Biology - TEST 2 (fill in blank) Flashcards
name for young plant that is able to survive without its cotyledons
plants that have nonwoody stems
this part of the stamen produces pollen grains
the transfer of pollen from the stamen to the top of the pistil
this type of plant reproduction does not involve flowers, seeds, or fruit
vegetative (reproduction)
the parts of a flower that attract pollinators
tiny one-celled reproductive structures found on plants such as ferns
the place where a leaf attaches to the stem
this forms after a pollen grain reaches a flower, and sperm cell travels to egg cell
pollen tube
this carries water from root hairs upward to the leaves
the type of flowers usually found in the center of a composite flower head
water is absorbed through the cell membrane of the root hairs by…
the storage cells that surround a root’s transport tubes form the…
birds and other animals can aid in this type of dispersal of seeds
agent (dispersal)
plants without vascular systems are called…
the three main parts of a seed are the embryo, endosperm, and this…
seed coat
growth of a plant in length is this type of growth
the upward force in the transport tubes produced by water entering the root hairs
root pressure
essay: contrast the four major characteristics of monocots (M) and dicots (D)
- M=one cotyledon; D=two
- M=long, slender leaf; parallel veins
D=broad leaves with branching veins - M= petals in groups of 3
D= petals in groups of 4 or 5 - M=fibrous root system
D=taproot system