BK 100 Chpt 11-13 Flashcards
To be effective, Radio messages must be what?
Concise, brief and use accepted Terminology
What channel is normally not used until the arrival of the second alarm companies?
Channel 11 command
Helicopters can serve three main purposes at high-rise incidents, they are?
Deployment of equipment and personnel
When requesting a helicopter to a high-rise incident, you should inform MFC of what four things?
- Number of helicopters needed
- Specific request for specialized equipment/personnel/resources
- Intended helicopter mission
- Location of helispot as required
Minimum helicopter response times from Van Nuys Airport to: San Fernando Valley
West LA
SFV:5-7 min
WLA: 10 min
DTLA: 10-12 min
Harbor: 20 min
Normally helicopter should remain approximately how many feet from the involves building while in flight?
500 feet
What are the two basic methods of air evacuation?
Rooftop Rescue (EVAC from landing Pad) Hoist Rescue (No landing space available)
Hoist Rescues are limited to how many ft/floors below roof level?
250 feet or approximately 20 stories
When waiting to load/board helicopter, personnel should form a single line at least ____ feet away and at front side in full view of pilot
50 ft away
A high-rise building is defined as?Which means most _____ story buildings and some ___-____ story buildings will fit this category.
High-rise:75 feet or higher measured from ground level access to highest floor intended for occupant use
Most eight story buildings; some 6- 7 stars
What are two groups high-rise buildings have been divided into?
Existing high-rise
New high-rise
Existing high-rise is defined as? And can be divided into two sub groups which are?
Existing high-rise built prior to July 1974
Two sub groups: prior to 1960 and 1960-1974
Most pre ‘60 high-rise are limited to what height/stories and for what reason?
150 feet on height/13 stories due to earthquake safety
Fire protection in a PRE’60 high-rise were usually not interconnected and consist of?
Class l Dry Standpipe
Class ll Wet Standpipe with cabinet hose
Automatic sprinklers in basement
Most PRE’60 high-rise have these for ventilation? But not required to have these three types of systems?
Openable windows
Fire alarm system, emergency power and lighting systems, building communication system
Define type l construction?
Fire Resistive construction where structural members are made of non combustible materials
What is “Compartmentation”?
*Not “compartmentalization”
Subdivision of building into “fire areas” accomplished by providing 2 hour fire resistive separation between floors/vertical shafts
Orifice plates effectively lower nozzle pressure when water is flowing, what can happen if firefighting line is shut down?
Increased static pressure at nozzle may make it impossible to open
What is a smoke tower?
“Smoke proof enclosure” usually entered through a vestibule where smoke is ventilated prior to entering stairwell
What type of standpipe system is required in a new high-rise greater than 275 feet?
Looped standpipe system
Fire control room and elevator vestibule’s will have a fire rating of?
One hour
All new high-rises post 74 will have automatic sprinklers supplied by?
The same riser as 2 1/2 inch wet outlets provided for FD use
Horizontal exit Corredor’s are required to be?
Illuminated at all times
HVAC systems used for smoke removal must provide?
Smoke removal of six air changes per hour and exhaust to exterior of building without recirculation
Per BK100 CH13, a minimum of ____ telephone hand sets are required and jacks shall be located where?
Fire control room
Every floor level stairs shaft (including roof and street, interior and exterior) and exiting to public way, elevator car, lobby and machine room, outside fire pump room and emergency generator room
New high-rise will have a helicopter landing pad ____by____ feet and labeled with load capacity in thousands of pounds
Retrofit installation of sprinkler systems for high-rise office buildings are required along with what additional changes?
- Provide one hour fire rated elevator vestibule
- Add emergency power generating systems
- Provide 20 ft.² manual vent open at top of stairs shaft with no roof access
- Provide 3 inch drain if using PRV’s
Floor level numbering signs contain what information?
Floor number, stairwell number, floors serviced, and roof access or not
What is Halon 1301?
Halogenated hydrocarbon gas used to protect computer and other high value equipment
Approximately how many high-rise buildings are in Los Angeles?
What percent of high-rise buildings in Los Angeles are habitational (apts, hotels, condos, etc)?
20 to 25%
Type 1 buildings are designed to withstand the most severe fire conditions for how long?
2 or more hours
What are the only combustible materials allowed?
Interior partition walls and office furnishings
A looped standpipe system is required for all buildings above what height?
All new high-rise buildings must have an emergency smoke removal system OR Perimeter windows must be openable or have breakable glass in each corner at every ____ linear feet.
50 linear feet
What locations are required to have a sound powered phone jack?
Fire control room, each floor level in each stair shaft including roof and street level both inside and outside, each elevator car, elevator machine room, elevator lobby, outside the fire pump room, emergency generator room, each stairway exiting to a public way
What would be the number “10” indicated on a rooftop helipad?
10,000 pounds load capacity (number is multiplied by 1000 to obtain load capacity)
Exterior fire scapes are required to have wired glass or equivalent protection for windows on all landings and within how many feet of either side of the landing?
5 feet