B5 More On Contraception Flashcards
Non hormonal contraceptive methods 4
Barriers method
Intrauterine devices
Natural methods
How do barrier methods prevent pregnancy?
They try to stop the egg and sperm meeting.
3 types of barrier method contraceptive
Female condom
What is a condom and how effective is it?
Worn over penis during intercourse to prevent sperm entering vagina
What is a female condom and how effective is it?
Worn inside the vagina during intercourse
95% effective
What is a diaphragm and how effective is it?
Fits over the cervix (opening of the uterus) to stop the sperm meeting the egg.
Has to be fitted by a GP/nurse the first time it’s used and has to be used with a spermicide (chemical that kills sperm)
92-96% effective
How do intrauterine devices (IUD) work
T shaped devices that contain copper.
They’re inserted into the uterus and prevent sperm from surviving, and also alter the lining of the womb so fertilised eggs can’t implant.
How effective are IUDs and how long do they work for?
99% effective
Can be kept for up to 10 years
What is natural method of contraception?
Not having sex when the woman is most fertile.
Or withdrawal (man pulls out the penis before ejaculation)
Why are natural methods of contraceptive less effective?
These methods rely on getting the timing exactly right.
What is sterilisation?
A surgical procedure to cut of tie the tubes in the reproductive system of either men or women.
In women it prevents eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.
In men it prevents sperm from being ejaculated.
How effective is sterilisation?
99% effective
What are the side effects of hormonal methods of contraception?
Heavy or irregular periods
Mood changes
What do barrier and natural methods rely on, which reduce their effective ness?
Doing it right
Must be done properly each time a couple have intercourse.
How can the effectiveness of some hormonal methods be reduced?
Which methods?
If the hormonal method is not taken or replaced at the right time.
Mini pill
Combined pill
Pros and cons of different forms of contraceptives.
5 things to consider
Side effects
Possibility of doing it wrong
Medical input
Length of action
Sexually transmitted infections
Give one reason why a woman may prefer to use a diaphragm rather than an oral contraception. (1 mark)
Oral contraceptives can have unpleasant side effects (1 mark)
She might find it difficult to remember to take a pill every day (1 mark)
Give two advantages of using intrauterine device (IUD) as a contraceptive method rather than male condoms (2 marks)
Any two from:
IUD’s are more effective
IUD’s are longer acting
There’s less chance of IUDs not working as they are intended. (1 mark for each upto 2 marks)