BK 37 Haz Mat Flashcards
When does a hazardous material turn into a hazardous waste?
When it is no longer able to be used for the purpose it was originally intended
What does a hazmat response Consist of?
1E, 1RA, 1EM, 1HMTF, 1SQ, 1BC
What is the hazmat group comprised of?
Safe refuge, site control, Entry team, decontamination team, technical support team, a perimeter control and access
Who will normally be placed into the hazmat assistant safety officer position?
An officer from a hazmat task force
What is the minimum staffing for an entry team?
(2) teams, each with 2 members
Who is trained to perform gross and secondary decontamination of exposure victims?
All fire suppression companies
For an expanded ICS structure that accommodates mass casualties, what are all the steps the patient will go through?
Safe refuge, gross Decon, secondary Decon, and then on to medical triage
What shall the first resource do on a scene of a hazmat incident?
Establish parameters
Who must evaluate a safe approach route?
Company officers
Technical Decon is for who?
Emergency responders
If engines are positioned to form a Corridor for Mass Decon , which way should panels be facing?
Panels should be on the outside
Transfer Valves on triple apparatus should be in what position for mass Decon?
Who most survey the patients as they exit the decontamination line?
Hazmat technicians (HMTF personnel)
What actions shall be taken in order to initiate rapid extraction?
Establish that there are viable victims, Establish Decon (1” hose line as a min) Establish RIC 2in/ 2out if single engine company, Announce intent to IC or incoming companies, ID access point and number of personnel , Maintain continuous comms during extrication
What three conditions are a mandatory exit and personnel shall discontinue rapid extraction efforts and report directly to Decon?
Any signs/symptoms of exposure to rescue personnel,
Encountering an area with only non-viable’s,
First SCBA alarm
Upon completion of extrication mission, what shall all first responders do?
Proceed to Decon, be guided by HMTF personnel, consider PPE used as contaminated, keep separate from other equipment until checked, be examined by ALS personnel, proceed to rehab
What is the minimum PPE for all hazmat incidents?
Turnouts, SCBA, and personal dosimeter
When an evacuation is necessary, who determines where it is safe to operate?
Company officers
What quantity did notice a large or small spill?
A 55 gallon drum
What side(s) of a vehicle are DOT placards required?
Both sides, and front and back (all 4)
Who will initiate the site safety plan?
Assistant safety officer hazmat or tech-support leader
Contamination reduction zone should be a minimum of how big?
100 feet
Prior to entry into exclusionary zone, what must be set up, and at what level?
Technical Decon (done by HMTF personnel)
What level PPE must Decon personnel be in?
Same level as entry team, or one level below
What is the minimum equipment for the entry team to take into the exclusionary zone?
Radiological meters, multi gas/atmospheric monitor, and pH paper
What size and how many SCBA bottles are on the air card?
(2) 60 minute SCBA bottles
The safe refuge area should be located in what zone?
Exclusionary zone
The assistant safety officer-HazMat oversees the safety of who and what?
HMTF personnel and operations
When ENR to a hazmat incident, who must evaluate a safe approach route?
The company officer
What are the immediate concerns of a hazmat incident?
Protect life and safety, reduce, diminish or lessen the danger, prevent the situation from becoming worse
Unless there is specific information that would impact local conditions, the normal level of preparedness of department resources is sufficient for what level threat condition?
Elevated (yellow)
What will dictate the location of the isolation zone?
What will dictate the size of the isolation zone?
Physical and chemical properties
Patient is involved in secondary decontamination can remove approximately what percent or more of the contaminants by removing their clothing?
Containment should only be attempted when what?
It is safe and practical
The types of rapid extraction methods are categorized by what?
Who performs the rescue
For an unknown material, viable victims are defined as being able to do what?
Control their own movement (standing, sitting, kneeling) or can respond verbally or physically
How long should showering be for people when decontaminating them?
1 to 3 minutes per person
The departments overall responsibility at a hazmat incident is described in what three areas?
Notification of proper agencies,
Emergency measure to minimize the effect of the hazardous condition on people, environment and property
What responsibilities lie with the IC for hazmat incidents?
Secure the scene, identify the material, quantity of material, threat of contamination, exposures, contaminated individuals, prevent the spread of contaminants
What types of rabbit extraction exist?
Self rescue or bystander Rescue,
Responder Rescue,
Technical rescue
What types of dams are used for containment?
Simple and complex (separation dam)
How many types of complex dams (separation dams) are there?
Overflow and underflow dams
What is the UN ID number?
A 4 digit identification number
What type of shipments can the UN number replace descriptive text for?
Bulk shipments
What types of shipments can descriptive text not be replaced by UN numbers?
Dangerous, radioactive and explosives
What are the different terrorism threat levels?
5-Severe- Severe risk
4-High- High risk
3-Elevated-Significant risk
2-Guarded-General risk
1-Low-Normal Activity
What category would potentially require activation of EOC/DOC, recall, and/or initiating tactical alert?
4 - High
What category would potentially require activation of IMTs, carrying portable radios at all times out of quarters and taking home all uniforms/PPE?
5- Severe
Fundamental concept of self protection involves the use of what?
Time, distance, shielding
If engaged in Decon procedures for victims of a terrorist incident, what level of PPE ensemble shall be worn?
Level B with SCBA