BK 99 Brushfire operations manual Flashcards
Who approves the ordering and releasing of all companies?
Who directs and Courtney is all staff activities?
What comprises the command staff?
Who is responsible for the collection, evaluation and dissemination of information?
Planning section chief
What unit and section is responsible for that F666?
Resource unit, planning section
Where are T cards located?
Division sedans
If MFC dorms a strike team, what numbers will be used?
If strike teams are formed at an incident, what numbers will be used?
51 and above
What is a tactical team?
A team of mixed resources
How will tactical team be labeled and number?
T/T 1, T/T 2, etc
What is the T card color coding?
White- Headings Rose - Engines Yellow- Dozers Blue - Helicopters Orange - Fixed Wing Aircrafts Green - Camp Crews Tan - Other, trucks, fuel tenders, T/T etc
How are T/T’s and S/Ts denoted on a T card?
Black out the right side of the T portion
Which unit will probably have the greatest workload immediately preceding and following each planning meeting?
Documentation unit
What other time will the documentation unit have a large workload?
At the end of the incident
How many technical specialist be used?
Report to planning, may function within an existing unit, form a separate unit if required or be reassigned to other parts of the organization
What unit is tasked with providing fuel for apparatus and to provide repair and maintenance services utilizing department mechanics?
Ground support unit
What position in the ICS is responsible for the activation and management of incident facilities?
Base manager
The communications unit responsibilities are grouped into work three functions?
Incident dispatch operation, message center operations, and technical operations
Who is normally dispatch to be the medical unit leader?
A Captain from MLU
Branch directors will be activated between what positions of the ICS to maintain span of control?
Between operations and DIV/GRP Supervisors
A S/T or T/T Leader is subordinate to who?
DIV/GRP Supervisor
What rank will normally be the air recon officer?
What by definition are unassigned personnel?
Personnel not assigned to a single resource, a S/T or an organizational unit
For outside the city, what comprises a S/T?
5 Engines, 1 BC
What three letter designator do we use?
What numbers are we assigned?
What area is LAFD assigned to?
Area “A”
What other fire departments are area “A” departments?
Santa Monica, Culver City, Beverly Hills
What numbers are assigned for the other area “A” departments?
What three letter designator will be used for a strike team with mixed resources from area “A”?
What does the “A” mean in LFD S/T 1001 A?
The “A” Indicates that the strike team is all type 1 engines
What will the first strike team comprised of mixed resources from Area A be called?
XLA S/T 1075A
What type of apparatus have 120 channel FIRESCOPE radios?
Frontline battalion and division sedans
Our first alarm response is based on what concept?
Hit it hard and fast
What is the minimum assignment for BRUSH?
4E, 1TF, 2Helo, 2BC
During the response you should notify responding companies if you have a ______?
Loom Up
If you have a little nap, what info should be noted?
Shape, color and angle of smoke column
What info can be deduced from Shape, color, and Angle of smoke column?
It tells you wind direction, air stability and hints at what is burning
A brush size up should include what 7 items?
Exact location of fire size and terrain of fire material burning wind direction/speed exposures life hazard assistance needed
What should be done after making your initial size up and report?
Place your company under command of an acting captain and assign them to the most urgent task
To extinguish brushfires the LAFD primarily depends on _____ and _____ where other agencies tend to depend more on cutting fire brakes for control
Hose lines and water
_____ _____ Is our primary consideration under any conditions with the exception of safety.
Structure protection (structural defense)
Staging location at a brushfire should be determined by what factors?
Access to fire, where is fire going, structures versus brush threatened, need for multiple staging areas and recycling of companies
What is the most common action for the first engine company on scene?
Attacked a hot flank
What are the minimum actions to be taken when assigned to protect and immediately exposed structure?
Survey the area you are protecting and give priority of protection; consider Construction, topographical features, equipment, staffing, field intensity, etc. etc.
When the time comes for action, lay out enough hose to cover the entire structure including______.
The roof
The first chief officer on scene of a brush incident should establish what three things?
A command post, a staging area, and a helispot
What are four things that all officers need to review for brush season?
Brush hose lays
Helicopter support
Standard wildland FF safety rules
Proper use of PPE and equipment
Officer should review their districts regarding what 8 items?
Brush inventories Mountain area fire roads Condition of fire roads Canyon areas Command post locations Staging locations Helispot locations Communication trouble areas
What is a scratch line?
And unfinished perimeter control line. It will have to be cols trailed as soon as possible
When the SPAWS is transported via department helicopter, the airspeed is limited to what?
80 knots
What is the company officers responsibility when Assigned to establish or staff helispots?
Conduct survey of Helispot location Transmitting necessary info to helicopter pilot
Ensuring the establishment of adequate water
Assign company personnel to key positions
Assign a landing safety guide
As a helicopter is Field it’s weight increases and can cause the skids to Springs outward up to you how many inches?
6 inches
What is the minimum clearance between landing pads (center to center)?
150 feet
Cal OSHA requires that all members engaged in wiland firefighting Be provided with what PPE?
Helmet, goggles, brush jacket, nomex work pants or wool trousers, gloves, safety boots, and fire shelter
LAFD Policy requires that all members have with them what additional piece of PPE?
Firefighting hood
Chances of a canyon bottom blow up are fairly remote if the canyon is wide, which is how many yards?
200 yards or more
The foil on aluminum fire shelters will reflect what percent of a flame fronts Radion heat?
The two most important actions during entrapment are what?
Staying under your shelter and protecting airway, lungs and skin by lying prone, face to the ground
Wet clothes conducts heat how many times faster than dry clothes?
Five times faster
When applying your fire shelter, clearing area how big?
4 x 8’ or larger if possible, down to Mineral soil
Flamethrowers can generate winds of what speed?
50 mph or more
What are indicators that it may be safe to leave the fire shelter?
A drop in noise, wind and/or heat
What 4 common denominators were found at brush fires were firefighters were killed?
Relatively small fires or quiet sectors on large fires
Fatal burns inflicted in relatively light fuels
Unexpected shift and wind direction or speed
Fire ran uphill
A basic brush Hosley is limited to how many feet?
400’ (complete 1 1/2” bed)
Why is 1 3/4 not recommended?
Higher GPM flow’s, nozzle reaction, kinking at low pressures, possible thermal damage to hose, 1 3/4” consideration for supply line
Cold trailing is easiest when done from ______ to
Easiest from top to bottom
Cold trailing is best done when completed from _____ to _____
Best is done from bottom up
Fire behavior is defined as the manner in which:
Fuels ignite, flames develop, and fire spreads
The wildland fire environment consist of what three major components?
Weather, topography, fuels (WTF)
Which of the wildland fire environment components is the most variable?
Which of the three wildland fire environment components is the most constant?
What is the ignition temperature of brush?
It varies between 400 and 700°F
Practical average 540°F Hot days can be as low as 160° which is 25% of the needed temp for ignition
What are the three basic fuel categories?
Grasses and weeds
Coastal sage scrub (MEDIUM)
Mixed Chaparral (HEAVY)
What is the national fire danger rating system? Brush Burning Index
0-37 LOW 38-47 MEDIUM 48-110 HIGH 111-161 VERY HIGH 162+ EXTREME
What is the leading cause of Firefighter injuries?
Fatigue due to heat
What time is needed to deploy fire shelter?
25 seconds or less
When shall fire shelters be inspected?
Prior to the start of the brush season all officers need to review their commands to ensure that training has taken place in the following areas:
- Brush fire hose lays 2.Helicopter support 3.Standard wildland fire fighting safety rules
- Use of proper fire fighting protective clothing and equipment
Officers whose districts contain grass and brush areas should review their districts regarding the following:
- Brush inventories
- Mountain area roads
- Condition of fire roads
- Canyon areas
- Command post locations
- Staging locations
- Helispot locations
- Communication “problem areas”
What should a size up consist of?
- Exact location
- Size and terrain
- Material burning
- Wind speed and direction
- Exposures
- Life hazards
- Assistance needed
How big is an acre?
200’ x 200’
What should you do after size up with your crew?
Place your company under an acting captain and assign to most urgent task
When should an indirect attack not be used?
In heavy fuel, Highwinds and to stop head of fire
Disadvantages of Direct attack include
A longer Fireline, more overhaul and personnel working directly in the heat and smoke
Fire perimeter must be cold trailed and patrols continued until what?
Until fire is dead out
What is our primary consideration under any circumstances with the exception of safety?
Structure protection
What is your priority of actions?
To prevent loss of life, then to prevent property damage through further extension of the fire (protect exposures) then to confine the fire to its area of origin and then to extinguish it completely
Most common action for a first in engine company is what?
To attack the hot flank
The protection of structures at a brushfire will generally fall into two possible situations
- In a large, fast-moving fire where a direct attack has not or will not be effective
- In an indirect attack where the protection of structures from the advancingFire is necessary
When protecting structures lay out how much hose and how shall you park?
Lay out enough hose to cover the entire structure including the roof. Park the apparatus in a safe location, lay out a protection line, keep the engine running
Use of radios for _____ (calling for additional companies etc.) Use hand signals for _____.
Tactical messages only, operational messages
Lines that are left should do what with the fittings
The fittings removed before moving on to a new assignments
The minimum action to be taken by your company when assigned to protect an immediately exposed structure should include
Surveying the area you are protecting and giving priority of protection
If a task can be accomplished by three engines rather than five, the remaining companies of the strike team should do what
The available companies should be recycled back to staging for additional assignment
The ultimate objective at a brushfire is what
To contain the fire to a given perimeter by establishing a fire control line around it
The method used to construct the Fire control line will vary depending on what?
On the location and size of the fire, terrain involved and methods of attack, direct or indirect
_____ Is an unfinished preliminary control line made as an emergency action to check the spread of fire, and to establish control of the perimeter
A scratch line
______Is a fire break that is wide enough for permanent control, they can be used in a direct or in direct attack
Control line
What are the methods of extension for basic brush hose lays?
Hose rolls, bucket brigade, wet line dry line, continuous line
What message is it when you pull a second dryline of hose parallel to the wetline to be extended?
Wet line/Dry line Method
In this method of extension, hose is added to the firefighting line at the apparatus
Continuous line
When pulling hoes with helicopters sling, load capabilities is approximately how many pounds?
750 lbs
When implementing the water shuttle, what shall be assigned the responsibility for implementation and coordination of the operation?
Water shuttle officer
Incident commander must decide whether to set up a water relay operation or have apparatus shuttle water to the fire. This decision will be based in part upon
The quantity of water needed, distance from water supply, terrain and the resources available to do the job
When doing the water shuttle assembly two firefighters remove the following equipment:
2 1/2” gated wye
2 1/2” double male
2 1/2” to 1 1/2” gated wye
100’ of 1 1/2” out of each transverse hose bed
The relay officer should request one triple apparatus for every what distance?
1/10th of a mile
If the necessity arises to use 2 1/2 inch hose the total capacity of the relay will be limited to what GPM?
700 GPM
When doing the relay operation on flat terrain all pumps will maintain what psi?
180 psi
During relay operations never shut water off at _____, if shut down is needed address the pump at the_____.
Nozzle, Source of supply
Relay Operations will deliver a maximum of how many GPM’s?
900 GPM
When doing the brush exposure hose lay what is dropped off at each drop?
3 1/2” to 2 1/2” gated wye 2 1/2” to 3 1/2” increaser 2 1/2” to 1 1/2” reducer 100’ minimum 1 1/2” and 1 3/4” hose or 2 1/2”,
shovel, canteen, ladder 10’ roof,
Brush fire shelter, breathing apparatus, turnouts
In most cases the SPAWS system can be employed by a task force in how much time?
Less than 10 minutes
If department helicopter is transporting the SPAWS system it is limited to how many knots?
80 knots
The SPAWS system height of lift capacity and the time required to prime is?
15 inches at 400 GPM, time required to prime is 60 seconds
Backfiring is a drastic measure that is to be deployed only when
Extreme emergencies
Prior to backfiring approval Shall be obtained from who?
Backfiring brush or grass shall be used as what?
Extinguishment tool
Backfiring shall not be attempted unless what?
All exposed structures are protected or considered at risk
All backfiring rules are exempt when what?
A trench shall never be less than what dimensions?
1’ wide by 1’ deep
Company officer assigned to the Helispot shall transmit what to the first in helicopter?
Wind direction and velocity
How much 2 1/2” hose is used to connect the camlock?
A sufficient amount of 1 1/2” hose to reach all areas of the helipad and shall be in what manner and serve as what purpose?
Connected to the engine and charged, serves as a safety/protection line
A single protection line may serve how many Landing pad’s?
What is to be placed at the Wye and remain there during the time the helispot is in operation?
20lbs dry chemical extinguisher
The minimum clearance between landing pads center to center is what?
In a recent analysis there were four common denominators found at brushfires where firefighters were killed:
- Firefighters lost their lives on relatively small fires or in seemingly quiet sectors of large fires
- Fatal burns were inflicted in relatively light fuels such as grass, weeds or very light brush
- An unexpected Shift in the wind direction or wind speed occurred
- Deaths occurred when the fire ran uphill, trapping firefighters
Being on a _____ a Fire is one of the most hazardous places to be
Slope above
_____ are one of the most hazardous fire conditions facing the wildland firefighting
Spot fires
Danger signs to watch out for in canyon bottoms are?
- Spot fires on the far side away from the main body of fire. This is a sign that the fuel on the far side is preheating. The entire canyon fall could burst into flames without warning.
- Fire whirlwinds in the Canyon bottom indicating unstable air
If the fire is going to overrun you and your apparatus, take the following action:
- Have the engine running. You may not be able to start the engine after the fire burns over.
- Always leave the apparatus headlights and warning lights on. Smoke will obscure visibility making the apparatus hard to see.
- In closed apparatus, get inside and close the windows. Consider using your fire shelters to protect you from radiant heat coming through the window glass.
The foil of the shelter will reflect _____ of flame fronts radiant heat
After several training sessions, deployment can be accomplished in
25 seconds or less
Deployment sites should be free of fuels. Begin scraping away what fuels are there. Clear an area of ______ (larger, time permitting) down to mineral soil
Keep your nose to the ground, approximately ______, cooler, cleaner air can be found at the ground level.
6” layer
The shelter shall be inspected when? The shelter has an _____ shelf life?
Monthly or after being carried by members in the field, indefinite
Remove the shelter from service when?
If aluminum particles have turned the normally clear vinyl bag gray, serious abrasion has occurred or when tears exceed 1 inch long
Shelters with dents or punctures in the foil over 1 inch wide or with 1/2 inch or more of foil missing
The wildland fire in varmint consist of what three major components?
Topography, fuels and weather
______ Is the most variable of the three environmental factors
The elements of weather that will affect fire behavior are?
- Wind speed and direction
- Relative humidity
- Temperature
- Atmospheric stability
- Precipitation
Stable air= predictable fire behavior; stable air can be recognized by:
Poor visibility at low levels (smog, fog)
Stratus type clouds,
Steady wins,
Smoke columns that drift apart after limited rise.
Unstable air=danger in the form of unpredictable fire behavior, fire whirlwinds etc.
Unstable air can be identified by:
Vertically developing cumulus clouds, Tall smoke columns Dust devils Clean Air and Gusty winds
The wind speeds quoted in weather forecasts are windspeeds measured at _____ above the surface and light fuels, or _____ above the mean cover height in heavier or taller fuels
20’, 20’
The average speed of up-canyon, daytime winds are about
10-15 MPH
Down-canyon wind speeds, nighttime flows average
5-8 MPH
Whirlwinds or dust devils are one of the most common indications of
Intense local heating and unstable air conditionings
______ Is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in a given volume of air, to the amount of water vapor which could be present if the air were saturated at the same temperature
Relative humidity
The ignition temperature of brush varies between ______. A practical average temperature is considered to be about ______
400 and 700°F, 540°F
_____Is the most constant of the three major components of the fire environment
_____ and _____ Facing slopes typically have the greatest number of fires
South and west
_____Typically have the heaviest fuel’s, highest fuel moisture, lowest average temperature, lowest rate of spread of fires and lowest fire starts
North slopes
Our fuels can be classified in three basic categories:
- Grasses and weeds (light fuels)
- Coastal sage scrub (moderate fuels)
- Mixed chaparral (heavy fuels)