Biology - TEST 1 Flashcards
the study of body structure
the level of classification directly below class
the term “fauna” describes…
this classification term refers to a distinct type of living things
how many independent variables will a good scientific experiment include?
in some experiments, the group that is used as a standard for comparison; the factor being tested is absent in this group
control group
the scientific term for a sensible explanation to a problem
the primary basis for classifying living things
body structure
this is NOT a purpose of science
explaining human society
the conditions in an experiment that are the same for all groups =
controlled variables
the process when cells combine substances from food with oxygen to make energy
cellular respiration
the stable internal condition that a living thing must maintain to survive =
the scientific term for living things
the Englishman who introduced the scientific method
Sir Francis Bacon
Reasoning from specific evidence to a more general conclusion is…
inductive reasoning
a conclusion based on reasoning from evidence
the sum of all the chemical processes of life
the second main step of any scientific method is…
observing (observation)
because a photograph of a dog provides partial representation of what dogs are like, it is a scientific __________ of dogs.
general term for a water environment
aquatic environment
includes meadow, desert, and mountain environments
terrestrial environment
seas and oceans environment
marine environment
environment with trees
arboreal environment
area between the highest and lowest points that the tide reaches
intertidal zone
the science of classification
a living thing’s home within its environment
the substances in food that provide living things with energy
considered the Father of Taxonomy
hot springs on the ocean floor
hydrothermal vents
the study of reasoning
this kind of reasoning uses general evidence to come to a more specific conclusion
deductive reasoning
this describes a living thing in an inactive state, like hibernation
dormant (or dormancy)
scientific term for facts about nature
If “Aptenodytes forsteri” is the scientific name for the emperor penguin, “forsteri” is the _________ name.
the process by which life continues through a generation of new living things
a plant or animal that consists of many cells with different purposes
a scientific idea that has survived many experiments and observations without being proven false
a law
smallest unit of a living thing that can be said to be alive
the modern definition of the word “species” was developed by…
John Ray
a living thing that is active at night
a robin would live in this kind of environment
arboreal environment
What branch of biology if studying the eating habits of sea snails?
which would be part of “flora”? (river, tree, cricket, lion)
the kingdom that includes the bald eagle
why animal tracks can be useful in studying living things (multiple choice)
tracks provide a way to observe animals that are difficult to find
Essay: State and describe (give an example) the three types of symmetry
bilateral, radial, and asymmetrical symmetry