level
lower and upper
terminations of stairwell
roof access yes or no?
Stairwell identification
Stairwell signs shall be square with a minimum dimension of how many inches?
12 inches
BK 57 states MIN size 12”x18”
Extinguishers shall be inspected, emptied, and serviced when?
Yearly, or after each use, which ever occurs first
Wire, rods, Aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure provided there is a full clearance of how many feet?
7 feet between the roof and the obstruction
Passageways on roofs must be provided every how many feet?
50 feet
Passageways shall be what size?
At least 3’ wide and 7’ of overhead clearance
How many extra sprinkler heads must be maintained?
1-300 heads=6 extra
301-1000=12 extra
1001+=24 extra
Extinguishers shall not have a gross weight over how many pounds?
40 pounds
Extinguishers shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than how many feet above the floor?
5 feet
A special permit shall be required for any storage, display, sale, or other uses of Christmas trees within buildings where more than how many trees are located?
More than 10 trees
**BK 57 states more than 10 trees
**Vol 6 states more than 25 Xmas trees in a building requires special permit
The use or display of compressed gases or liquefied gases shall not exceed how many days?
30 consecutive days
A supplementary disconnecting switch is required for auto fueling stations. The switch must not be closer than ___ feet nor farther than ___ feet from any dispenser
15 feet, 100 feet
**DB 14-13 is the same 15 and 100 feet
**BK 57 states 20 and 100 feet
No hose used for transferring class l, ll, or lllA liquids from any fixed dispensing apparatus shall be more than how many feet, including nozzle?
14 feet
**BK 57 states 18 feet
No open flame producing device used on any public garage or auto fueling station premises shall be located or brought within how many feet of any dispenser, except heaters installed as required by section 57.100.32?
25 feet
A division 5 permit is required for spray booths with any dimension how many feet or greater?
3 feet
Liquefied flammable gas cylinders shall not exceed ___ water capacity in size
5.76 gallons
Liquified flammable gas cylinders shall not be filled with more than ___ of normal charging capacity
The total amount of liquefied flammable gas cylinders on the premises shall not exceed ___ at any time
60 gallons
LFG used for space heating shall be supplied from a fuel cylinder located outside of and at least ___ from any assembly occupancy.
10 feet
LFG used for the preparation of and warming food for retail sale is ____
An approved heater and piping system shall be used. Flexible hose in length up to ___ may be used if it is designed for a minimum bursting pressure of ___ , and such hose shall be marked with L.P-gas or LPG labeling
36”, 1750 psig
Every aisle shall be not less than ___ if serving only one side, and not less than ___ wide if serving both sides
3’ , 3’6”
In areas occupied by seats and in Group A occupancies without seats the line of travel to an exit door by an aisle shall be not more than ___
150 feet, such travel may be increased by 200 feet if automatic sprinkler system is present
Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving:
- Any assembly occupancy
- Any hazardous area or Group H occupancy
- Any building or a portion of a building with an occupant load of 50 or more
Double acting doors shall not be used as exits when the following conditions exist:
- Occupant load served by the door is 100 or more 2.Door is part of a fire assembly
- Door is part of a smoke and draft control assembly
- Panic hardware is required or provided on the door. A double acting door shall be provided with a view panel of not less than 200 square inches
Every required exit doorway shall be of a SIZE so as to permit the installation of a door not one less than ___ in width and not less than ___ in height
3’ width, 6’8” in height
When installed, exit doors shall be capable of opening so that the clear width of the exit is not less than
Chiefs regulation #4
- Fire alarm system (fire protective signaling system)
- Fire escape assembly (exterior)
- Automatic elevators, fire emergency service recall/override
- Automatic closing fire assembly activated by approved listed smoke system detectors
- Emergency power system (Emergency systems) unit battery emergency standby generator
Chiefs regulation #4
Five Years
Automatic closing Fire assembly (heat released) central battery
Amounts of flammable and combustible liquids which are exempt from permit requirement
Flammable liquids:
CLASS IA - 60 gallons
CLASS IB - 120 gallons
CLASS IC - 180 gallons
Table 30-B
Combination of flammable liquids with not more than the exempt amounts of class 1A, 1B or 1C liquids set forth above 240 gallons
Combustible liquids:
Class ll 240 gallons class III 500 gallons