Biotech Principles & Processes Flashcards
EFB stands for….
European federation of biotechnology
Two core techniques that enabled birth of modern biotechnology are
Genetic engineering
Bioprocess engineering
Assertion:Modern rDNA technology is better than traditional hybridisation technology
Reason: It allows us to isolate and introduce only one or a set of desirable genes without introducing undesirable genes into the target organism.
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer accomplished constructing first artificial rDNA in
The ability to multiply copies of antibiotic resistance gene in
E. coli was called……..
Three basic steps in genetically modifying an organism —
(i) identification of DNA with desirable genes;
(ii) introduction of the identified DNA into the host;
(iii) maintenance of introduced DNA in the host and transfer of the DNA to its progeny.
In the year ……… the two enzymes responsible for restricting the growth of bacteriophage in Escherichia coli were isolated
One of these added methyl groups to DNA, while the other cut DNA. The later was called restriction endonuclease.
Hind II always cut DNA molecules at a particular point by recognising a specific sequence of …………
six base pairs
Today we know more than ………… restriction enzymes that have been isolated from over……….strains of bacteria
EcoRI comes from……
Escherichia coli RY 13
Restriction endonuclease cut each of the two strands of the double helix at specific points in their………
sugar-phosphate backbones
Palindrome in DNA is a sequence of base pairs that reads same on the two strands when orientation of reading is kept the same or different?
Restriction enzymes cut the strand of DNA a little away from the centre of the palindrome sites, but between the same two bases on the opposite strands
True or false
Assertion:DNA Molecules can be separated by forcing them to move towards the anode under an electric field through a medium/matrix
Reason: DNA fragments are negatively charged molecules
…………. is a natural polymer extracted from sea………
For separating DNA fragments the sieving effect is provided by the……….
agarose gel
Some plasmids may have only one or two copies per cell whereas others may have……….copies per cell
Origin of replication sequence is not responsible for controlling the copy number of the linked DNA
True or false
This sequence is also responsible for controlling the copy number of the linked DNA
presence of a chromogenic substrate gives blue coloured colonies if the plasmid in the bacteria……
does not have an insert.
Agrobacterium tumifaciens, a pathogen of several………plants is able to deliver a piece of DNA known as…….
Dicot t-dna
Assertion: DNA cannot pass through cell membranes.
Reason: It is a hydrophilic molecule
Heat shock for making cells take up DNA………*C
43 degree Celsius
Cells are bombarded with high velocity micro-particles of…………. in a method known as biolistics or……
gold or tungsten coated with DNA
gene gun