Bible Test - Week 3 Flashcards
New Testament Overview
Memory Verse: Matthew 5:43-45a
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor. Hate your enemy.’ 44 But here is what I tell you. Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you. 45 Then you will be children of your Father who is in heaven.
Romans (category match)
James (category match)
Luke (category match)
1 John (category match)
Revelation (category match)
Matthew (category match)
Galatians (category match)
Mark (category match)
Acts (category match)
People must do something (OC, NC, or B)
OC (Old Covenant)
Jesus did everything to provide salvation (OC, NC, or B)
NC (New Covenant)
Grace is the key concept (OC, NC, or B)
NC (New Covenant)
Sins could not be removed permanently, only covered temporarily (OC, NC, or B)
OC (Old Covenant)
Faith in Jesus alone is all that is needed (OC, NC, or B)
NC (New Covenant)
Sacrifices for sins are continually required (OC, NC, or B)
OC (Old Covenant)
Laws were written on stone tablets (OC, NC, or B)
OC (Old Covenant)
Laws are written on people’s hearts (OC, NC, or B)
NC (New Covenant)
Total obedience to the laws was impossible (OC, NC, or B)
OC (Old Covenant)
Total forgiveness of sins is available (OC, NC, or B)
NC (New Covenant)
Blood had to be shed for the forgiveness of sin (OC, NC, or B)
B (Both)
Name the 4 Gospel writers
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The Gospel writers wrote in their books many details about Jesus’…(5 events)
birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension (will need to write out these answers)
Tell what you know about the word “Epistle” as it relates to the New Testament
(essay type answer - 3 examples)
- an Epistle is a NT letter
- the Epistles are in Letters category
- messages in the Epistles still relate to Christians today
“Gospels” contribute…
give details about Jesus’ life on Earth
(written answer)
NT History tells…
the gospel going out from Jerusalem
(written answer)
explain how to become a Christian and how to live a Christian life (written answer)
Prophecy category…
tells about the second coming of Jesus
(written answer)
how does the NT explain that a person can receive the New Covenant?
by putting faith in Jesus only for salvation
(written answer)
how does the NT affect your life or any believer’s life?
I (or any believer) can have an abundant life, and hope for living eternally (forever) with Jesus. (written answer)