AP Nouns Flashcards
quī, quae, quod
who, which, that
quis, quid
who, what
tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē
you (singular)
ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē
I, me
—, suī, sibi, sē, sē
himself, herself, itself, themselves
arma, -ōrum, n.
implements, outfit, instruments, tools; implements of war, arms, weapons
manus, -ūs, f.
a hand; a band (of soldiers)
urbs, urbis, f.
a walled town, city
deus, -ī, m.
a god, deity
bellum, -ī, n.
pater, -tris, m.
a father
vir, virī, m.
a male person, adult male, man
terra, -ae, f.
the earth
animus, -ī, m.
the soul, intelligence, reason, intellect, mind
tēlum, -ī, n.
a missile weapon, missile, dart, spear, shaft, javelin
caelum, -ī, n.
the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven
ōs, ōris, n.
the mouth; (in general) the face
rēx, rēgis, m.
a ruler, king
equus, -ī, m.
a horse, steed, charger
lītus, -ōris, n.
the sea-shore, sea-side, beach
corpus, -oris, n.
a body (living or lifeless)
fātum, -ī, n.
an utterance, prophetic declaration, oracle, prediction; that which is ordained, destiny, fate
pectus, -oris, n.
a breast, chest
vōx, vōcis, f.
a voice, sound, tone, utterance, cry, call
unda, -ae, f.
a wave, billow
vīs, vis, f.
strength, force, vigor, power, energy, virtue
ferrum, -ī, n.
āgmen, -inis, n.
that which is driven; a multitude, throng, host, troop, crowd; battle line
rēs, reī, f.
a thing, object, matter, affair, business, event, fact, circumstance, occurrence, deed, condition, case
gēns, gentis, f.
a race, clan, house
sanguis, -inis, m.
moenia, -ium, n.
defensive walls, ramparts, bulwarks, city walls
īgnis, -is, m.
nōmen, -inis, n.
a means of knowing, name
aequor, -oris, n.
an even surface, level; the sea, ocean
nātus (gnātus), -ī, m.
a son
nox, noctis, f.
oculus, -ī, m.
an eye
pars, partis, f.
a part, piece, portion, share, division, section
ventus, -ī, m.
locus, -ī, n.
a place, spot
rēgnum, -ī, n.
kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty; a kingdom
aura, -ae, f.
the air (in motion), a breeze, breath of air, wind, blast
domus, -ūs or -ī, f.
a house, home, dwelling-house, building, mansion, palace
caput, -itis, n.
the head
hostis, -is, m./f.
a stranger, foreigner; an enemy, foe, public enemy
māter, -tris, f.
a mother
is, ea, id
he, she, it; this, that, the
tēctum, -ī, n.
a covered structure, roofed enclosure, shelter, house, dwelling, abode, roof
nōs, nostrum/nostrī, nōbīs, nōs, nōbīs
we, us
mūrus, -ī, m.
a wall, city wall
aurum, -ī, n.
campus, -ī, m.
a plain, field, open country, level place
saxum, -ī, n.
a large stone, broken rock, boulder, rock
via, -ae, f.
a way, highway, road, path, street
labor, -ōris, m.
labor, toil, exertion
amor, -ōris, m.
love, affection, strong friendly feeling
cursus, -ūs, m.
a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey
flamma, -ae, f.
a blazing fire, blaze, flame
āra, -ae, f.
a structure for sacrifice, altar
mors, -tis, f.
cūra, -ae, f.
trouble, care, attention, pains, industry, diligence, exertion
genus, -eris, n.
a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin, sort, kind
pūgna, -ae, f.
a hand-to-hand fight, fight at close quarters, battle, combat, action, engagement
umbra, -ae, f.
a shade, shadow
volnus (vulnus), -eris, n.
a wound
aciēs, -ēī, f.
sharp edge, point, cutting part; the front of an army, line of battle
līmen, -inis, n.
a threshold, cross-piece, sill
lūmen, -inis, n.
light, light of day, light of life, light of the eye
mēns, mentis, f.
the mind, disposition, feeling, character, heart, soul
parēns, -entis, m./f.
a procreator, father, mother, parent
silva, -ae, f.
a wood, forest, woodland
clāmor, -ōris, m.
a loud call, shout, cry
īra, -ae, f.
anger, wrath, rage, ire, passion, indignation
mōns, montis, m.
a mountain, mount, range of mountains
nūmen, -inis, n.
a nod; hence, a command, will, authority, divine will; divinity, deity
classis, -is, f.
a class, great division; (fig.) an army, a fleet
pēs, pedis, m.
a foot
sēdēs, -is, f.
a seat, bench, chair, throne; place, spot
vōs, vestrum/vestrī, vōbīs, vōs, vōbīs
you (plural)
diēs, -ēī, m.
a day
honōs or honor, -ōris, m.
honor, repute, esteem, reputation, praise, distinction
mare, -is, n.
the sea
coniūnx, -iugis, m./f.
a married person, consort, spouse, husband, wife
porta, -ae, f.
a city-gate, gate
dōnum, -ī, n.
a gift, present
sīdus, -eris, n.
a group of stars, constellation, heavenly body, star
dea, -ae, f.
a goddess
fāma, -ae, f.
a report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition, reputation
vīctor, -ōris, m.
a conqueror, vanquisher, victor
fuga, -ae, f.
a fleeing, flight, running away
arvum, -ī, n.
an arable field, cultivated land, field, ploughed land
comes, -itis, m./f.
a companion, associate, comrade, partaker, sharer, partner
aethēr, -eris, m.
the upper air, sky, firmament
arx, arcis, f.
a castle, citadel, fortress, stronghold
puer, -erī, m.
a male child, boy, lad, young man
currus, -ūs, m.
a chariot, car, wain, wagon
tellūs, ūris, f.
the earth, globe
tergum, -ī, n.
the back; the hide, skin
anima, -ae, f.
air, a current of air, breeze, wind; breath, life, soul
castra, -ōrum, n.
a military camp, an encampment, a fort
vīta, -ae, f.
lūx, lūcis, f.
light, brightness
virgō, -inis, f.
a maid, maiden, virgin, young woman, girl
dux, ducis, m./f.
a leader, conductor, guide
nāvis, -is, f.
a ship
spēs, spēī, f.
fluctus, -ūs, m.
a wave, flow, tide, surge
lacrima (lacruma), -ae, f.
a tear
mōs, mōris, m.
a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, custom, practice
fīnis, -is, f.
that which divides, a boundary, limit, border, end
populus, -ī, m.
a people, nation
flūmen, -inis, n.
a flowing, flood, stream, running water, river
fortūna, -ae, f.
chance, hap, luck, fate, fortune
proelium, -ī, n.
a battle, combat
dolor, -ōris, m.
pain, smart, ache, suffering, anguish
frāter, -tris, m.
a brother
imperium, -ī, n.
a command, order, direction, injunction; supreme power, sovereignty, sway, dominion, empire, supremacy, authority
mora, -ae, f.
a delay, procrastination
somnus, -ī, m.
sīgnum, -ī, n.
a mark, token, sign, indication, proof; a military standard, banner
soror, -ōris, f.
a sister
tempus, -oris, n.
a portion of time, time, period, season, interval
virtūs, -ūtis, f.
manliness, manhood, strength, vigor, bravery, courage, excellence
amnis, -is, m.
a river
metus, -ūs, m.
fear, dread, apprehension, anxiety
patria, -ae, f.
a fatherland, native land, own country, native place
poena, -ae, f.
compensation, retribution, punishment, penalty, price
annus, -ī, m.
a year
ars, artis, f.
practical skill, art
caedēs, -is, f.
a cutting-down, killing, slaughter, carnage, massacre
mūnus, -eris, n.
a service, office, duty; gift, present
nemus, -oris, n.
a tract of woodland, wood, forest, grove
pāx, pācis, f.
a compact, agreement, peace, treaty of peace
sōl, sōlis, m.
the sun
latus, -eris, n.
the side, flank
vātēs, -is, f.
foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet, diviner; an inspired singer, bard, poet
iter, itineris, n.
a going, walk, way, journey, passage, march, voyage
cor, cordis, n.
the heart
faciēs, -ēī, f.
appearance, form, figure, shape, build
homō, -inis, f.
a human being, man, person
orbis, -is, m.
a ring, circle, re-entering way, circular path, hoop, orbit
templum, -ī, n.
a temple, shrine, sanctuary
causa, -ae, f.
a cause, reason, motive, inducement, occasion, opportunity
fūnus, -eris, n.
a funeral procession, funeral rites, burial, funeral; death, violent death
os, ossis, n.
a bone
vestis, -is, f.
a covering for the body, clothes, clothing, attire
voltus (vultus), -ūs, m.
countenance, features, expression, aspect; face
membrum, -ī, n.
of the body, a limb, member
aes, aeris, n.
crude metal, base metal, copper, bronze
auxilium, -ī, n.
help, aid, assistance, support, succor
imāgō, -inis, f.
an imitation, copy, image, representation, likeness, statue, bust, picture
ōrdō, -inis, m.
a row, line, series, order, rank
pontus, -ī, m.
the sea
rīpa, -ae, f.
a bank, margin (of a river)
vōtum, -ī, n.
a promise to a god, solemn pledge, religious engagement, vow
factum, -ī, n.
that which is done, a deed, act
ager, agrī, m.
productive land, a field, farm, estate, arable land, pasture
iugum, -ī, n.
a yoke, collar; a height, summit, ridge, chain of mountains
opus, -eris, n.
work, labor, toil
sors, sortis, f.
a lot, a decision by lot, drawing; an oracular response, prophecy
dolus, -ī, m.
a device, artifice, trick
laus, laudis, f.
praise, commendation, glory, fame, renown, esteem
numerus, -ī, m.
a number
ops, opis, f.
power, might; aid, help; property, substance, wealth
sacerdōs, -ōtis, f.
a priest, priestess
auris, -is, f.
the ear
coma, -ae, f.
the hair of the head, hair
fidēs, -ēī, f.
trust, faith, confidence, reliance, credence, belief
fōrma, -ae, f.
a form, contour, figure, shape, appearance, looks
mēnsa, -ae, f.
a table
perīculum or perīclum, -ī, n.
a trial, experiment, attempt, test; risk, hazard, danger, peril
satis or sat, n.
enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
custōs, -ōdis, f.
a guard, watch, preserver, keeper, overseer, protector, defender, attendant
Fortūna, -ae, f.
the goddess of Fate, Luck, Fortune
vestīgium, -ī, n.
the bottom of the foot, sole; footstep, step, footprint; a trace, mark, track, vestige
cornū, -ūs, n.
a horn, antler
furor, -ōris, m.
a raving, rage, madness, fury, passion
nihil or nil, n.
verbum, -ī, n.
a word
decus, -oris, n.
grace, glory, honor, dignity, splendor, beauty
humus, -ī, f.
the earth, ground, soil
pietās, -ātis, f.
dutiful conduct, sense of duty, religiousness, devotion, piety
vinculum or vinclum, -ī, n.
a means of binding, fastening, band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, tie
fax, facis, f.
a torch, firebrand
īctus, -ūs, m.
a blow, stroke, stab, cut, thrust, bite, sting, wound
prex, precis, f.
a prayer, request, entreaty
quisquam, quaequam, quicquam or quidquam , n.
any, any one
turba, -ae, f.
a turmoil, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance; a great number, throng, multitude, crowd
aevum or (older) aeuom, -ī, n.
neverending time, eternity; especially, period of life, lifetime, life, age
aqua, -ae, f.
arbōr (arbōs), -oris, f.
a tree
astrum, -ī, n.
a heavenly body, star, constellation
glōria, -ae, f.
glory, fame, renown, praise, honor
scelus, -eris, n.
a wicked deed, heinous act, crime, sin, enormity, wickedness
superī, -ōrum, m.
those who are above, the gods above
vīnum, -ī, n.
praeda, -ae, f.
property taken in war, booty, spoil, plunder, pillage
sententia, -ae, f.
a way of thinking, opinion, judgment, sentiment, thought, notion, purpose, determination, decision, will, desire
sinus, -ūs, m.
a bent surface, curve, fold, hollow, coil; the bosom, lap; a bay, gulf
cinis, -eris, m.
eques, -itis, m.
a horseman, rider; cavalryman, horse-soldier, trooper
nefās, n.
something contrary to divine law, an impious deed, sin, crime
praemium, -ī, n.
an advantage, favor, privilege, reward
auctor, -ōris, f.
a promoter, producer, father, progenitor
salūs, -ūtis, f.
soundness, health, good health, vigor, safety
tenebrae, -ārum, f.
darkness, gloom
frōns, -ontis, f.
the forehead, brow, front
pondus, -eris, n.
a weight
cīvis, -is, f.
a citizen
crīmen, -inis, n.
a judgment, charge, accusation, reproach
iūs, iūris, n.
that which is binding, right, justice, duty, law
lēx, lēgis, f.
a law, bill, regulation, principle, rule
modus, -ī, m.
a measure, extent, quantity; a manner, way, mode
quisquis, quaeque, quodquod or quidquid, n.
whoever, whosoever, whatever, whatsoever, every one who, each, every, all
sermō, -ōnis, m.
continued speech, talk, conversation, discourse
tempestās, -ātis, f.
a portion of time, point of time, time, season, period; a storm, tempest
argentum, -ī, n.
bōs, bovis, f.
an ox, bull, cow
fīlius, -ī, m.
a son
hospes, -itis, f.
an entertainer, host (as a friend); a visitor, guest
lūna, -ae, f.
the moon
carmen, -inis, n.
a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound (vocal or instrumental)
cōnsilium, -ī, n.
a council, body of counsellors; a plan, purpose, intention
nūntius, -ī, m.
a bearer of tidings, news-carrier, reporter, messenger, courier
odium, -ī, n.
hatred, grudge, ill-will, animosity, enmity, aversion
regiō, -ōnis, f.
a direction, line; a boundary, territory, region
aetās, -ātis, f.
the life of man, age, lifetime, years
cupīdō, -inis, f.
a desire, wish, longing, eagerness, passion
fōns, fontis, m.
spring, fountain, well, source
hiems (hiemps), -emis, f.
the winter, winter time, rainy season, a storm
lingua, -ae, f.
the tongue, utterance, speech, language
magister, -trī, m.
a master, chief, head, superior, director, president, leader, commander, conductor
timor, -ōris, m.
fear, dread, apprehension, timidity, alarm, anxiety
volucris, -is, f.
a bird, a flying creature
famēs, -is, f.
prīncipium, -ī, n.
a beginning, commencement, origin
sepulcrum, -ī, n.
a place where a corpse is buried, burial place, grave, tomb, sepulchre
studium, -ī, n.
application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study
avis, -is, f.
a bird
canis, -is, m./f.
a dog
color, -ōris, m.
color, hue, tint
error, -ōris, m.
a wandering, straying; a going astray, error, mistake
flōs, -ōris, m.
a blossom, flower
āēr, āeris, m.
the air, atmosphere, sky, especially the lower air
dominus, -ī, m.
a master, possessor, ruler, lord, proprietor, owner
fēmina, -ae, f.
a female, woman
Nox, Noctis, f.
Night, personified
pecus, pecoris, n.
potestās, -ātis, f.
ability, power, capacity, force
pretium, -ī, n.
a price, money value, value in exchange
volgus or vulgus, -ī, n.
the mass, multitude, people, public, crowd
cōpia, -ae, f.
an abundance, ample supply, plenty
exercitus, -ūs, m.
a disciplined body of men, army
īnsula, -ae, f.
an island, isle
pudor, -ōris, m.
a shrinking from blame, desire of approval, shame, modesty, decency, propriety
saeculum or saeclum, -ī, n.
a race, generation, age, the people of any time
supplicium, -ī, n.
a kneeling, bowing down, humble entreaty, petition, supplication
fors, fortis, f.
chance, hap, luck, hazard, accident
legiō, -ōnis, f.
a body of soldiers, legion
mīles, -itis, m.
a soldier
praeceptum, -ī, n.
a maxim, rule, precept, order, direction, command, injunction
sēnsus, -ūs, m.
a perceiving, observation, feeling, sensation, sense
stella, -ae, f.
a star
vīctōria, -ae, f.
aedēs and aedis, -is, f.
a dwelling of the gods, a sanctuary, a temple
exsilium or exilium, -ī, n.
banishment, exile
gaudium, -ī, n.
inward joy, joy, gladness, delight
iniūria, -ae, f.
an injustice, wrong, outrage, injury, insult
aliquis, aliquid
some one, any one, anybody, one or another; neut., something, anything
domina, -ae, f.
a mistress, dame, lady, she who rules
gladius, -ī, m.
a sword
invidia, -ae, f.
envy, grudge, jealousy, ill-will, prejudice
onus, -eris, n.
a load, burden
ratiō, -ōnis, f.
a reckoning, numbering, casting up, account, calculation, computation
voluntās, -ātis, f.
will, free will, wish, choice, desire, inclination
cohors, -rtis, f.
crowd, multitude, company, throng, train; (in the army) a company, division, cohort
culpa, -ae, f.
a fault, error, blame, guilt, failure, defect
fīlia, -ae, f.
a daughter
hōra, -ae, f.
an hour (one twelfth of the day between sunrise and sunset)
impetus, -ūs, m.
an attack, assault, onset; violence, fury, rush, force
lēgātus, -ī, m.
an ambassador, legate
nēmō, f.
no man, no one, nobody
oppidum, -ī, n.
a town, city, collection of dwellings
spīritus, -ūs, m.
a breathing, breath
ūsus, -ūs, m.
use, practice, employment, exercise, enjoyment
animal, -ālis, n.
a living being, animal
ferus, -ī, m.
a wild animal, wild beast
lībertās, -ātis, f.
freedom, liberty, absence of restraint, permission
rūs, rūris, n.
the country, lands, fields
speciēs, -ēī, f.
a sight, look, view, appearance, aspect
testis, -is, m.
one who attests, a witness
voluptās, -ātis, f.
satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight
amīcitia, -ae, f.
cōnsul, -ulis, m.
a consul; the highest magistracy of the Roman republic was vested in two consuls, chosen annually
convīvium, -ī, n.
a meal in company, social feast, entertainment, banquet
exemplum, -ī, n.
a sample, specimen; an imitation, image, portrait, draught, transcript, copy
forum, -ī, n.
an open space, public place, court, marketplace
lapis, -idis, m.
a stone
morbus, -ī, m.
a sickness, disease, disorder, distemper, ailment, illness
ōtium, -ī, n.
leisure, vacant time, freedom from business
puella, -ae, f.
a female child, girl, maiden, lass
senātus, -ūs, m.
the council of the elders, council of state, Senate
condiciō, -ōnis, f.
an agreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand
frūmentum, -ī, n.
corn, grain, harvested grain
iūdex, -icis, f.
a judge, juror
iūdicium, -ī, n.
a judgment, judicial investigation, trial, legal process, sentence
liber, -brī, m.
the bark of a tree; paper, book
māteria, -ae and māteriēs, -ēī, f.
stuff, matter, material, timber, substance
mulier, -eris, f.
a woman, female
mundus, -ī, m.
the universe, world, heavens, earth
nātūra, -ae, f.
nature, natural constitution, property, quality
officium, -ī, n.
service, favor; duty, obligation, office
opera, -ae, f.
service, pains, exertion, effort, work, labor
plēbs, plēbis or plēbēs, -ēī, f.
the common people, commons, commonalty, plebeians, folk
praesidium, -ī, n.
defence, protection, guardianship, help, aid; guard, escort, garrison
auctōritās, -ātis, f.
a view, opinion, judgment, advice, authority, power, dignity
beneficium, -ī, n.
a favor, benefit, service, kindness
cibus, -ī, m.
food, victuals, nutriment
cīvitās, -ātis, f.
city, state; citizenship
cōnsuētūdō, -inis, f.
a custom, habit, use, usage, way, practice
damnum, -ī, n.
hurt, harm, damage, injury, loss
dīgnitās, -ātis, f.
worth, merit, desert, character
disciplīna, -ae, f.
instruction, tuition, teaching, training, education
epistula, -ae, f.
a written communication, letter
fābula, -ae, f.
a narration, narrative , account, story, tale
facinus, -oris, n.
a deed, act, action, achievement
familia, -ae, f.
a family, household (including slaves)
frūctus, -ūs, m.
an enjoying, enjoyment, delight, satisfaction
imperātor, -ōris, m.
a commander, leader, chief, director, ruler, general
ingenium, -ī, n.
innate quality, nature, temperament, constitution, character
initium, -ī, n.
a going in, entrance
libīdō, -inis, f.
pleasure, desire, eagerness, longing, fancy, inclination
littera, -ae, f.
a letter, alphabetical sign; (in plural) a letter, epistle
māgnitūdō, -inis, f.
greatness, size, bulk, magnitude; a great number, abundance
memoria, -ae, f.
memory, remembrance
multitūdō, -inis, f.
a great number, multitude, crowd, throng
necessitās, -ātis, f.
unavoidableness, inevitableness, necessity, compulsion, force
negōtium, -ī, n.
a business, employment, occupation
ōrātiō, -ōnis, f.
a speaking, speech, discourse
pecūnia, -ae, f.
property, riches, wealth, money
poēta, -ae, m.
a poet
praetor, -ōris, m.
a leader, head, chief; in Rome, a praetor, magistrate, judge
prōvincia, -ae, f.
a province, the government of a territory, or the territory itself, outside of Italy by a former magistrate
sapientia, -ae, f.
wisdom, good sense, intelligence, forethought
scientia, -ae, f.
a knowing, knowledge, intelligence, science
servus, -ī, m.
a slave, servant
tribūnus, -ī, m.
a tribune, either of the soldiers or of the people, a commander
uxor, -ōris, f.
a wife, spouse
vitium, -ī, n.
a fault, defect, blemish, imperfection, vice