Blood supply and venous drainage Flashcards
describe how blood gets oxygenated
Deoxygenated blood goes through SVC and IVC to drain into right atrium, goes through tricuspid valve into right ventricle goes through pulmonary valve to pulmonary trunk to pulmonary arteries (R and L) to the corresponding lung to get oxygenated
describe systemic circulation of the heart
oxygenated blood coming from lungs drains into pulmonary veins to the left atrium through the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle through the aortic valve to the aorta
describe coronary circulation of the heart
Blood goes from left ventricle, through aortic valve to the aortic sinus where it flows to right and left coronary arteries to supply the heart. From RCA it wraps around back of heart for posterior descending artery (marginal artery branches off in the front)
From LCA it continues down the anterior heart for the left anterior descending artery, the left circumflex artery branches off the top
What happens to right coronary arteries and left coronary arteries when the aortic valve is open during systole
the coronary arteries are blocked!
What happens to the right and left coronary arteries in diastole when the aortic valve is closed?
coronary perfusion occurs - blood can go into the right and left coronary arteries
describe coronary veinous drainage
from the right anterior the small cardiac vein drains into coronary sinus (on posterior)
from the left anterior the great cardiac vein drains into the coronary sinus
From the posterior, the middle cardiac vein drains into the coronary sinus
what 3 arteries come off the aortic trunk?
brachiocaphalic trunk, left common corotid, left subclavian,
what does the brachiocephalic trunk divide into
right common carotid and right cubclavian
which two arteries from aortic arch/brachiocephalic trunk supply head and neck?
Right and Left common carotid
(vertebral branches from the right and left subclavian too)
what does each common carotid turn into?
each common carotid artery turns into the coronary sinus (enlargement of the artery), next it bifurcates into the external and internal carotid arteries for each side
what is the path of the internal carotid artery
passes through carotid canal and contributes to the circle of willis for brain blood flow (splits into anterior and middle cerebral ateries)
what does the external carotid artery supply generally
neck, face, scalp, skull (more superficial structures)
What are the 8 branches of the external carotid artery in order from inferior to superior
Most Inferior
Superior thyroid artery
Lingual artery
Facial artery
Occipital artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Maxillary artery
Posterior auricular artery
Superficial temporal artery
Most superior
- Silly Little Frogs Often Accidentally Make Poor Sounds-
what branch comes off the subclavian artery and supplies the head and neck?
R and L vertebral arteries travel through the transverse foramen of vertebrae C6-C1 and then comes out in subocipital triangle and form basilar artery for circle of willis
when does the subclavian artery become the axillary artery?
inferiro border of the first rib
when does the axillary artery become the brachial artery?
inferior border of teres major
What do radial and ulnar arteries supply?
superficial palmar arch
when does brachial artery bifurcate and what does it bifurcate into
at the cubital fossa - bifurcates into ulnar artery (proximally) and radial artery (distally)
What does the superficial palmar arch supply
digital branches
What branches off of the descending (thoracic) aorta
posterior intercostal arteries
What branches off subclavian and travels inferiorly?
internal thoracic artery
What branches off the internal thoracic artery?
anterior intercostal arteries
what do posterior intercostal veins drain into on RIGHT SIDE?
azygous vein
what do posterior intercostal veins drain into on LEFT SIDE?
Hemiazygous and accessory hemiazygoys that will then drain into azygous
what drains the face?
facial veins
what drains deep cranial strucrures?
internal jugular vein
where does the facial vein drain into
internal jugular vein
where does the internal jugular vein drain into
subclavian vein
what drains superficial cranial structures and deep portions of the face?
external jugular vein
what drains the anterior neck?
anterior jugular vein
which vessel does the anterior, external, and internal jugular veins drain into
subclavian vein
what does the subclavian vein drain into
brachiocephalic vein
what does basilic vein drain into?
axillary vein
what does cephalic vein drain into
axillary vein
what does brachial vein drain?
upper arm (btw elbow and shoulder)
what does brachial vein drain into?
axillary vein
What does axillary vein drain into?
subclavian vein
overall what does subclavian vein drain?
upper limbs
overall what do the brachiocephalic veins drain?
upper limb and head/neck
What veins drain into vena cava
R and L brachiocephalic veins (which have subclavian and internal jugular draining into them)
which three veins all drain into the azygous vein?
hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygous vein (left side) and posterior intercostal veins (right side)
Where does the azygous vein drain into?
What happens when the thoracic aorta pierces the diaphragm?
It will go through the aortic hiatus where it will become the abdominal aorta
how does the abdominal aorta enter the abdominal cavity?
by piercing diaphragm though aortic hiatus
what are the 3 unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta?
celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery
what are the branches of the celiac trunk?
left gastric artery, common hepatic artery, and the splenic artery
what does the left gastric artery supply?
lesser curvature of the stomach
what does the common hepatic artery supply?
what does the splenic artery supply?
the spleen (by going behind the stomach)
what is the first division off the common hepatic artery?
gastroduodenal artery
what does the gastroduodenal artery supply?
first part of the small intestine
what is the second branch off the common hepatic artery?
right gastric artery
what does the right gastric artery supply?
the bottom of the lesser curvature of the stomach
after its second branch, what does the common hepatic artery become?
proper hepatic artery
what does the proper hepatic artery supply?
the liver
what does the proper hepatic artery divide into?
the left and right hepatic arteries
what does the cystic artery come off of?
the right hepatic artery
what does the cystic artery supply?
the gall bladder
what does the gastroduodenal artery split into at the the plyorus of the stomach (bottom)?
superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries and right grastro-omental artery
what does the superir pancreatcoduodenal artery supply?
pancreas and the duodenum
what does the rigth gastro-omental artery supply?
greater curvature of the stomach (go behind stomach and come out underneath it and then curves up around greater curvature)
what comes off the splenic artery and goes to the pancreas(structure right undernreath it)
the pancreatic branches of the splenich artery
what is the first vessel to come off the splenich artery after the pancreatic branches?
left gastro-omental artery ``
what does the left gastro-omental artery supply?
the greater curvature of the stomach
what does the short gastric artery supply?
the funcus (top right of stomach)
what does the short gastric artery branch from?
the splenic artery
what two arteries supply the lesser curvature of the stomach?
right and left gastric
what two arteries supply the greater curvature of the stomach?
the left and right gastro-omental arteries
where does the right gastro-omental artery come from?
gastroduodenal artery which comes from common hepatic artery
where does right gastic artery come from?
common hepatic artery
what supplies the pancreas?
superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries and the pancreatic branches from the splenich nerve
what supplies the duodenum
the superior prancreaticduodenal artery
what is the first branch off the SMA
middle colic artery
what does the middle colic artery supply?
Transverse colon
what is the first branch off the SMA
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
what does the inferior pancreaticduodenal artery supply
pancreas and the duodenum
what is the third branch (medially) off the SMA
right colic artery
what does the right colic artery supply?
ascending colon (right side)
what is the series of the 5 arteries coming off the SMA called?
jujunal arteries
what do the jejunal arteries supply
the jejunum
what artery comes off the SMA below the right colic artery
ileocolic artery
what is the series ofpf 4 arteries coming off the bottom of the SMA called?
ileal arteries
what does the ileocolic artery supply?
what do the ilial arteries supply?
what do both the ileal and the jujunal arteries branch into?
arterial arcades
what do the aererial arcades give off?
vasca recta
what does the vasa rfecta supply?
the intestines
Which of the ileal and the jejunal arteries has more arcades?
ileum (more inferior)
what branches off of the ileocolic artery
appendicular artery
what three arteries (in order from superior to infeiror) come off the IMA
left colic
sigmoid arteries
superior rectal arteries
what does the left colic artery supply?
descending colon
what does the sigmoid arteries supply?
sigmoid colon
what does the superior rectal artery supply?
what connects the SMA and the IMA
marginal artery of drummond
what are the paired branches of the abdominal aorta?
right renal artery and the left renal aretry
which renal artery is longer and why
right renal artery is longer because it has the travel under the inferior vena cava
what does the abdominal artery bifurcate into?
common iliac arteries (2)
what is the lateral branch of the common iliac artery
external iliac artery
what does external iliac artery supply
lower limb
what is the medial branch of the common iliac artery?
internal iliac artery
what does the internal iliac artery supply
the pelvis
what are the two divisions of the internal iliac artery
posterior division and the anterior division
what does the posterior division of teh internal iliac artery supply?
the pelvic muscles
what does the anterior division of the internal iliac artery supply
the pelvic viscera
what does the IMC come off of?
the left side of the abdominal aorta
what does the external iliac artery become once it passess through the inguinal ligament?
the femoral artery
what is the first branch to come fof the femoral artery?
the deep femoral artery
what does the femoral artery become once it passes through the adductor hiatus?
the popliteal artery (posterior side of leg)
what are the first two arteries (pair) that comes off the popliteal artery as it travels down psoterior knee
superior genicular aretries
what is the second major pair of arteries that comes off the popliteal artery?
inferior genicular arteries
what is artery comes off the popliteal artery by going through the interosseus membrane?
the anterior tibial artery
what does the popliteal artery bifurcate into at the top of leg (below knee)
posterior tibial artery (medial) and fibular artery (lateral)
what is the main vein that drains the lower limb?
the IVC
what vein drains the liver to the IVC
the hepatic veins
what drains the GI tract?
the poral vein
where does the splenic vein drain into
the portal vein (meets up with inferior mesenteric vein to do so)
where does the inferior mesenteric vein drian into?
the portal vein (meets up with splenic vein to do so)
what does the splenic vein drain
the spleen
what does the IMV drain?
large intestine
what does the SMV drain into
portal vein
what does the SMV drain
small intestine
what drains the right kidney
right renal vein
what drains the left kidney
left renal vein
which two medial veins form the external iliac vein
femoral vein and the great saphenous vein (most medial)
which two veins drain into the poplital vein?
posterior and anterior tibial veins
which two veins drain the leg?
posterior and anterior tibial veins