All Aeneid Part 2 Flashcards
temptō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to handle, touch, feel; to try, prove, test, attempt
Trōes, -um, m.
the Trojans
from which place, from where, whence
dolus, -ī, m.
a device, artifice, trick
exerceō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to drive, keep busy, keep at work, oversee, work, agitate
inimīcus, -a, -um
unfriendly, hostile, inimical
again, a second time, once more, anew
laus, laudis, f.
praise, commendation, glory, fame, renown, esteem
numerus, -ī, m.
a number
ops, opis, f.
power, might; aid, help; property, substance, wealth
pār, paris
praeceps, -cipitis
headforemost, headlong
prior, prius
former, previous, prior, first
sacerdōs, -ōtis, f.
a priest, priestess
so much, so greatly; only, merely, but
accendō (adc-), -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum
to kindle, set on fire, inflame
altum, -ī, n.
the deep sea
ambō, ambae, ambō
both (of a pair or couple)
ārdeō, -ēre, -sī, -sum
to be on fire, burn, blaze, be burned, glow
auris, -is, f.
the ear
celer, -eris, -ere
swift, fleet, quick, speedy
coma, -ae, f.
the hair of the head, hair
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum
to trip, cause to fall; to deceive, trick, dupe, cheat, elude, fail, disappoint
fidēs, -ēī, f.
trust, faith, confidence, reliance, credence, belief
fluvius, -ī, m.
a river
fōrma, -ae, f.
a form, contour, figure, shape, appearance, looks
harēna, -ae, f.
impōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum
to place upon, set on, impose, establish, introduce, set, place
Italus, -a, -um
Italian, of Italy
iuventūs, -ūtis, f.
the age of youth, youth
Latīnus, -a, -um
of Latium, Latin
levis, -e
light, not heavy
malum, -ī, n.
an evil, mischief, misfortune, calamity
mēnsa, -ae, f.
a table
mereō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to deserve, merit, be entitled to, be worthy of
mīror, -ārī, -ātus
to wonder, marvel, be astonished, be amazed, admire
mortālis, -e
subject to death, destined to die, mortal
Olympus, -ī, m.
Mount Olympus, the abode of the gods on the borders of Macedonia and Thessaly
pandō, -ere, pandī, passum
to spread out, extend, unfold, expand
perīculum or perīclum, -ī, n.
a trial, experiment, attempt, test; risk, hazard, danger, peril
quantus, -a, -um
of what size, how much, how great; as (correl. with tantus)
also, too
satis or sat, n.
enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
spūmō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to foam, froth
succēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go below, come under, enter; to follow, take the place of, relieve, succeed
trepidus, -a, -um
restless, agitated, anxious, solicitous, disturbed, alarmed, in trepidation
tūtus, -a, -um
guarded, safe, secure, out of danger
in the same place, at the same time, at once, together
antrum, -ī, n.
a cave, cavern, grotto
cārus, -a, -um
dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved
cōgō, -ere, coēgī, coāctum
to drive together, collect, crowd, bring together, summon, congregate, convene
cōnsīdō, -ere, -sēdī, -sessum
to sit down, take seats, be seated, settle
convertō, -ere, -tī, -sum
to turn round, cause to turn, turn back, reverse, direct
custōs, -ōdis, f.
a guard, watch, preserver, keeper, overseer, protector, defender, attendant
dēserō, -ere, -ruī, -rtum
to leave, forsake, abandon, desert, give up
Euryalus, -ī, m.
Euryalus, a companion of Aeneas and friend of Nisus
Fortūna, -ae, f.
the goddess of Fate, Luck, Fortune
Īliacus, -a, -um
of Ilium, Ilian, Trojan
impleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum
to fill up, fill full, make full, fill
inānis, -e
empty, void
incipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum
to take hold, take in hand, begin
īnferō, -ferre, intulī, inlātum
to bring in, introduce, bring to, carry in
in this manner, in this wise, in such a way, so, thus, accordingly, as has been said
lātus, -a, -um
broad, wide, extensive
mollis, -e
yielding, pliant, flexible, supple, soft, tender, delicate, gentle, mild, pleasant
nimbus, -ī, m.
a rain storm, pouring rain; a rain cloud, cloud
Penātēs, -ium, m.
the Penates, guardian gods of the family, household gods
prōlēs, -is, f.
a growth, offshoot, offspring, progeny, children, descendants, race, posterity
rōbur, -oris, n.
hard wood, oak wood, oak
subitus, -a, -um
sudden, unexpected
terreō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to frighten, affright, put in fear, cause to dread, alarm, terrify, scare, dismay
vehō, -ere, vexī, vectum
to bear, carry, convey, draw
vestīgium, -ī, n.
the bottom of the foot, sole; footstep, step, footprint; a trace, mark, track, vestige
agger, -eris, m.
a mass, heap, collection, pile
arcus, -ūs, m.
a bow, arch, curve
artūs, -uum, m.
a joint; the limbs
celsus, -a, -um
raised, elevated, lifted, towering, high, lofty
circumdō, -are, -dedī, -datum
to place around, cause to surround, set around
clārus, -a, -um
clear, bright, shining, brilliant
cornū, -ūs, n.
a horn, antler
ductor, -ōris, m.
a leader, commander, chief, general, officer
dulcis, -e
excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum
to take out, withdraw; to except, make an exception, stipulate, reserve
fīdus, -a, -um
trusty, trustworthy, faithful, sure, credible
furor, -ōris, m.
a raving, rage, madness, fury, passion
hērōs, ōis, m.
a demi-god, hero
immittō, -ere, -īsī, -issum
to send in, let in, throw into, admit, introduce
lūctus, -ūs, m.
sorrow, mourning, grief, affliction, distress, lamentation
more, in a higher degree, more completely
Mānēs, -ium, m.
the departed spirits, ghosts, shades of the underworld
Mnestheus, -eī and -eos, m.
Mnestheus, a Trojan warrior and companion of Aeneas
nihil or nil, n.
nympha, -ae, f.
one of the nymphs, demi-goddesses who inhabit the sea, rivers, fountains, woods, trees, and mountains
tacitus, -a, -um
passed in silence, not spoken of, kept secret, unmentioned, silent, secret, hidden
in such a degree, as much, so, so much
urgueō or urgeō, -ēre, ursī
to press, push, force, drive, impel, urge
verbum, -ī, n.
a word
Achillēs, -is, m.
Achilles, the greatest Greek hero at Troy
albus, -a, -um
white (without lustre, opp. ater; cf. candidus, opp. niger)
āmittō, -ere, -īsī, -issum
to send away, dismiss, part with, let go, lose
carīna, -ae, f.
a keel (of a ship)
certō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to match, vie with, fight, contend, struggle, combat, do battle
cēterus, -a, -um
the other, remainder, rest
concurrō, -ere, -currī or -cucurrī, cursum
to run together, assemble, flock together
cruentus, -a, -um
spotted with blood, bloody, stained
Dardanidēs, -ae, m.
son or descendant of Dardanus, an ancestor to the Trojans; the Trojans
decus, -oris, n.
grace, glory, honor, dignity, splendor, beauty
duo, -ae, -o
ēgregius, -a, -um
select, extraordinary, distinguished, surpassing, excellent, eminent
excutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum
to shake out, shake off, cast out, drive out, send forth
futūrus, -a, -um
going to be, yet to be, to come, future
humus, -ī, f.
the earth, ground, soil
iaculum, -ī, n.
a dart, javelin
near to, nigh, near at hand, near, near by, hard by, close to, by the side of (with acc.)
laevus, -a, -um
left, on the left side
Laurēns, -entis
Laurentine, Laurentian, of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium
melior, melius
better (comparative of bonus)
Messāpus, -ī, m.
Messapus, a Latin prince
omnipotēns, -ntis
almighty, omnipotent
inwardly, deeply, far within, into the inmost part
pietās, -ātis, f.
dutiful conduct, sense of duty, religiousness, devotion, piety
plūrimus, -a, -um
most, very much, very many (superlative of multus)
ratis, -is, f.
a raft, float
Rōmānus, -a, -um
of Rome, Roman
often, oft, oftentimes, many times, frequently
Sāturnius, -a, -um
of Saturn, Saturnian; often used for the children of Saturn
spolium, -ī, n.
the skin, hide; the arms stripped from an enemy, booty, prey, spoil
supplex, -icis
kneeling in entreaty, begging, entreating, humble, submissive, beseeching, suppliant, supplicant
vinculum or vinclum, -ī, n.
a means of binding, fastening, band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, tie
Achātes, -ae, m.
Achates, the armor-bearer and faithful companion of Aeneas
adrigō (arr-), -ere, -ēxī, -ēctum
to set up, raise, erect; to rouse, encourage, animate, excite
caedō, -ere, cecīdī, caesum
to cut, hew, cut down, fell, cut off, cut to pieces
claudō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to shut, close, shut up
cōnsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum
to stand still, stand, halt, stop, take a stand, post oneself
dēiciō or dēiiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw down, hurl down, precipitate, prostrate, raze, fell, cut down, tear down, destroy
fās, n.
the dictates of religion, divine law, that which is proper
fax, facis, f.
a torch, firebrand
fēlīx, -īcis
fruitful, productive; bringing good-luck, favorable, fortunate, prosperous; lucky, happy, fortunate
horreō, -ēre, -uī
to stand on end, stand erect, bristle, be rough
īctus, -ūs, m.
a blow, stroke, stab, cut, thrust, bite, sting, wound
iussum, -ī, n.
an order, command, ordinance, law
mūtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to move, move away, remove, change
Nīsus, -ī, m.
Nisus, a Trojan companion of Aeneas
ōmen, -inis, n.
a foreboding, prognostic, harbinger, sign, token, omen
prex, precis, f.
a prayer, request, entreaty
quisquam, quaequam, quicquam or quidquam , n.
any, any one
similis, -e
like, resembling, similar
strīdeō, -ēre
to make a harsh noise, hiss, whiz
taurus, -ī, m.
a bull, bullock, steer
tremō, -ere, -uī
to shake, quake, quiver, tremble
Trōius, -a, -um
of Troy, Trojan
turba, -ae, f.
a turmoil, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance; a great number, throng, multitude, crowd
valeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to be strong, be vigorous, have strength, be able
abeō, -īre, iī, itum
to go from, go away, go off, go forth, go, depart
aeternus, -a, -um
of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless
aevum or (older) aeuom, -ī, n.
neverending time, eternity; especially, period of life, lifetime, life, age
agitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to set in violent motion, drive onward, move, impel, urge
aqua, -ae, f.
arbōr (arbōs), -oris, f.
a tree
astrum, -ī, n.
a heavenly body, star, constellation
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum
to take away, bear off, carry off, withdraw, remove
Ausonius, -a, -um
Ausonian, Italian
colō, -ere, coluī, cultum
to till, tend, care for, cultivate
cōniciō or cōiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw together, unite, collect
cruor, -ōris, m.
blood, bloodshed, gore, a stream of blood
dīgnus, -a, -um
worthy, deserving, meritorious, deserved, suitable, fitting, becoming, proper
dīva, -ae, f.
a goddess
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum
to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell
feriō, -īre
to strike, smite, beat, knock, cut, thrust, hit
flectō, -ere, flēxī, flexum
to bend, bow, curve, turn, turn round
glōria, -ae, f.
glory, fame, renown, praise, honor
gurges, -itis, m.
a raging abyss, whirlpool, gulf
habēna, -ae, f.
a holder, halter, rein
horrendus, -a, -um
dreadful, terrible, fearful, horrible
inclūdō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to shut up, shut in, confine, enclose, imprison, keep in
induō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum
to put on, assume, dress in
memor, -oris
mindful, remembering, heedful
nēve or neu
and not, nor, and that not, and lest
at that time, some time ago, once upon a time, once, formerly, of old
perferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum
to bear through, bring home; to report, announce; to bring to an end, complete
in addition, beyond this, further, besides, moreover
pūbēs, -is, f.
the groin, loins; youth, young men
when, at the time that; since, because, as, seeing that
rēgius, -a, -um
of a king, kingly, royal, regal
regō, -ere, rēxī, rēctum
to keep straight, guide, conduct, direct, control, rule
scelus, -eris, n.
a wicked deed, heinous act, crime, sin, enormity, wickedness
spērō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
stringō, -ere, -inxī, -ictum
to draw tight, bind tight, compress, press together
superī, -ōrum, m.
those who are above, the gods above
thalamus, -ī, m.
an inner room, chamber, apartment, bed chamber; bridal bed
trēs (trīs), tria
vadum, -ī, n.
a shallow place, shallow, shoal, ford
versō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to turn often, keep turning, handle, whirl about, turn over
vīnum, -ī, n.
so, so much, so very
aequō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make equal, equalize
aetherius, -a, -um
of the upper air, heavenly, ethereal, celestial
or, or whether
astō (adstō), -āre, -itī
to stand at, take place near
Aurōra, -ae, f.
the morning, dawn, daybreak; the goddess of the morning
Camilla, -ae, f.
Camilla, maiden warrior and leader of the Volsci
as, like as, just as
concutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum
to strike together, shake violently, shake, agitate, smite, shock
in deception, in error; without effect, to no purpose, uselessly, in vain, for nothing
fulmen, -inis, n.
a lightning flash, stroke of lightning, fire, thunderbolt
fulvus, -a, -um
deep yellow, reddish yellow, gold-colored, tawny
gaudeō, -ēre, gāvīsus sum
to rejoice, be glad, be joyful, take pleasure, be pleased, delight
gelidus, -a, -um
icy cold, very cold, icy, frosty
herba, -ae, f.
an herb, grass, green blades, herbage, turf
īgnōtus, -a, -um
impellō (inp-), -ere, -pulī, -pulsum
to strike against, push, drive, smite, strike, reach; to set in motion, drive forward, move, urge on, impel, propel, wield
incumbō, -ere, -cubuī, -cubitum
to lay oneself, lean, press, support oneself
māior, māius
greater, larger (comparative of magnus)
medium, -ī, n.
the middle, midst, centre, interval, intervening space
Mēzentius, -ī, m.
Mezentius, ruler of Agylla and ally of Turnus, father of Lausus
not; if not, unless
pingō, -ere, pinxī, pictum
to paint, make by painting
portō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to bear, carry, convey, take
potēns, -entis
able, mighty, strong, powerful, potent
praeda, -ae, f.
property taken in war, booty, spoil, plunder, pillage
that, in that, because, but, though
recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum
to take back, bring back, retake, regain, recover; to receive, accept
respiciō, -ere, -spēxī, -spectum
to look back, look behind, look about, see behind, look back upon, gaze at, look for
sententia, -ae, f.
a way of thinking, opinion, judgment, sentiment, thought, notion, purpose, determination, decision, will, desire
sinus, -ūs, m.
a bent surface, curve, fold, hollow, coil; the bosom, lap; a bay, gulf
stirps, -pis, m.
the lower part of the trunk, stock, stem, stalk, root
tenuis, -e
drawn out, meagre, slim, thin, lank, slender
tueor, -ērī, tūtus
to look at, gaze upon, behold, watch, view, regard, consider, examine
aeger, -gra, -grum
unwell, ill, sick, diseased, suffering, feeble
Aeneadēs, -ae, m.
a descendant of Aeneas; a follower of Aeneas, a Trojan
almus, -a, -um
nourishing, fruitful, foodgiving
amīcus, -ī, m.
a loved one, loving one, friend
cinis, -eris, m.
dēbeo, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to owe, be in debt; ought, must, should
eques, -itis, m.
a horseman, rider; cavalryman, horse-soldier, trooper
formīdō, -inis, f.
fearfulness, fear, terror, dread, awe
frangō, -ere, frēgi, frāctum
to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
frōns, -ondis, f.
a leafy branch, green bough, foliage
Grāiī, -ōrum, m.
the Greeks
Italī, -ōrum, m.
the Italians, people of Italy
locō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to place, put, lay, set, dispose, arrange
mōnstrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
nefās, n.
something contrary to divine law, an impious deed, sin, crime
nepōs, -ōtis, m.
a grandson, child’s son, descendant
obscūrus, -a, -um
dark, darksome, dusky, shady, obscure
obvius, -a, -um
in the way, so as to meet, meeting, to meet
pateō, -ēre, -uī
to stand open, lie open, be open
paucus, -a, -um
few, little
penna or pinna, -ae, f.
a feather, plume; (in the plural) a wing
praemium, -ī, n.
an advantage, favor, privilege, reward
right onward, forward, farther on, onward, right on, continuously, directly
quatiō, -ere, —, quassum
to shake
quiēs, -ētis, f.
a lying still, rest, repose, inaction, freedom from exertion, quiet, peace
repōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum
to put back, set back, replace, restore
respōnsum, -ī, n.
an answer, reply, response
rūpēs, -is, f.
a rock, cliff
scēptrum, -ī, n.
a royal staff, sceptre
Stygius, -a, -um
of the Styx, Stygian, of the underworld, infernal
Tiberis, -is and Thȳbris, -idis, m.
the river Tiber which flows through Latium and past Rome
uterque, utraque, utrumque
each, either, each one, one and the other, one as well as the other, both (of two regarded severally)
vitta, -ae, f.
a band, fillet, chaplet, headband
vīvō, -ere, vīxī, victum
to live, be alive, have life
adeō, -īre, -iī, -itum
to go to, come to, come up to, approach, draw near
appāreō (adp-), -ēre, -uī, -itum
to appear, come in sight, make an appearance
auctor, -ōris, f.
a promoter, producer, father, progenitor
āvertō, -ere, -tī, -sum
to turn away, avert, turn off, remove
avus, -ī, m.
a grandfather, ancestor
cieō, -ēre, cīuī, citum
to cause to go, move, stir, drive
comitor, -ārī, -ātus
to accompany, attend, follow
compleō, -ēre, ēvī, -ētum
to fill up, fill full, fill out, make full, cram, crowd
crista, -ae, f.
a tuft, comb, crest
curvus, -a, -um
crooked, curved, bent
dēfendō, -ere, -dī, -sum
to ward off, repel, avert, keep off
lo! behold! see! there!
fīō, fierī, factus sum
to happen, be done; become
īnfandus, -a, -um
unspeakable, unutterable, unheard of, unnatural, shocking, abominable
invādō, -ere, -vāsī, -vāsum
to go into, enter; to enter violently, move against, rush upon, fall upon, assail, assault, attack, invade
lateō, -ēre, -uī
to lurk, lie hid, be concealed, escape notice, skulk
leō, -ōnis, m.
a lion
mōlior, -īrī, -ītus
to make exertion, exert oneself, endeavor, struggle, strive, toil
niger, -gra, -grum
black, sable, dark
occurrō, -ere, -currī, -cursum
to run up, run to meet, go to meet, meet, fall in with
opācus, -a, -um
in the shade, shaded, shady
prōmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum
to let go, put forth; to say before, foretell, predict, promise
remittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum
to let go back, send back, despatch back, drive back, cause to return
Rutulus, -a, -um
Rutulian, of the Rutuli, an ancient people of Latium
salūs, -ūtis, f.
soundness, health, good health, vigor, safety
serō, -ere, sēvī, satum
to sow, plant; to beget, bring forth, produce
spīculum, -ī, n.
a little sharp point, sting; a pointed missile, dart, arrow, javelin
suspendō, -ere, -dī, -sum
to hang up, hang, suspend
tenebrae, -ārum, f.
darkness, gloom
testor, -ārī, -ātus
to cause to testify, call as a witness, invoke, appeal to
torus, -ī, m.
a swelling, muscle, brawn; a stuffed pillow, cushion, couch, sofa
turbō, -inis, m.
a whirlwind, hurricane, storm; a spinning top; a whirl, twist
turris, -is, f.
a tower
aditus, -ūs, m.
a going to, approach, access
aestus, -ūs, m.
glow, heat, rage of fire; (of the sea) a swell, surge
aptō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to adapt, fit, apply, adjust
compōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum
to bring together, place together, collect, unite, join, connect, aggregate
conligō or colligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctum
to gather, collect, assemble, bring together
immediately, forthwith, straightway, directly, without delay
daps, dapis, f.
a solemn feast, sacrificial feast
dēmēns, -entis
out of one’s senses, insane, demented, mad, raving, foolish, distracted
dēsertus, -a, -um
deserted, desert, solitary, lonely, waste
discrīmen, -inis, n.
that which parts, an intervening space, interval, distance, division, separation; distinction, difference, discrimination
dīves, itis
rich, wealthy, opulent
ēvādō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to go out, come out, go forth
exspectō or expectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to look out for, await, wait for
frōns, -ontis, f.
the forehead, brow, front
Hector, -oris, m.
Hector, son of Priam, husband of Andromache, chief defender at Troy
iaciō, -ere, iēcī, iactum
to throw, cast, fling, hurl
incertus, -a, -um
not fixed, unsettled, undetermined; irresolute, hesitating, undecided, doubtful, at a loss
iuvencus, -ī, m.
a young bullock
miseror, -ārī, -ātus
to lament, deplore, commiserate
mucrō, -ōnis, m.
a sharp point, edge, sword’s point
nāta (gnāta), -ae, f.
a daughter
on account of, for, because of, by reason of, for the sake of (with acc.)
obstupēscō, -ere, -puī
to become senseless, be stupefied, be astounded, be struck dumb
pāreō, -ēre, -uī
to appear; to obey, be obedient, submit, comply
pecus, -udis, f.
a head of cattle, beast, brute, animal, one of a herd
Pergama, -ōrum, n.
the citadel of Troy, Troy
plēnus, -a, -um
full, filled
pondus, -eris, n.
a weight
prōra, -ae, f.
the forepart of a ship, bow, prow
prōspiciō, -ere, -ēxī, -ectum
to look forward, look into the distance, have a view, look out, look, see
proximus or proxumus, -a, -um
the nearest, next
redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum
to lead back, bring back, conduct back, escort back, accompany
reor, -ērī, ratus
to reckon, calculate, believe, think, suppose, imagine, judge, deem
ruīna, -ae, f.
a rushing down, tumbling, falling down, fall, downfall
sānctus, -a, -um
consecrated, sacred, inviolable
sēgnis, -e
slow, tardy, slack, dilatory, lingering, sluggish, inactive, lazy
sentiō, -īre, sēnsī, sensum
to discern by sense, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of
spatium, -ī, n.
a space, room, extent, distance, interval
supersum, -esse, -fuī
to be over and above, be left, remain, survive
suprēmus, -a, -um
highest, loftiest, topmost (superlative of superus)
validus, -a, -um
strong, stout, able, powerful, robust, vigorous
bracchium, -ī, n.
the forearm, lower arm
caterva, -ae, f.
a crowd, troop, throng, band, mob
cīvis, -is, f.
a citizen
cōnspiciō, -ere, -spēxī, -spectum
to look at attentively, get sight of, descry, perceive, observe, fix eyes upon
crīmen, -inis, n.
a judgment, charge, accusation, reproach
culmen, -inis, n.
the top, summit, roof, gable
currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursum
to run, move quickly, hasten
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum
to bring away, carry off, take down, carry, take, remove
exsultō or exultō, -āre, -āvī
to spring vigorously, leap up, jump up
exterreō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to strike with terror, frighten, affright
faucēs, -ium, f.
the upper part of the throat, pharynx, throat; a narrow way, narrow inlet or outlet, an entrance, defile, pass
gener, -erī, m.
a daughter’s husband, son-in-law
ingredior, -ī, -gressus
to advance, go forward, march, proceed
īnsidiae, -ārum, f.
a snare, trap, ambush
on the inside, within
iūs, iūris, n.
that which is binding, right, justice, duty, law
lacus, -ūs, m.
an opening, hollow, lake, pond, pool (of living water)
Lausus, -ī, m.
Lausus, an Etruscan warrior, son of Mezentius
lēx, lēgis, f.
a law, bill, regulation, principle, rule
meminī, -isse
(a defective verb) to remember, recollect, think of, is mindful of
modus, -ī, m.
a measure, extent, quantity; a manner, way, mode
Neptūnus, -ī, m.
Neptune, god of the sea, son of Saturn and brother of Jupiter
onerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to load, burden, fill, freight
ovō, -āre
to exult, rejoice
parcō, -ere, pepercī, parsum
to act sparingly, be sparing, spare, refrain from, use moderately
pāscō, -ere, pāvī, pāstum and pāscor, -ī, -pāstus
to feed, nourish, maintain, support; (in passive) to cause to eat, feed, pasture
prōcumbō, -ere, -cubuī, -cubitum
to fall forwards, sink down, fall prostrate, fall
purpureus, -a, -um
purple-colored, purple, dark-red
quisquis, quaeque, quodquod or quidquid, n.
whoever, whosoever, whatever, whatsoever, every one who, each, every, all
recēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go back, fall back, give ground, retire, withdraw, recede
backward, back, to the rear; before, formerly
ceremonially, solemnly, duly; justly, fitly, duly, rightly, customarily
saeviō, -īre, -iī, -ītum
to be fierce, be furious, rage, rave
sermō, -ōnis, m.
continued speech, talk, conversation, discourse
sistō, -ere, stitī, statum
to cause to stand, place, set, set up, fix, plant
sublīmis, -e
uplifted, high, lofty, exalted, elevated
tangō, -ere, tetigī, tāctum
to touch
tempestās, -ātis, f.
a portion of time, point of time, time, season, period; a storm, tempest
timeō, -ēre, -uī
to fear, be afraid, be fearful, be apprehensive, be afraid of, dread, apprehend
turbidus, -a, -um
full of confusion, wild, confused, disordered
vēlō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to cover, cover up, enfold, wrap, envelop, veil
viridis, -e
adloquor (all-), -ī, cūtus
to speak to, address, salute, greet
adsuēscō (assuē-), -ere, -ēvī, -ētum
to accustom, habituate
advertō (advortō), -ere, -tī, -sum
to turn to, turn towards, direct
aēnus (ahēn-), -a, -um
of copper, of bronze
in another manner, otherwise, in any other way, differently
argentum, -ī, n.
bōs, bovis, f.
an ox, bull, cow
cervīx, -īcis, f.
a head-joint, neck
collis, -is, m.
an elevation, high ground, hill
cōnscius, -a, -um
knowing in common, conscious with, privy, participant, accessory, witnessing
cōnsurgō, -ere, -surrēxī, -surrēctum
to rise, stand up, arise, start up, rise in a body, lift oneself
contingō, -ere, -tigī, -tāctum
to touch, reach, take hold of, seize
cōnūbium, -ī, n.
marriage, wedlock
corōna, -ae, f.
a garland, crown, wreath; a circle of objects or men in the shape of a crown
crēber, -bra, -brum
thick, close, pressed together, frequent, numerous, repeated
as long as, while; until, till at length
ēdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum
to lead forth, draw out, bring off, take away
expediō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum
to extricate, disengage, let loose, set free, liberate
immediately, straightway, forthwith, without delay
fatīgō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to weary, tire, fatigue, vex, harass, fret
fera, -ae, f.
a wild beast, wild animal
fīdō, -ere, fīsus sum
to trust, confide, put confidence in, rely upon
fīlius, -ī, m.
a son
fleō, -ēre, flēvī, flētum
to weep, cry, shed tears, lament, wail
gīgnō, -ere, genuī, genitum
to produce, give birth to, beget, bear, bring forth
gressus, -ūs, m.
a stepping, going, step, course, way
horridus, -a, -um
standing on end, rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly; rough, rude, crude, rugged, wild, savage
hospes, -itis, f.
an entertainer, host (as a friend); a visitor, guest
hospitium, -ī, n.
a hospitable reception; hospitality, tie of hospitality, relation of host and guest, friendship
hymenaeus (-os), -ī, m.
the nuptial hymn, wedding song; a wedding, marriage
inīquus, -a, -um
uneven, slanting, steep
īnsequor, -ī, -cūtus
to follow, follow after, come next
invīsus, -a, -um
hated, hateful, detested
laeva, -ae, f.
the left hand
longaevus, -a, -um
of great age, aged, ancient
lūna, -ae, f.
the moon
nōdus, -ī, m.
a knot
obiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw before, throw to, cast, offer, present, expose
ōcior, ōcius
swifter, fleeter
optimus or optumus, -a, -um
very good, greatest, best
pestis, -is, f.
an infectious disease, plague, pest, pestilence
pinguis, -e
fat, rich, fertile, plump
postis, -is, m.
a post, door post
prōiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw forth, cast before, throw out, throw down, throw
propinquō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to draw near, come nigh, approach
putō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to believe, think, suppose; to clean, cleanse, trim, prune
quiēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -ētum
to rest, repose, keep quiet, be inactive, be at peace
suddenly, unexpectedly, all of a sudden
rota, -ae, f.
a wheel
superus, -a, -um
that is above, upper, higher
on top, above; before, formerly; above, over, before (with acc.)
just so many, just as many, the same number of
tumultus, -ūs, m.
an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
Ulixes, -is, m.
Ulysses, also known as Odysseus, the king of Ithaca
ūltimus, -a, -um
farthest, most distant, most remote, uttermost, extreme, last
vallēs or vallis, -is, f.
a valley, vale
vānus, -a, -um
containing nothing, empty, void, vacant
acerbus, -a, -um
harsh, sharp, bitter
high, deep
āmēns, -entis
out of one’s senses, mad, frantic, distracted
amplector, -ī, -exus
to twine around, encircle, encompass, embrace
audāx, -ācis
daring, bold, courageously, spirited
Auster, -trī, m.
the south wind
cantus, -ūs, m.
a musical utterance, singing, song
carmen, -inis, n.
a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound (vocal or instrumental)
chorus, -ī, m.
a dance in a ring, choral dance, dance; a troop of dancers, band of singers, chorus, choir
cōgnōmen, -inis, n.
a surname, second-name, family-name
complector, -ī, plexus
to clasp, embrace, grasp
congredior, -ī, -gressus
to come together, meet; to fight, contend, engage
cōnsilium, -ī, n.
a council, body of counsellors; a plan, purpose, intention
cunctor, -ārī, -ātus
to delay, linger, loiter, hesitate, doubt
dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctum
to choose, pick out, select, elect, designate, single out
fingō, -ere, finxī, fictum
to touch, form, shape, fashion, make
fluō, -ere, fluxī, fluxum
to flow, stream, overflow
furia, -ae, f.
a fury, scourge, curse
gemō, -ere, -uī, -itum
to sigh, groan, lament
genetrīx, -īcis, f.
she that has borne, a mother
germāna, -ae, f.
a sister
grātus, -a, -um
beloved, dear, acceptable, pleasing, agreeable
hauriō, -īre, hausī, haustum
to draw up, draw out, draw; to drain, drink up, spill, shed
Hesperia, -ae, f.
the land of the west, Italy
imber, -bris, m.
a rain, heavy rain, violent rain, shower, pouring rain
implicō, -āre, -āvī or -uī, -ātum or -itum
to infold, involve, entangle, entwine, inwrap, envelop, encircle, embrace, clasp, grasp
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum
to come upon, find, meet with, light upon
Iūturna, -ae, f.
Juturna, a nymph and sister of Turnus
lacrimō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to shed tears, weep
lentus, -a, -um
pliant, flexible, tough, tenacious, sticky, viscous; slow, sluggish, immovable
levō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to lift up, raise, elevate, make lighter
lībō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to pour out, offer as a libation, spill, sprinkle, make a drink-offering
Libycus, a, -um
Libyan, of Libya, a region of northern Africa
lōrīca, -ae, f.
a leather cuirass, corselet of thongs
mactō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to magnify, extol, honor, glorify; to offer, sacrifice, immolate
mīrābilis, -e
wonderful, marvelous, extraordinary, amazing, admirable, strange
misereor, -ērī, -itus
to feel pity, have compassion, pity, compassionate, commiserate
only, merely, solely, simply, but, no more than
murmur, -uris, n.
a murmur, murmuring, hum, roar, growling, grumbling, crash
nūbila, -ōrum, n.
clouds, rain-clouds
nūntius, -ī, m.
a bearer of tidings, news-carrier, reporter, messenger, courier
obsideō, -ēre, -sēdī, -sessum
to sit, stay, remain, abide; to hem in, beset, besiege, invest, blockade
odium, -ī, n.
hatred, grudge, ill-will, animosity, enmity, aversion
offerō, -ferre, obtulī, oblātum
to bring before, present, offer, show, exhibit
orior, -īrī, ortus
to arise, rise, stir, get up
spread, scattered about far and wide, at different places, generally, in every direction, at random
pellis, -is, f.
a skin, hide, felt, pelt
perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum
to achieve, execute, carry out, accomplish, perform, despatch, bring about, bring to an end, finish, complete
pharetra, -ae, f.
a quiver
plūs, plūris
pulsō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to push against, strike upon, beat, hammer, keep hitting, batter
pulvis, -eris, m.
dust, powder
recēns, -entis
lately arisen, not long in existence, fresh, young, recent
redeō, -īre, -iī, -itum
to go back, turn back, return, turn around
regiō, -ōnis, f.
a direction, line; a boundary, territory, region
scindō, -ere, scidī, scissum
to cut, tear, rend, force apart, split, cleave, divide
sciō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum
to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of, be skilled in
scūtum, -ī, n.
a shield, Roman shield, infantry shield, buckler
statuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum
to cause to stand, set up, set, station, fix upright, erect, plant
struō, -ere, strūxī, strūctum
to place together, heap up, pile, arrange; to make by joining together, build, fabricate, make, construct
tegumen (tegimen, tegmen), -inis, n.
a covering, cover
tertius, -a, -um
Tyriī, -ōrum, m.
the Tyrians, a people from Phoenicia; the Carthaginians