Biology - TEST Chapter 5 (choice) Flashcards
the belief that only the natural world exists
this event began the birth of modern science
Protestant Reformation
this view of life teaches that living things have limited variation within the originally created species
orchard view
this term refers to a person’s foundational assumptions he uses to understand the world around him
this term refers to an originally created type of organism
the “useless” organs supposedly left over from earlier stages of evolutionary development
vestigial organs
the modern animal that Pakicetus is a supposed ancestor of
the foundation of modern science
biblical principles
the false idea that says the present is the key to the past
this English physician discovered blood circulation
William Harvey
this scientific organization, founded in 1666, was supported by Huguenots and Jansenists
French Academy of Sciences
this book proposed the idea that man evolved through natural selection
Descent of Man
French zoologist who founded the study of comparative anatomy
Georges Cuvier
German professor who wrote The Natural History of Plants
Leonhard Fuchs
wrote Principles of Geology
Charles Lyell
published detailed descriptions of human anatomy in Fabrica
Andreas Vesalius
described plants used for medicinal purposes in Living Pictures of Herbs
Otto Brunfels
helped found the Philosophical College; leading member of the Royal Society
John Wilkins
Roman statesman who wrote about evidence of design in the universe
British theologian who wrote Natural
William Paley
experiments that try to produce living things from common chemicals are trying to prove this…
how the sun, moon, and stars proclaim truth about God
general revelation
a founder of modern science would likely agree with this statement…
true faith is a reasonable belief in a reasoning God
if a fish became an amphibian within a few thousand years, an example of this evolutionary idea
punctuated equilibrium
since both creationists and evolutionists have the same observations and data, why different conclusions?
they have different worldviews
a good explanation of why mutations cannot cause evolution
mutations do not produce new kinds of organisms
all organisms contain information stored in the DNA =
DNA information must come from an intelligent Creator
why rock pocket mice are not an example of evolution
no new types of organisms were formed