Attribution Processes And Bias Flashcards
Social psychology:
Perceptions and behaviour and how influenced by others
Social cognition:
How we process and store social information
How this affects our perceptions and behaviour
Process of assigning a cause to our own and others behaviour
Social schemas-
Knowledge about concepts
Make sense with limited info
Facility top down (theory driven) processing
Organised hierarchy (associative network) fuzzy set of features organised around a prototype
Cognitive representation of typical defining features of a category
Causal attribution-
An inference process through which perceivers attribute an effect to one or more causes
Naive scientist-
People are rational and scientific like in making cause and effect attributions
Biased / Intuitionist
Info limited and driven by motivations leads to errors and biases
Cognitive miser
People use least complex and demanding info processing- cognitive short cuts
Motivated tactician-
Think deeply when required and only then
Quickly and use heuristics for others
When less important and do things quickly
Homo rationalis:
Analytical, cogent, balanced, logical
Hypothesis testing
Attribute causes to effects to create a stable world that makes sense
Fritz heider’s naive scientist 3 principles:
Need to form coherent view of world
Need to gain control over environment
Need to identify internal (personal) vs external (situational) factors
Weiner’s attributional theory:
Performance (success/failures) Feelings (positive/negative) Attributions Specific emotions (pride) Expectations
Causality of success or failure:
Locus (internal / external)
Stability (nature ability / mood)
Controllability (effort / luck)
Jones and Davis Correspondent inference theory’s cues:
Act was freely chosen Act produces a non common effect Not socially desirable Hedonic relevance Personalism Acts reflect a true characteristic of person
Harold Kelley’s Co Variation Model:
Multiple observations to try to identify factors that covary behaviour assign causal role to factor
Whether behaviour internal or external
Covariation model features:
Does this behaviour always occur with the cause
Is the behaviour exclusively linked to this cause or is it a common reaction
High distinctiveness
I never failed other exams
Attribute to external cause
Low distinctiveness
I generally fail exams
Internal attribution
Do other people react in the same way to the cause / situation
Heider’s naive scientist
Internal / stable or external / situational
Inverse relationship?
Validity of distinction?