Biotechnology Flashcards
Host DNA or Host organism
Recombinant DNA
Bacteria plasmid + gene of interest
Restriction Enzyme
Enzyme that cuts a specific DNA site
Sequence that is the same backwards - Example:
Sticky Ends
Jagged exposed ends with exposed nucleotides
Blunt Ends
Ends with no jaggedness (straight)
Insert gene to prevent pest from eating it, no need for insecticides if done
Gene Therapy
Normal gene get place into cells that have defective genes
How do transgenic species reproduce?
Binary Fission (Asexual)
Circular pieces of DNA
Use of organism DNA to make products
Enzyme used to join 2 DNA sources together
How to make clone?
- Remove nucleus from skin cell
- Remove nucleus from egg
- Combine the Skin cell nucleus and the empty egg cell
- Divide by mitosis
- Implant into uterus.
Sequence of jagged cuts
Whats RFLP?
Restriction fragment length polymorphism- Junk
Fragments of cut DNA
What do VNTRs do?
Makes different sizes of cut DNA pieces from restriction enzyme.