Block 65, 66: Renal Flashcards
bladder pain that is worsened by filing and relieved by voiding, diagnosis? other symptoms?
interstitial cystitis
- urgency, frequency, and chronic pelvic pain
bladder prolapse into anterior vaginal wall
what sodium level do patients have severe SIADH and how do you treat? how do you treat mild SIADH
less than 120
hypertonic (3percent) saline
normal fluids
Diagnosis of SIADH
- hyponatremia
- serum osmo less than 275
- urine osm less than 100
euvolemic patient
initial corner stone therapy for renal stone diasese
left lower abdominal pain radiating to the groin, vomiting, and unremarkable findings on abdominal exam has
obstructive ureterolithiasis
perferred modality for diagnosing ureteral stone are
ultrasonography or noncontrast spiral CT of abdomen
what does tuberculosis causing chronic primary adrenal insufficiency cause in the body
Addisions: Aldosterone deficiency
- non-anion gap
- hyperkalemic and hyponatremic metabolic acidosis
Aminioglycosides coveres what
serious gram-negative infections
toxicity of aminoglycosides
amikacin is what type of drug
aminoglycoside abs
type of drug: Levofloxacin
Asymptomatic hypercalcemia
elevated or inappropriately normal PTH
low urinary calcium excretion
Familial hypocalciuric hypercaclemia
how is primary hyperparathyroidism different from familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
primary hypeparathyroidism has increase urinary calcium excretion ( urine calcium/creatinine clearance ratio)
treatment for hyperkalemia with significant ECG changes
calcium gluconate
how do beta adrenergic impact potassium
shifts potassium intracellular
- watch out in COPD patients
acidosis impact on potassium
3 ways K enters a cell
- insulin, beta-adrenergic, hematopoiesis
- GI loss
- hyperaldosteronism, diuretics
what 2 values are needed for best picture of acid-base status
contrast-induced nephropathy
- transient spike in creatinine within 24 hours of contrast
- return to normal within 5-7 days
what can be given to minimize the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy
- IV hydration with isotonic bicarbonate or normal saline
- acetylcysteine
what should you suspect with large amounts of blood on urinalysis with relative absence of RBCs on urine microscopy
Myoglobinuria caused by rhabdomyolysis
when is anion gap calculated
metabolic acidosis
what is normal anion gap
when is osmolar gap calculated
ethanol, methanol or ethylene glycol toxicity