All Aeneid Part 11 Flashcards
Ornȳtus, -ī, m.
Ornytus, an Etruscan warrior
Orpheus, -eī, m.
Orpheus, the mythical singer of Thrace, husband of Eurydice
Orsēs, -ae, m.
Orses, a Trojan warrior
Ortīnus, -a, -um
Ortine, of Orta, a city in Etruria
Ortygius, -ī, m.
Ortygius, a Rutulian warrior
Oscī, -ōrum, m.
the Oscans, an ancient people of Campania
Osīnius, -ī, m.
Osinius, king of the Etruscan city of Clusium
Osīris, -is or -idis, m.
Osiris, a Latin warrior
Ōthrys, -yos, m.
Mount Othrys, a mountain in Thessaly
pācifer, -fera, -ferum
peace bringing, peaceful, pacific
pācō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make peaceful, quiet, pacify, subdue, soothe
pacta, -ae, f.
a betrothed woman, bride
Pactōlus, -ī, m.
the Pactolus, a river of Lydia
Padus, -ī, m.
the Padus, the river Po, which flows through northern Italy
Padūsa, -ae, f.
the Padusa river, a branch of the Padus river in northern Italy
paeniteō, -ēre, -uī
to make sorry, cause to repent, be sorry
Pagasus, -ī, m.
Pagasus, an Etruscan warrior
Palaemōn, -onis, m.
Palaemon, a sea god, son of Athamas and Ino
Palamēdēs, -is, m.
Palamedes, one of the Greek leaders at Troy
Palātīnus, -a, -um
Palatine, of the Palatine Hill in Rome
Palīcus, -ī, m.
Palicus, a Sicilian deity, worshipped near the Symaethus river
Palinūrus, -ī, m.
Palinurus, a promontory in Campania named after Palinurus, Aeneas’ pilot
palmōsus, -a, -um
full of palm trees
palmula, -ae, f.
an oar blade, oar
Pān, Pānos, m.
Pan, the god of the fields and woods
panacēa, -ae, f.
an herb said to heal all diseases, panacea
Pandarus, -ī, m.
Pandarus, a leader of the Lycians at Troy
Panopēs, -is, m.
Panopes, a Sicilian youth, companion of Ascanius
Pantagiās, -ae, m.
the Pantagius river, a river on the eastern coast of Sicily
panthēra, -ae, f.
a panther
Parius, -a, -um
Parian, of Paros, an island in the Aegean Sea and one of the Cyclades, famous for its white marble
Paros (-us), -ī, f.
Paros, an island in the Aegean Sea and one of the Cyclades, famous for its white marble
Parthenius, -ī, m.
Parthenius, a Trojan warrior
Parthenopaeus, -ī, m.
Parthenopaeus, son of Meleager and Atalanta, one of the Seven against Thebes
Parthī, -ōrum, m.
the Parthians, a people of Persia
too little, not enough, insufficiently
for a little while, for a short time, a while, a moment
parvulus, -a, -um
very small, little, petty, slight
Patavium, -ī, n.
Patavium, a city in northern Italy
patefaciō, -ere, -fēcī, -factum
to lay open, open, throw open
Pātrōn, -ōnis, m.
Patron, a Greek companion of Aeneas
patruus, -ī, m.
a father’s brother, paternal uncle
patulus, -a, -um
spread out, standing open, open, wide
for a little while, for a short time
pauperiēs, -ēī, f.
poverty, limited means
peccātum, -ī, n.
a fault, error, mistake, transgression, sin
peccō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to miss, mistake, do amiss, transgress, commit a fault, offend, sin
pellāx, -ācis
seductive, deceitful
Pelopēus, -a, -um
Pelopean, of Pelops, a king of Pisa in the Peloponnese, which was named after him
Pēneleus, -eī or -eos, m.
Peneleus, a Greek warrior, one of the suitors of Helen
with, at the house of, in the power of, belonging to (with acc.)
penetrābilis, -e
penetrable, vulnerable, piercing
pennātus, -a, -um
furnished with wings, winged
Pentheus, -eī or -eos, m.
Pentheus, king of Thebes, grandson of Cadmus, torn to pieces by his mother and other Bacchants for mocking the orgies of Bacchus
pēnūria, -ae, f.
want, need, scarcity, destitution
penus, -ūs and -ī, n.
a store of food, provision, victuals
peplum, -ī, n.
an outer robe, robe of state, mantle
peredō, -ere, -ēdī, -ēsum
to consume, devour
peregrīnus, -a, -um
from foreign parts, strange, foreign, exotic, alien
perennis, -e
lasting throughout the year, everlasting, never failing, unceasing, perpetual
perflō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to blow through, blow over
perfodiō, -ere, -fōdī, -fossum
to dig through, pierce through, transfix
perfurō, -ere
to rage furiously, rage on
Pergamea, -ae, f.
Pergamea, a city built by Aeneas in Crete
Peridīa, -ae, f.
Peridia, the mother of Onites
Periphās, -antis, m.
Periphas, a Greek warrior at Troy
periūrus, -a, -um
oath-breaking, false to vows, perjured
perlegō or pellegō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctum
to view all over, examine thoroughly, scan, survey
permētior, -īrī, -mēnsus
to measure through, measure out, measure
permulceō, -ēre, -mulsī, -mulsum
to rub gently, stroke
permūtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to change throughout, alter completely
pērō, -ōnis, m.
a long laced boot of raw hide
perplexus, -a, -um
interwoven, entangled, involved, intricate
perstringō, -ere, -inxī, -ictum
to bind closely, press hard, touch closely, graze
perterreō, -ēre, -uī, itum
to frighten thoroughly, terrify
pervertō, -ere, -tī, -sum
to overturn, overthrow, throw down
pervius, -a, -um
that may be crossed, affording a passage, passable, accessible
pervolitō, -āre
to fly through, flit about
pervolō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to fly through, flit about
pestifer, -era, -erum
destructive, baleful, noxious, pernicious, pestilential
Petēlia, -ae, f.
Petelia, a town on the eastern coast of Bruttium
Phaeāces, -um, m.
the Phaeacians, the inhabitants of Corcyra, an island west of Greece
Phaedra, -ae, f.
Phaedra, one of the daughters of Minos and Pasiphae, wife of Theseus, king of Athens
Phaleris, -is, m.
Phaleris, a Trojan warrior
pharetrātus, -a, -um
wearing a quiver, quivered
Pharus, -ī, m.
Pharus, a Rutulian warrior
Phēgeus, -ī or -eos, m.
Phegeus, a Trojan warrior
Pheneos (-us), -eī, f.
Pheneos, a town in Arcadia
Pherēs, -ētis, m.
Pheres, an Arcadian warrior
Philoctētēs, -ae, m.
Philoctetes, son of the Thessalian king Poeas of Meliboea, companion of Hercules, from whom he inherited the bow and arrows with which he killed Paris
Phīnēius, -a, -um
pertaining to Phineus, king of Salmydessus who was smitten by the gods with blindness and tormented by the Harpies for putting out the eyes of his sons
Phlegyās, -ae, m.
Phlegyas, son of Mars and king of the Lapiths
Phoebē, -ēs, f.
Phoebe, the goddess of the moon, sister of Apollo, the Roman Diana
Phoebigena, -ae, m.
son of Phoebus
Phoenīces, -um, m.
the Phoenicians
Phoenīx, -īcis, m.
Phoenix, a companion of Achilles in the Trojan War
Pholoē, -ēs, f.
Pholoe, a Cretan woman, slave of Aeneas
Pholus, -ī, m.
Pholus, a Centaur, son of Ixion
Pholus, -ī, m.
Pholus, a Trojan warrior
Phorbās, -antis, m.
Phorbas, a son of Priam, killed at the siege of Troy
Phorcus, -ī, m.
Phorcus, a Latin patriarch
Phryx, -ygis
Phrygian, of Phrygia, the region around Troy, Trojan
Phthīa, -ae, f.
Phthia, a town in Thessaly, home of Achilles
pictūra, -ae, f.
painting, picture
pictūrātus, -a, -um
pīla, -ae, f.
a pillar; a pier
pīlātus, -a, -um
armed with javelins
pīlentum, -ī, n.
an easy chariot or carriage
pīlum, -ī, n.
a heavy javelin, pilum
Pīnārius, -a, -um
Pinarian, of Pinarius, head of a family devoted to the rites of Hercules
Pīsae, -ārum, f.
Pisae, a city in Etruria
piscis, -is, m.
a fish
pīstrīx, -īcis, f.
a sea monster, whale, shark
softly, gently, quietly, calmly, peacefully, placidly
plaga, -ae, f.
a hunting net, snare, trap
plangō, -ere, -ānxī, -anctum
to strike, beat
plānitia, -ae or plānitiēs, -ēī, f.
a flat surface, level ground, plain
plaustrum, -ī, n.
a vehicle for freight, wagon, wain, cart
plēbs, plēbis or plēbēs, -ēī, f.
the common people, commons, commonalty, plebeians, folk
Plēmyrium, -ī, n.
Plemyrium, a promontory in Sicily near Syracuse
plicō, -āre
to fold, wind, coil
pluō, -ere, pluī or plūvī
to rain
Plūtōn, -ōnis, m.
Pluto, son of Saturn, king of the underworld
pluvia, -ae, f.
rain, a shower, fall of rain
pluviālis, -e
of rain, rainy
Podalīrius, -ī, m.
Podalirius, a Trojan warrior
pollex, -icis, m.
the thumb
Pollūx, -ūcis, m.
Pollux, son of Tyndarus and Leda, brother of Castor, Helen, and Clytemnestra
Polyboetēs, -ae, m.
Polyboetes, a Trojan priest of Ceres
Pōmetiī, -ōrum, m.
Pometii, a city of the Volsci in Latium
pōmum, -ī, n.
a fruit, tree-fruit, orchard-fruit
populāris, -e
of the people, proceeding from the people, popular, general, common
Populōnia, -ae, f.
Populonia, a town on the coast of Etruria
populor, -ārī, -ātus
to lay waste, ravage, devastate, spoil, plunder, pillage
pōpulus, -ī, f.
a poplar tree
porca, -ae, f.
a female pig, sow
Porsenna, -ae, m.
Lars Porsenna, an Etruscan king allied with the Tarquins after their expulsion from Rome
Portūnus, -ī, m.
Portunus, the god of harbors
posthabeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to place after, esteem less, postpone, neglect
postumus, -a, -um
last, latest born, late born
pōtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to drink
praecelsus, -a, -um
lofty, towering
praecīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum
to cut off in front, cut off
praecō, -ōnis, m.
a crier, herald
praedīves, -itis
very rich, affluent
praedulcis, -e
very pleasing, delightful
praedūrus, -a, -um
very hard, hardened
praeeō, -īre, -iī or -īvī, -itum
to go before, lead the way, precede
praefodiō, -ere, -fōdī
to dig in front of
praefor, -ārī, -fātus
to say beforehand, utter in advance, premise, preface
praefulgeō, -ēre
to beam forth, shine greatly, glitter in front
praemetuō, -ere
to fear beforehand, be apprehensive
praenatō, -āre
to swim before, flow by
Praenestīnus, -a, -um
of Praeneste, a town in Latium
praenūntia, -ae, f.
a harbinger, foreteller
praepinguis, -e
very fat, of superior fertility
praeruptus, -a, -um
broken or torn off; steep, abrupt, rugged
praesentia, -ae, f.
a being at hand, presence
praesentiō, -īre, -sēnsī, -sēnsum
to feel beforehand, perceive in advance, have a presentiment of, presage, divine
praeses, -idis, f.
a protector, guard, guardian, defender
praesidium, -ī, n.
defence, protection, guardianship, help, aid; guard, escort, garrison
praesūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -ūmptum
to take before, take first, anticipate
praetervehor, -ī, -vectus
to be borne past, drive by
praeūstus, -a, -um
burned in front, burned at the end
praevehor, -ī, -vectus
to ride in front, flow past, sail by
praevertor, -ī
to go before, precede, outstrip, outrun
praevideō, -ēre, -vīdī, -vīsum
to see first, see beforehand, foresee
prāvus, -a, -um
crooked, distorted, misshapen, deformed, perverse, wrong, bad
pressō, -āre
to press
pristis, -is, f.
a sea monster
Prīvernum, -ī, n.
Privernum, a city in Latium
Prīvernus, -ī, m.
Privernus, a Rutulian warrior
o! ah! alas!
Procās, -ae, m.
Procas, one of the Alban kings, father of Numitor and Amulius
procāx, -ācis
pertinacious, bold, insolent, shameless
Prochyta, -ae, f.
Prochyta, an island near the Bay of Naples
prōclāmō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to call, cry out
Procris, -idis, f.
Procris, daughter of Erectheus, married to Cephalus, king of Phocis, by whom she was accidentally killed in a forest
prōculcō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to tread down, trample upon
prōcūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to take care of, attend to, look after
prōcurvus, -a, -um
curved in front, crooked, winding
prōditiō, -ōnis, f.
a betrayal, treason, treachery
actually, indeed, really, truly, assuredly, certainly
prōflō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to blow forth, breathe out
profundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum
to pour out, pour forth, shed copiously, cause to flow
profundum, -ī, n.
a depth; the depths of the sea, the deep, the sea
prōgīgnō, -ere, -genuī, -genitum
to beget, bear, bring forth
prōlābor, -ī, -lapsus
to glide forward, slide along, slip
prōlūdō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to play beforehand, prelude, practise
prōluviēs, -ēī, f.
an overflow, inundation
prōmereor, -ērī, -meritus
to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy
Promolus, -ī, m.
Promolus, a Trojan warrior
prōmoveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtum
to move forward, cause to advance, push onward, advance
near, near to (with acc.)
properus, -a, -um
quick, speedy, hastening
prōpexus, -a, -um
combed forward, combed down, hanging
prōpōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum
to put forth, set forth, lay out, place before, expose to view, display
prōsiliō, -īre, -uī
to leap forward, spring forth, spring up
prōsperus, -a, -um
according to hope, as desired, favorable, fortunate, prosperous
prōterō, -ere, -trīvī, trītum
to tread under foot, trample down, wear away, crush, bruise
prōterreō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to frighten off, scare away, drive away, affright, terrify
Prōteus, -eī or -eos, m.
Proteus, a sea god who was able to change his form
prōveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum
to come forth, appear, arise, be produced
prūdentia, -ae, f.
foresight, good sense, intelligence
Prytanis, -is, m.
Prytanis, a Trojan warrior
pūbēns, -entis
mature, flourishing, exuberant
pūbēs, -eris
grown up, of ripe age, adult, pubescent
pūbēscō, -ere, -buī
to attain puberty, come to maturity
pudendus, -a, -um
causing shame, shameful, scandalous, disgraceful, abominable
pūgnātor, -ōris, m.
a fighter, combatant
pullulō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to put forth, sprout, shoot, come forth
pulvereus, -a, -um
of dust, filled with dust, dusty
pūrgō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make clean, make pure, clean, cleanse, purify
Pyragmōn, -onis, m.
Pyragmon, a Cyclops who worked in the workshop of Vulcan
Pyrgī, -ōrum, m.
Pyrgi, a tower on the coast of Etruria
Pyrgō, -ūs, f.
Pyrgo, a Trojan woman, nurse of Priam’s children
quadra, -ae, f.
a square table, dining-table
quadrifidus, -a, -um
fourcleft, split into four parts
quadriiugis, -e
of a team of four, yoked four together
quadriiugus, -a, -um
of a team of four, yoked four together; (as a noun) a four horse chariot
quaesītor, -ōris, m.
an investigator, examining magistrate, examiner, inquisitor, prosecuting officer
quaternī, -ae, -a
four each, by fours, four at a time
Quercēns, -entis, m.
Quercens, a Rutulian warrior
querneus or quernus, -a, -um
of oak, oaken
quingentī, -ae, -a
five hundred
Quirītes, -ium, m.
Quirites, ancient Sabines that joined with the Romans; Roman citizens
quīvīs, quaevīs, quidvīs and quodvīs
whoever it be, whom you please, any one, any whatever, anything
for which reason, wherefore, and therefore
whither pray? whither? where?
rapīna, -ae, f.
an act of robbery, robbery, plunder
Rapō, -ōnis, m.
Rapo, an Etruscan warrior
raptor, -ōris, m.
a robber, plunderer, abductor, ravisher
rārēscō, -ere
to grow thin, become rare
recaleō, -ēre
to grow warm again
recēnseō, -ēre, -suī, -sum and -sītum
to count, enumerate, number, reckon, survey
receptō, -āre, -āvī
to take back, wrest away
receptus, -ūs, m.
a falling back, retreat; a place of retreat, refuge
recessus, -ūs, m.
a going back, receding, retreat, departure; a secret spot, recess
recīdō, -ere, -dī, -sum
to cut away, cut down, cut off
recingō, -ere, —, -ctum
to ungird, loosen, undo
reclīnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to bend back, cause to lean, recline
recōgnōscō, -ere, -gnōvī, -gnitum
to know again, recollect, recall to mind, recognize
recolō, -ere, -coluī, -cultum
to till again, cultivate anew, work over; to think over, reflect upon, consider
rēctum, -ī, n.
that which is right, good, virtuous; uprightness, rectitude, virtue
recurrō, -ere, -currī
to run back, hasten back, return
recurvus, -a, -um
turned back, bent, crooked, curved inward, winding
recutiō, -ere, —, -cussum
to shake again, shock
redarguō, -ere, -uī
to disprove, refute, confute, contradict
redimīculum, ī, n.
a band, fillet, necklace, chaplet, frontlet
redoleō, -ēre, -uī
to emit scent, diffuse odor, smell of, be redolent of
refringō, -ere, -frēgī, -frāctum
to break up, break open
refūtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to check, drive back, repress; to repel, rebut, refute, disprove
rēgificus, -a, -um
royal, magnificent, sumptuous
regressus, -ūs, m.
a going back, return, regress
relābor, -ī, -lapsus
to slide back, sink back
relēgō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to send away, send out of the way, despatch, remove, seclude
relegō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctum
to gather together, collect again
religiōsus, -a, -um
conscientious, strict, precise, accurate; reverent, pious, devout, religious
reminīscor, -ī
to recall to mind, recollect, remember
remulceō, -ēre
to stroke back, fold back, curve
Remulus, -ī, m.
Remulus, a Rutulian warrior
Remulus, -ī, m.
Remulus, a Tiburtine
remurmurō, -āre
to murmur back, remurmur
Remus, -ī, m.
Remus, a Rutulian warrior
Remus, -ī, m.
Remus, the brother of Romulus, one of the founders of Rome
renārrō, -āre
to tell over again, recount, relate
renāscor, -ī, -ātus
to be born again, grow again
repēns, -entis
sudden, hasty, unexpected, unlooked for; new, fresh, recent
repercutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum
to strike back, drive back
repūgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to fight back, oppose, make resistance, resist, struggle, defend oneself
requiēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -ētum
to rest, take rest, repose
resīgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to unseal, open
resorbeō, -ēre
to suck back, swallow again
respergō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to sprinkle over, besprinkle, bestrew
respīrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to blow back, breathe back, breathe out, exhale
resplendeō, -ēre
to shine back, glitter, be resplendent
respōnsō, -āre
to return, answer, re-echo
restituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum
to set up again, replace, restore, reconstruct, rebuild, revive, renew, reform, rearrange
retentō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to hold back firmly, keep back, hold fast
retexō, -ere, -xuī, -xtum
to unweave, unravel
retinācula, -ōrum, n.
a holdfast, band, tether, halter, halser, rope, cable
retrōversus or rētrōrsus, -a, -um
turned back
reus, -ī and rea, -ae
accused, arraigned, defendant, prosecuted; bound, answerable, responsible
revehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum
to carry back, bring back, convey back
revomō, -ere
to spew forth again, vomit up, disgorge, throw up
Rhadamanthus, -ī, m.
Rhadamanthus, a son of Jupiter and Europa, brother of Minos, a judge in the underworld
Rhaebus, -ī, m.
Rhaebus, the war-horse of Mezentius
Rhea, -ae, f.
Rhea, a priestess and mother of Aventinus
Rhēnus, -ī, m.
the Rhine river, which divides Gaul from Germany
Rhēsus, -ī, m.
Rhesus, a Thracian king who came to help the Trojans in the Trojan War, but was killed by Ulysses and Diomedes
Rhoetus, -ī, m.
Rhoetus, king of the Marrubii, and father of Anchemolus
rīmōsus, -a, -um
full of cracks
Rōmuleus, -a, -um
of Romulus
Rōmulidae, -ārum, m.
the descendants of Romulus, the Romans
Rōmulus, -a, -um
of Romulus
rosa, -ae, f.
a rose
Rōseus, -a, -um
Rosean, of or belonging to Rosea, a very fertile district near Reate
rōstrātus, -a, -um
having a beak, hooked, with a crooked point, beaked, with a curved front
rubor, -ōris, m.
redness; a redness of the skin, flush, blush
rudīmentum, -ī, n.
a first attempt, trial, essay, beginning, commencement
rudis, -e
unwrought, untilled, unformed, unused, rough, raw, wild
Rufrae, -ārum, f.
Rufrae, a Samnite town in Campania
rūga, -ae, f.
a crease in the face, wrinkle
rutilō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to redden, make reddish
Sabaeī, -ōrum, m.
the Sabaeans, a people of Arabia
Sabaeus, -a, -um
Sabaean, of Saba in Arabia
Sabīnae, -ārum, f.
the Sabine women, a people of Latium
Sabīnus, -ī, m.
Sabinus, founder of the Sabines
Sacēs, -is, m.
Saces, a Latin warrior
Sācrānus, -a, -um
Sacranian, relating to the Sacrani, a people of Latium
sacrārium, -ī, n.
a depository of holy things, shrine
Sacrātor, -ōris, m.
Sacrator, an Etruscan warrior
sacrilegus, -a, -um
that steals sacred things, that robs a temple, sacrilegious; guilty of profanation, impious, profane
sagittifer, -fera, -ferum
arrow bearing
sagulum, -ī, n.
a small military cloak, travelling-cloak
Salamīs, -īnis, f.
Salamis, an island in the Saronic Gulf near Athens
salīgnus, -a, -um
of willow, of willow wood
saliō, -īre , -uī, saltum
to leap, spring, bound, jump, hop
Sallentīnus, -a, -um
Sallentine, pertaining to the Sallentini, a people of Iapygia in southern Italy
Salmōneus, -eī, m.
Salmoneus, a king of Elis, son of Aeolus and brother of Sisyphus, who attempted to imitate Jupiter’s thunder
salūbris, -e
health-giving, healthful, wholesome, salubrious, salutary, healthy, sound, well
Samē, -ēs, f.
an old name for Cephalenia, an island in the Ionian Sea
Samos or Samus, -ī, f.
Samos, an island near Ephesus in the Aegean Sea
Samos or Samus, -ī, f.
Samothrace, an island in the northern Aegean Sea
Samothrācia, -ae, f.
Samothrace, an island near the coast of Thrace
sanciō, -īre, sānxī, sānctum
to make sacred, render inviolable, fix unalterably, establish, appoint, decree, ordain, confirm, ratify, enact
soberly, sensibly, reasonably, discreetly
sānus, -a, -um
sound, whole, healthy, well
Sarnus, -ī, m.
the Sarnus river, a river in Campania near Pompeii
Sarrastēs, -um, m.
the Sarrastes, a people of Campania near Pompeii
Satīculus, -ī
Saticulan, of Saticula, a town in Campania
satiō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to fill, satisfy, sate, satiate
Satura, -ae, f.
Satura, a marsh in Latium
scelerō, -āre, —, -ātum
to pollute, defile, desecrate
Scīpiadēs, -ae, m.
one of the Scipio family, a Scipio
scrūpeus, -a, -um
of pointed stones, sharp, rough, steep, rugged
scūtātus, -a, -um
armed with a long shield
Scylacēum, -ī, n.
Scylaceum, a town on the coast of Bruttium
Scylla, -ae, f.
Scylla, a ship in the fleet of Aeneas
Scyllaeus, -a, -um
of Scylla (a promontory at the entrance of the Sicilian straits)
scyphus, -ī, m.
a cup, large cup, beaker, goblet
Scȳrius, -a, -um
Scyrian, of Scyros, an island in the Aegean northeast of Euboea
Sēbēthis, -idis or -idos, f.
Sebethis, the daughter of Sebethus, a river or river-god of Campania
sēclūsus, -a, -um
separated, remote, secluded
sēdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum
to lead aside, take apart, draw aside, lead away, carry off, set aside
slowly, sluggishly, slothfully, lazily
sēgnitiēs, -ēī, f.
slowness, tardiness, dilatoriness, sluggishness, inactivity
Selīnūs, -ūntis, f.
Selinus, a town on the southern coast of Sicily
sella, -ae, f.
a seat, settle, chair, stool
sēmihomo, -inis, m.
a half-man, half-beast
sēminō, -āre
to sow, bring forth, produce
Senectūs, -tūtis, f.
Old age, personified
sentus, -a, -um
thorny, rough, rugged
septemgeminus, -a, -um
septemplex, -plicis
sequestra, -ae, f.
one with whom something is placed in trust, a mediator
Sergius, -a, -um
Sergian, of Sergius, the founder of the Roman gens Sergia
seriēs, -ēī, f.
a row, succession, series, chain, train, sequence
serō, -ere, -uī, sertum
to join, connect, link together, combine, compose, contrive
Serrānus, -ī, m.
Serranus, an agnomen of Gaius Atilius Regulus, a Roman who was summoned from the plow to the consulship
late at night
sēscentī, -ae, -a
six hundred
Sevērus, -ī, m.
Mount Severus, a mountain in the country of the Sabines
Sicānia, -ae, f.
the island of Sicily
siccum, -ī, n.
dry land, a dry place
if in any place, if anywhere, wheresoever
sīcut or sīcutī
so as, just as, as, like
Sidicīnus, -a, -um
Sidicinian, of or belonging to the Sidicini, a people of Campania
sīdō, -ere, sīdī
to sit down, sink, settle
Sīdōn, -ōnis, f.
Sidon, a city of Phoenicia in the Eastern Mediterranean
sīgnificō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make signs, show by signs, show, point out, express, publish, make known, indicate, intimate, notify, signify
Sīla, -ae, f.
a large forest in Bruttium
silēscō, -ēre
to become still, fall silent, grow calm
Silvānus, -ī, m.
Silvanus, a god of woods and plantations
silvicola, -ae, f.
inhabiting woods, sylvan
simplex, -icis
simple, single, plain, uncompounded, unmixed
singultō, -āre, —, -ātum
to hiccup, sob, gasp
singultus, -ūs, m.
a sobbing, panting, choking, convulsive sigh
sinuō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to bend, wind, curve, bow, swell out in curves
sinuōsus, -a, -um
full of curves, full of folds, bent, winding, curved, sinuous, serpentine
Sīrēnus, -um, f.
the Sirens, monsters who had the bodies of birds and faces of women and lived near Campania on dangerous rocks and who attracted sailors by their songs
sīstrum, -ī, n.
a brass rattle, the rattle used in the festivals of Isis
sodālis, -is
of companions, friendly, companionable, sociable
solidum, -ī, n.
solid ground
solitum, -ī, n.
the customary, what is usual
Somnia, -ōrum, n.
Dreams, personified
somnifer, -era, -erum
sleep-bringing, soporific
Sopor, -ōris, m.
Sleep, personified
sopōrifer, -fera, -ferum
inducing sleep, sleepy, drowsy
sopōrus, -a, -um
of sleep, sleep-bringing, causing sleep
sorbeō, -ēre, -uī
to sup up, suck in, drink down, swallow up, absorb
sordidus, -a, -um
dirty, unclean, foul, filthy, squalid, sordid
sortītus, -ūs, m.
a casting of lots, drawing
Spartānus, -a, -um
Spartan, of or relating to Sparta, a city in Laconia in the Peloponnese
sparus, -ī, m.
a small spear with a barbed head, hunting-spear
spatior, -ārī, -ātus
to spread abroad, spread out, expand
specimen, -inis, n.
a means of knowing, mark, token, proof, example, indication, evidence, sign
spectāculum, -ī, n.
a show, sight, spectacle
spectātor, -ōris, m.
a looker-on, beholder, observer, spectator
speculātor, -ōris, m.
a looker-out, spy, scout, explorer
Spīō, -ūs, f.
Spio, one of the Nereids
spīrābilis, -e
that may be breathed, respirable
spīrāculum, -ī, n.
a breathing-hole, vent, spiracle
spīrāmentum, -ī, n.
a breathing-hole, vent, pore, spiracle
splendidus, -a, -um
bright, shining, glittering, brilliant, splendid, magnificent
sponda, -ae, f.
a bedstead, bed-frame, bed
spōnsa, -ae, f.
a betrothed woman, bride
squālor, -ōris, m.
roughness, dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, squalor
squāmeus, -a, -um
stabulō, -āre
to have an abode, dwell, be stabled
stāgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to cover the land as a lake, become a pool, stagnate
status, -ūs, m.
a station, position, place
stellāns, -antis
starred, starry
stellātus, -a, -um
set with stars, starry
sternāx, -ācis
prostrating, throwing down
Steropēs, -is, m.
Steropes, a Cyclops who worked in the workshop of Vulcan
Sthenelus, -ī, m.
Sthenelus, a Trojan warrior
Sthenelus, -ī, m.
Sthenelus, a Greek warrior at Troy, charioteer of Diomedes
Sthenius, -ī, m.
Sthenius, a Rutulian warrior
stomachus, -ī, m.
the gullet, alimentary canal, esophagus, stomach
strāmen, -inis, n.
straw, litter
strictūra, -ae, f.
a compression; hence, a mass of metal under the forge
strīdulus, -a, -um
creaking, rattling, hissing, whizzing, buzzing
Strȳmonius, -ī, m.
Strymonius, an Arcadian warrior
stūppa, -ae, f.
coarse flax, tow, oakum
sublevō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to lift from beneath, raise up, hold up, support
aloft, loftily, on high
sublūstris, -e
giving some light, faintly luminous, glimmering
subolēs, -is, f.
a sprout, twig; offspring, progeny, posterity
subrēmigō, -āre
to row gently
subrigō, -ere, —, -rēctum
to erect, make rigid, straighten up
subtēmen, -inis, n.
that which is woven in, a woof, weft
subtexō, -ere, -xuī, -xtum
to weave under, work in below, sew on
suburgueō, -ēre
to drive close, drive up
subveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum
to come to help, aid, assist, reinforce, relieve
subvolvō, -ere
to roll up, roll along
succendō, -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum
to kindle beneath, set on fire below
succidō, -ere, -idī
to fall under, sink down, sink
succumbō, -ere, -cubuī, -cubitum
to fall down, lie down, sink; to yield, submit, surrender, succumb
Sūcrō, -ōnis, m.
Sucro, a Rutulian warrior
sūcus, -ī, m.
a juice, moisture, sap, liquor
sūdō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to sweat, perspire
sūdus, -a, -um
cloudless, bright, clear, serene
sufferō, sufferre, sustulī, sublātum
to take up, submit to, undergo, bear, endure, suffer
sulfur or sulphur, -uris, n.
brimstone, sulphur
sulfureus, -a, -um
of sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
suō, -ere, suī, sūtum
to sew, stitch, sew up, sew together
superbia, -ae, f.
loftiness, haughtiness, pride, arrogance
superiaciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to cast over, throw upon; to overtop, surmount
superimmineō, -ēre
to hang over, overhang
from above, above, upwards
superstes, -itis
standing by, present; surviving, outliving
superstō, -āre, -stetī
to stand upon, stand over
superveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum
to come in addition, come up, arrive, supervene, follow
supervolō, -āre
to fly over
suppleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum
to fill up, fill out, make full, make good, complete, supply
suspīrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to draw a deep breath, heave a sigh, sigh
Sybaris, -is, m.
Sybaris, a Trojan warrior
Sȳchaeus, -a, -um
pertaining to Sӯchaeus, of Sychaeus, husband of Dido
Sȳmaethius, -a, -um
Symaethian, of Symaethum, a river and town in Sicily
tābēs, -is, f.
a wasting, melting away, dwindling, gradual decline, decay, putrid matter
tābidus, -a, -um
wasting away, melting, decaying
Taburnus, -ī, m.
the Taburnus, a ridge of the Apennines in central Italy
Tagus, -ī, m.
Tagus, a Rutulian warrior
tālāria, -ium, n.
the ankles
Talos, -ī, m.
Talos, a Rutulian warrior
Tanais, -is, m.
Tanais, a Rutulian warrior
Tarentum, -ī, n.
Tarentum, a city of Greek origin on the coast of Italy
Tarpēia, -ae, f.
Tarpeia, a companion of Camilla
Tarquinius, -a, -um
Tarquinian, the name of the Roman gens to which belonged Tarquinius Priscus and Tarquinius Superbus, both kings of Rome
Tarquinius, -ī, m.
Tarquinius Superbus, the seventh and last king of Rome
Tarquitus, -ī, m.
Tarquitus, a Rutulian warrior
Tartarus, -ī, m.
Tartarus, the underworld, Hades, especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked
Tatius, -ī, m.
Titus Tatius, a king of the Sabines
taureus, -a, -um
of a bull, of an ox, of oxen, taurine
taurīnus, -a, -um
of bulls, of oxen
Tēleboae, -ārum, m.
the Teleboans, a people of Acarnania who colonized the island of Capreae
Telōn, -ōnis, m.
Telon, king of the Teleboans on the island of Capreae
temerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to treat rashly, violate, profane, defile, dishonor, disgrace, desecrate, outrage
tēmō, -ōnis, m.
a pole, beam
temptāmentum, -ī, n.
a trial, attempt
tenor, -ōris, m.
a holding on, continuance, uninterrupted course, career
tentōrium, -ī, n.
a tent
tepēscō, -ere
to become warm, grow lukewarm, be warmed
terebinthus, -ī, f.
the terebinth, turpentine tree
Tēreus, -eī or -eos, m.
Tereus, a Trojan warrior
tergeō, -ēre, -sī, -sum
to rub off, wipe off, wipe dry, wipe clean, cleanse
tergus, -oris, n.
the back, body, trunk; a skin, hide, leather
terminō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to set bounds, mark off by boundaries, bound, limit
terminus, -ī, m.
a boundary-line, boundary, bound, limit
terrificō, -āre
to make afraid, frighten, alarm, scare
tessera, -ae, f.
a die, a square piece of stone or wood
Tetrica, -ae, f.
Mount Tetrica, a mountain in Sabine country
Teucer, -crī, m.
Teucer, son of Telamon and Hesione, half-brother of Ajax, and founder of Salamis in Cyprus
Teucria, -ae, f.
Troy, the land of Teucer, the first king of Troy
Teuthrās, -antis, m.
Teuthras, an Arcadian warrior
Teutonicus, -a, -um
Teutonic, of the Teutons, a Germanic tribe; Germanic
textilis, -e
woven, wrought, textile
textum, -ī, n.
that which is woven, a web, texture, fabric, structure
Thaemōn, -ōnis, m.
Thaemon, a Lycian warrior