Bible Test - Week 15 (1 Corinthians) Flashcards
Memory Verse
1 Cor. 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
definition of “dwell”
live in a particular place
definition of “purity”
free from contamination
in the OT, God dwelled with the Israelites in a (temporary Tabernacle only/ first in Tabernacle and then in permanent temple)
first in Tabernacle and then in permanent temple
God dwelled in His people through the Holy Spirit (as soon as Jesus was born/ starting at Pentecost)
starting at Pentecost
the “temple of God” is (believers/ the church building)
one problem the Corinthian Church had was (not having enough tithe money/ some people were not living a pure life)
some people were not living a pure life
Paul hoped the Corinthian Christians would make life choices (reflecting God’s dwelling in them/ reflecting their talents and skills)
reflecting God’s dwelling in them
(Christians cannot live holy lives / unholy living affects Christians’ relationship with God and others)
unholy living affects Christians’ relationship with God and others
Paul said the Corinthian believers (were living together in unity / needed the Body of Christ to work together)
needed the Body of Christ to work together
Paul taught the resurrection of Christ (was, was not) important to our faith