Body Systems L16 Flashcards
What are the functions of the respiratory System?
• Functions:
- Provides O2 -> body tissues
- Removes CO2
- Regulates blood pH
- Defence -> Pathogens
- Produces sound
- Olfactory senses
What does pulmonary mean?
• Pulmonary -> Refers to lungs
What are airways?
• Airways
Tubes through which air flows between external environment & alveoli
What is inspiration?
• Inspiration
Movement of air from external environment into the alveoli
What is expiration?
• Expiration
Movement of air from alveoli to the external environment
What is the respiratory cycle?
• Respiratory Cycle
Process of inspiration & expiration
Name the two divisions of the respiratory tract
Upper & Lower Respiratory Tracts
List the structural components of the upper respiratory tract
Paranasal tissues
What is the function of the upper respiratory tract?
Functions: Warms & moistens air Filters air Involved -> Olfaction Resonates sound
What are the functions of the nose?
Functions: Warms & moistens air Filters air Contains receptors >> Smell Modifies speech sound
List the names of the functional adaptations of the nose
Vibrissae Conchae Mucosa Cilia Paranasal Tissues
Describe the Vibrissae of the nose
»_space; Hairs -> entrance
»_space; Trap large dust particles
Describe the Conchae of the nose
»_space; Shelf-like projections -> lateral wall
»_space; Produce turbulence -> enables more time to warm & moisten air
Describe the Conchae of the nose
»_space; Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium -> have globular cells
»_space; Goblet cells produce mucous -> Trap particles
»_space; Cilia
-» Waft mucous trapped particles -> pharynx for swallowing.
-» Rich capillary network underlying mucosa
Circulation of blood warms air
-» Olfactory mucosa
Located -> upper transect of nose
Contains receptors -> smell
Describe the Paranasal tissues of the nose
Paranasal tissues
»_space; Air filled spaces -> drain into naval cavity
»_space; Lighten skull
»_space; Resonate sound
Describe the function of the cilia of the mucosa of the nose
> > Cilia
-» Waft mucous trapped particles -> pharynx for swallowing.
-» Rich capillary network underlying mucosa
Circulation of blood warms air
-» Olfactory mucosa
Located -> upper transect of nose
Contains receptors -> smell
What is the olfactory mucosa of the nose?
-» Olfactory mucosa
Located -> upper transect of nose
Contains receptors -> smell
What are the functions of the pharynx?
Forms communal passageway -> respiratory & gastrointestinal systems.
Name the three regions of the pharynx
Describe the location of the Nasopharynx
> > Nasopharynx
> Posterior -> Nose
Describe the location of the Orophrynx
> > Orophrynx
> Posterior -> Mouth
Describe the location of the Larngopharynx
> > Larngopharynx
> Posterior -> Larynx
What are the functions of the larynx
Maintenance -> open airway
Prevents consumed substances entering lower respiratory system.
Sound production
What physical mechanisms of the body id the larynx involved in?
Describe the structure of the larynx
Structure: Cartilaginous skeleton >> Epiglottis >> Thyroid cartilage (Adam’s Apple) >> Cricoid cartilage >>Arytenoid cartilage Lined by memebranes Moved using muscles
Name the components of the lower respiratory tract
Trachea Bronchi - Primary - Secondary - Tertiary Bronchioles -Terminal - Respiratory Alveolar Ducts Alveolar Sacs Alveoli
Describe the structure / components of the trachea
Trachea Tough, flexible tube 4.5cm length 2.5cm diameter Extends -> larynx to carina Anterior to oesophagus 15-20 horseshoe-shaped cartilages Keep airway open Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells Dust particles -> stuck in mucus layer Cilia move mucus layer towards mouth >> Transports / removes dust particles
Describe the characteristics of the bronchi
Series of tubes Smaller in diameter Display histological chabges >> Decr. quantity cartilage >> Incr. quantity smooth muscle >> Decr. height epithelial cells
List the components of the bronchi
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells Cartilage plates Primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Tertiary Bronchus
Describe the characteristics of the primary bronchus
Primary bronchus >> Supply each lung >> 2-3cm long >> Right -> wider & more vertical -> left >> C-shaped cartilages
Describe the characteristics of the secondary bronchus
Secondary bronchus >> Lobar >> Supply lobes of lung > 3 on right > 2 on left >> Plates of cartilage
Describe the characteristics of the tertiary bronchus
Tertiary bronchus >> Segmental >> Supply lung segments > 10 on right > 8 on left >> Plates of cartilage
Name the components of the bronchioles
Terminal bronchioles
Respiratory bronchioles
Describe the characteristics of the bronchioles
Bronchioles No cartilage Smooth muscle >> Can constrict & dilate Simple columnar epithelium with some goblet cells Each has 50-80 terminal bronchioles
Describe the Terminal bronchioles
»_space;Simple columnar epithelium with cilia
»_space; No goblet cells / mucous glands
»_space; Clara cells
> Produce surfactant
»_space; Each gives 2 or more respiratory bronchioles
Describe the Respiratory Bronchioles
Respiratory >> Simple cuboidal epithelia >Clara cells ->> Produce surfactant >> No cilia >> Alveoli extend from lumen > Site -> Gas exchange
Describe the characteristics of the alveoli
Alveoli Site -> gas exchange Surrounded by network of capillaries 150-250 mill per lung Blood Supply
Name the components found in the alveoli
Type I & Type II alveolar cell
Respiratory Membrane
Describe the Type I alveolar cell
Type I Alveolar Cell:
»_space; Simple squamous epithelium
> Forms wall of alveolus
Describe the Type II alveolar cell
Type II Alveolar Cell:
|»_space; Secretes Surfactant
Describe the role of the macrophage in alveoli
|»_space; Phagocytozes small inhaled particles & bacteria
Describe the components of the respiratory membrane of the alveoli
Respiratory membrane
»_space; Epithelium -> Type I alveolar cell
»_space; Basement membrane -> Type I alveolar cell
»_space; Basement membrane -> Capillary
»_space; Endothilium -> Capillary
-» Basement membranes often fused together.
Describe the glottis of the respiratory system
• Glottis:
Prevents consumed substances entering lower respiratory system.
Covered by membrane & attached vocal chord when closed.
Describe the Pseudostratisfied Columnar Epithelium with Goblet cells found in the alveoli
• Pseudostratisfied Columnar Epithelium with Goblet Cells:
Mucocilary escalator
» Dust particles -> stuck in mucus layer
» Cilia move mucus layer towards mouth
-» Transports / removes dust particles
What are the names of the two organisational components of the respiratory system? State their functions
- Conductive: Filteration, warming & moistening air Conducting air into lungs - Respiratory: Sites of gas exchange
Describe the conductive component of the respiratory system
- Conductive: Filtration, warming & moistening air Conducting air into lungs Structures: Nasal cavity & paranasal sinuses Pharynx Larynx Trachea Primary bronchi Secondary bronchi Tertiary Bronchi Bronchioles Terminal Bronchioles
Describe the respiratory component of the respiratory system
- Respiratory: Sites of gas exchange Structures: Respiratory Bronchioles Alveolar Ducts Alveolar Sacs Alveoli