Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Lab 1
what is the gluteal surface?
place where you sit on, opposite to the iliac fossa
What is the glenoid fossa?
a dip in the scapula that articulates with the head of the humerous
What is the fovea capitis?
depression on the head of the femur
what is the greater sciatic notch?
curve in the hip bone that looks like half a heart
What is the interphalangeal joint?
head of phalanx and base of adjacent phalanx; where one finger bone meets another finger bone
What does Tiger Cubs Need MILC mean?
Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, and cuboid
What is the acromion process?
sticks out laterally from the spine of the scapula
what does ramus mean?
What is the lateral epicondyle?
small projection on the humerus that is lateral to the capitulum
what is the lateral condyle?
smaller condyle that articulates with the lateral condyle of the femur and is on the proximal end of the tibia
What is the intermediate cuneiform?
proximal to the second toe
What is the trapezium?
most lateral carpal bone of the distal row
What is the head of the radius?
knob on the proximal end; head is on the opposite side compared to the ulnas head
what is the lateral malleolus?
lateral process o the distal end of the fibula; part that comes out from the side that has a flat part
What is the metatarsophalangeal joint?
where metatarsals and phalanges meet
What are the phalanges?
finger bones
What is the olecranon fossa?
depression on the back of the humerus
What is the infaspinous fossa?
depression below the spine of the scapula
What is the supraglenoid tubercle?
prominence above the glenoid fossa
What is the coronoid fossa?
depression on the front of the humerus and end opposite to the head
what is the greater trochanter?
bigger part of the moon on the femur
What is the scaphoid?
most lateral carpal bone of the proximal row
What is the medial/vertebral border?
edge of the scapula that is closer to the middle of the back
Where is the acromion process found?
what is the ischial tuberosity?
inferior roughened surface of the ischium
How many phalanges are there?
What is the head of the humerus?
rounded part that articulates with the glenoid cavity
What is the medial epicondyle?
toward the midline of the body on the humerus, same side as the head
What is the head of the fibula?
has a pointy part that points to the sky
What is the intercondylar eminence?
little ridges on the top of the tibia
Where to muscles usually connect to bones?
What is the lateral cuneiform?
proximal to the middle toe
What is the head of the ulna?
round bump on the distal end of the ulna
What is the lesser tubercle of the humerus?
the smaller bump by the head
What is the medial cuneiform?
proximal to the big toe
How many metacarpals are there?
What is the glenohumeral joint?
the shoulder joint; glenoid cavity and head of humerus
What is the tibial tuberosity?
slightly raised area on the front of the tibia
what is the pubic crest?
ridge medial to the pubic tubercle and above where the pubic symphysis is
What is the interosseous crest?
ridge on the ulna that points to the radius
What is the talus?
bone on top of the foot
what is the patellar surface?
place on the femur where the patella goes
what is the ischiopubic ramus?
both the ischial ramus and inferior pubic ramus together
what is the posterior inferior iliac spine?
below the posterior superior iliac spine
what is the pubic tubercle?
anterior prominence lateral to the pubic symphysis
what is the medial condyle on the femur?
knob on the distal end of the femur that articulates with the medial condyle of the tibia
What is the intertubercular groove
groove between the two tubercles of the humerus
What is the coracoid process?
flat surface that comes out from the scapula below the acromion process
What is a fossa?
A dip in the bone
what is the posterior superior iliac spine?
pointed, posterior termination of the iliac crest
Where is the supraspinous fossa found?
What is the supraspinous fossa?
depression above the spine of the scapula
What is the capitate?
carpal bone below the middle finger
what is the auricular surface?
looks like an ear, rough part medial to the fossa
What is the trochlea?
looks like a bow tie, “the trochlea will choke ya”
Where is the coracoid process found?
What does the sternal end of the clavicle do?
connects the scapula to the sternum
What is the deltoid tuberosity?
elevation on the humeral shaft
what is the lesser trochanter?
smaller part of the moon on the femur
what is the lateral epicondyle?
rough surface above the lateral condyle
What is the surgical neck of the humerus?
below the anatomical neck and where the bone usually breaks
What is the subscapular fossa?
Depression on the front of the scapula/opposite side of the spine
what is the lesser sciatic notch?
below the notch that looks like half a heart
what is the anterior inferior iliac spine?
below the anterior superior iliac spine
What is the spine of the scapula?
ridge on the back of the scapula
What is the coxal joint?
acetabulum and head of femur; where the femur connects to the hip bone
What does the acromial end of the clavicle do?
connects with the acromion of the scapula
What is the Lunate?
carpal bone of the proximal row; looks like a moon
What is the os coxa?
the hip bone
what is the ischial spine?
pointed process below the socket for the femur
What is the anatomical neck of the humerus?
line around the head between the head and tubercles
What is the Pisiform?
most medial carpal bone of the proximal row
What is the trapezoid?
carpal bone of the distal row
what is the iliac fossa?
depression on the fan shaped portion
What side is the head of the fibula on?
the proximal side
What is the Hamate?
most medial carpal bone of the distal row
what is the medial condyle on the tibia?
bigger condyle that articulates with the medial condyle of the femur and is on the proximal end of the tibia
What is the coronoid process?
found on the ulna, goes into the coronoid fossa
Where is the sub scapular fossa found?
What is the scapula?
shoulder blade
Where is the supraglenoid tubercle found?
What is the radial tuberosity?
raised part that points away from the ulna
Where is the infraflenoid tubercle found?
What is the calcaneus?
bone that makes up the heel of the foot
What is the humerus?
long bone of the arm
what is the inferior pubic ramus?
part of the ischiopubic ramus that is closer to the pubis
What is the interosseous crest?
ridge along the radius that points to the ulna
what is the linea aspera?
ridge on the back of the femur where the bone comes up
what is the ischial ramus?
part of the ischiopubic ramus that is closer to the ischium
What is the conoid tubercle?
A cone-like thing that sticks out from the back of the clavicle
What is the tibiofemoral joint?
knee joint; condyles of femur and condyles of tibia
What is the trochlear notch?
half-moon/U shaped notch that articulates with the trochlea of the humerus
What is the capitulum?
top of the snowman’s head, articulates with the head of the radius
What is the radius?
smaller bone in the forearm that’s more lateral
what is the medial epicondyle?
rough surface above the medial condyle
What is the lateral/axillary border?
edge of the scapula that is closer to the armpit
what is the medial malleolus?
nub on the bottom of the tibia; distal end of the tibia
what is the intertrochanteric line?
ridge on the front of the femur between the two trochanters, looks like an “L”
What is a process?
flat surface coming out of something
What is a tubercle?
something that sticks out from a bone
Where is the infraspinous fossa found
Where is the glenoid fossa found?
what is the iliac crest?
ridge on the top of the hip bone
what is the intertrochanteric crest?
ridge between the two trochanters on the back of the femur
what is the acetabulum?
the socket where the hip and femur connect
What is the triquetrum?
carpal bone of the proximal row
What is the navicular?
connects to the talus right below it; distal to the talus
What is the pubic symphysis?
cartilage between the two hip bones in the pubic area
What is the infaglenoid tubercle?
prominence below the glenoid fossa
What is the elbow joint?
trochlea and trochlear notch + capitulum and head of radius
Where is the conoid tubercle found?
what is the lateral condyle on the femur?
know o the distal end of the femur that articulates with the lateral condyle of the tibia
What is the metacarpophalengeal joint?
head of metacarpal and base of proximal phalanx; where the metacarpals meet the finger bone
What is the greater tubercle of the humerus?
the bigger bump by the head
What is the ulna?
bone of the forearm that is medial
what is the indercondylar notch/fossa?
notch between the two condyles on the fear that looks like a U and is on the posterior side
what is the anterior superior iliac spine?
pointed, anterior termination of the iliac crest
What is the olecranon process?
prominence on the proximal end of the ulna; larger and proximal to the coronoid process
what is the clavicle?
What is the superior border of the scapula?
edge on the top of the scapula perpendicular to the clavicle
What is the styloid process?
part you would write with if you used the radius as a pen
what is the superior pubic ramus?
flattened, superior border of the obturator foramen
what is the pubic symphysis?
joint what joins the two hip bones in the pubic area
What are the metacarpals?
bones forming the palm
What is the inferior angle?
bottom pointy part of the scapula
what is the obturator foramen?
large opening of the hip
What is the cuboid?
bones kinda shaped like a cube on the lateral side
What is the superior angle of the scapula?
top pointy part of the scapula