All Aeneid Part 10 Flashcards
grandaevus, -a, -um
in years, old, aged
Graviscae, -ārum, f.
Graviscae, a small town in Etruria
Grȳnēus, -a, -um
Grynian, of or belonging to Grynia, a small town in Aeolis with a temple of Apollo
gustō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to taste, take a little of
Gyaros, -ī and Gyara, -ae, f.
Gyaros, a small island in the Aegean Sea, part of the Cyclades
Gyas, -ae, m.
Gyas, a Latin warrior
Gȳges, -is or -ae, m.
Gyges, a Trojan warrior
Gylippus, -ī, m.
Gylippus, an Arcadian who came to Italia with Evander
Hādriacus, -a, -um
Adriatic, pertaining to the Adriatic Sea
Haedī, -ōrum, m.
a small double star in the hand of the Waggoner (Auriga)
Haemōn, -onis, m.
Haemon, a Rutulian warrior
Haemonidēs, -ae, m.
Haemonides, a Latin warrior
Halaesus, -ī, m.
Halaesus, an Italian warrior, formerly allied with Agamemnon
Halius, -ī, m.
Halius, a Trojan warrior
hālō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to breathe, emit vapor, be fragrant
Halys, -yos, m.
Halys, a Trojan warrior
Hammōn, -ōnis, m.
Jupiter, or Zeus Ammon, a god of Egypt and Libya
harēnōsus, -a, -um
full of sand, sandy
Harpalycē, -ēs, f.
Harpalyce, a Thracian huntress, daughter of King Harpalycus
Harpalycus, -ī, m.
Harpalycus, a Trojan warrior
harundineus, -a, -um
of reeds, reedy
by no means whatever, not at all
hebeō, -ēre
to be blunt, be dull
Hēbrus, -ī, m.
Hebrus, a Trojan warrior
Helōrus, -ī, m.
the Helorus river, a river on the eastern coast of Sicily
Herbēsus, -ī, m.
Herbesus, a Rutulian warrior
Herminius, -ī, m.
Herminius, an Etruscan warrior
Hermionē, -ēs, f.
Hermione, daughter of Menelaus and Helen, wife of Orestes
Hermus, -ī, m.
the Hermus river, a river in Aeolis full of gold
Hernicus, -a, -um
Hernician, of the Hernici, an Italian tribe of Latium
Hēsionē, -ēs, f.
Hesione, daughter of Laomedon, saved from a sea monster by Hercules, and afterwards wife of Telamon
Hesperides, -um, f.
the Hesperides, the daughters of Hesperus, to whom was given the care of the fabled gardens of the Hesperides, in an island of the Atlantic west of Mount Atlas
Hesperis, -idis, f.
of evening, of the west, western, Hesperian, Italian
hesternus, -a, -um
of yesterday, yesterday’s
hībernum, -ī, n.
the winter
Hicetāonius, -a, -um
of Hicetaon, the son of Hicetaon
Hiems, -emis, f.
Winter, personified
Himella, -ae, m.
the Himella river, a river in Sabine country
Hippocoōn, -ontis, m.
Hippocoon, a companion of Aeneas
Hippolytē, -ēs, f.
Hippolyte, an Amazon, captured by Theseus
Hippotadēs, -ae, m.
the son of Hippotas
hīrsūtus, -a, -um
rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly, hirsute
hirundō, -inis, f.
a swallow (the bird)
Hisbō, -ōnis, m.
Hisbo, a Rutulian warrior
hīscō, -ere
to open, gape, yawn; to open the mouth, mutter, murmur, make a sound
hīspidus, -a, -um
rough, shaggy, hairy, bristly, prickly
Homolē, -ēs, f.
Mount Homole, a mountain in Thessaly
honōrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to honor, respect, adorn, ornament, embellish, decorate
horribilis, -e
terrible, fearful, dreadful, horrible
horrifer, -fera, -ferum
that causes trembling, exciting terror, terrible, dreadful, horrible
horrificō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to ruffle, make rough
hortātor, -ōris, m.
an inciter, encourager, exhorter
hyacinthus (-os), -ī, m.
the hyacinth, blue iris
Hydaspēs, -is, m.
Hydaspes, a Trojan warrior
Hȳlaeus, -ī, m.
Hylaeus, a Centaur
Hyllus, -ī, m.
Hyllus, a Trojan warrior
Hyrtacus, -ī, m.
Hyrtacus, the father of Nisus
iactāns, -antis
boasting, bragging, boastful
iactūra, -ae, f.
a throwing, throwing away, throwing overboard
iactus, -ūs, m.
a throwing, casting, hurling, throw, cast
Iaera, -ae, f.
Iaera, a wood-nymph, wife of Alcanor and mother of Bitias and Pandarus
Iāniculum, -ī, n.
the Janiculum, one of the hills of Rome, site of the mythical citadel of Janus
Iāpyx, -ygis, m.
the Iapyx, a wind that blows in the south of Italy, west-northwest of Greece
Īasidēs, -ae, m.
a son or descendant of Iasius, Palinurus
Īasidēs, -ae, m.
a son or descendant of Iasius, Iapyx
Īasius, -ī, m.
Iasius, son of Jupiter and Electra, brother of Dardanus, and beloved by Ceres
iaspis, -idis, f.
a green precious stone, jasper
in the same place, in that very place, just there; on the spot, in that very moment
Īcarus, -ī, m.
Icarus, the son of Daedalus
Īda, -ae, f.
Mount Ida, a mountain in Crete, where Jupiter was raised
Īda, -ae, f.
Ida, a nymph, mother of Nisus
Īdaeus, -ī, m.
Idaeus, one of Priam’s charioteers
Īdaeus, -ī, m.
Idaeus, a Trojan warrior
Īdalius, -a, -um
Idalian, of Idalium or Idalia, a town in Cyprus
Īdās, -ae, m.
Idas, a Trojan warrior
Īdās, -ae, m.
Idas, a Thracian warrior from Ismara
idcircō or iccircō
on that account, for that reason, therefore
for that reason, on that account, therefore
Idmōn, -onis, m.
Idmon, a Rutulian messenger
iecur, -oris, n.
the liver
īgnāvia, -ae, f.
inactivity, laziness, idleness, sloth, listlessness, cowardice, worthlessness
īgnēscō, -ere
to take fire, become inflamed, burn, kindle
Īlionē, -ēs, f.
Ilione, the oldest daughter of Priam and Hecuba
from that place, thence, from yonder
Īllyricus, -a, -um
Illyrian, pertaining to Illyria, the region north of Epirus
Īlus, -ī, m.
Ilus, king of Troy, son of Tros
Īlus, -ī, m.
an earlier name for Ascanius or Iulus
Ilva, -ae, f.
Ilva, an island near the coast of Etruria
Imāōn, -onis, m.
Imaon, a Latin warrior
imbellis, -e
unwarlike, unfit for war, peaceful, fond of peace
Imbrasius, -ī, m.
Imbrasius, a Trojan warrior, father of Asius
imitābilis, -e
that may be imitated, imitable
immātūrus, -a, -um
untimely, unripe, immature, premature
immedicābilis, -e
immeritus, -a, -um
undeserving, guiltless, innocent, without fault
immulgeō, -ēre
to milk into
immūnis, -e
not bound, free from obligation, disengaged, unemployed
impatiēns, -entis
that cannot bear, intolerant, impatient, submissive
impēnsa, -ae, f.
outlay, cost, charge, expense
impēnsus, -a, -um
ample, considerate, great
imperditus, -a, -um
not destroyed, not slain
imperfectus, -a, -um
unfinished, incomplete, imperfect, immature
imperitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to command, govern, rule, be supreme
imperterritus, -a, -um
unterrified, dauntless
impexus, -a, -um
impiger, gra, grum
not indolent, diligent, active, quick, unwearied, indefatigable, energetic
impingō, -ere, -pēgī, -pāctum
to dash against, throw on, thrust at, fasten upon
implācātus, -a, -um
unappeased, insatiable
imprecor, -ārī, -ātus
to call down upon, imprecate
improperātus, -a, -um
not hasty, lingering
imprōvidus, -a, -um
not foreseeing, off guard
imprūdēns, -entis
not foreseeing, not expecting, without knowing, unaware, unsuspecting, ignorant, inconsiderate, heedless, inadvertent
impulsus, -ūs, m.
a striking against, push, pressure, shock, impulse
inamābilis, -e
unlovely, unattractive, repugnant, repulsive, odious
inārdēscō, -ere, -ārsī
to kindle, take fire, burn, glow
Īnarimē, -ēs, f.
Inarime, an island at the entrance of the Bay of Naples
incānus, -a, -um
gray, hoary
incessō, -ere, -cessīvī
to fall upon, assault, assail, attack
incingō, -ere, -inxī, -īnctum
to gird, gird about, surround
inclēmentia, -ae, f.
unmercifulness, rigor, harshness, roughness, severity
inclīnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to cause to lean, bend, incline, turn, divert
incohō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to begin, commence
incommodum, -ī, n.
inconvenience, trouble, disadvantage, detriment, injury, misfortune, loss
inconcessus, -a, -um
not allowed, unlawful, forbidden
incōnsultus, -a, -um
not consulted, unasked; unadvised, inconsiderate, indiscreet
incrēbrēscō, -ere, bruī
to quicken, grow, increase, rise, spread
incrēdibilis, -e
not to be believed, incredible, beyond belief, extraordinary, unparalleled
incurvō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to bend, bow, curve
incutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum
to wield against, cause to strike, strike into, inflict
indāgō, -inis, f.
an encircling with toils, surrounding
indēbitus, -a, -um
not owed, not due
indēfessus, -a, -um
unwearied, indefatigable
indēprēnsus, -a, -um
indictus, -a, -um
not said, unsaid
Indiges, -etis, m.
a deified hero, a hero worshiped as a god of his native land after his death
indiscrētus, -a, -um
undistinguishable, not known apart
indocilis, -e
not teachable, not to be taught, indocile
indolēs, -is, f.
an inborn quality, natural quality, nature
indubitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to throw doubt upon, express distrust of
Indus, -a, -um
belonging to India, Indian
inexcītus, -a, -um
unmoved, calm
inexhaustus, -a, -um
inexhaustible, unexhausted
inexpertus, -a, -um
without experience; untried, unproved, untested
inexplētus, -a, -um
not filled, unsatisfied
inextrīcābilis, -e
not to be unravelled, inextricable
īnfabricātus, -a, -um
unwrought, unfashioned
īnfindō, -ere, -fidī, -fissum
to cut into, cleave
īnflētus, -a, -um
unwept, unlamented
īnflīgō, -ere, -īxī, -īctum
to dash upon, strike against
īnflō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to blow into, blow, inflate, swell
īnfodiō, -ere, -fōdī, -fossum
to bury, inter
on the under side, below, underneath (with acc.)
īnfremō, -ere, -uī
to make a noise, growl, bellow
īnfrēnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to put on a bridle, furnish with a bridle, bridle, harness, curb
ingravō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to weigh down, oppress, molest
inhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -ītum
to hold in, hold back, keep back, restrain, curb, check
inhonestus, -a, -um
dishonorable, disgraceful, shameful
iniūssus, -a, -um
unbidden, voluntary, of one’s own accord
inluviēs, -ēī, f.
an overflow, inundation; a wash, dirt, filth, uncleanness
inoffēnsus, -a, -um
unobstructed, unhindered, uninterrupted
inolēscō, -ere, -lēvī, olitum
to grow, grow upon
Īnōus, -a, -um
Inoan, pertaining to Ino, daughter of Cadmus
inreparābilis, -e
irreparable, irretrievable
inscrībō, -ere, -īpsī, -īptum
to write upon, inscribe
īnserō, -ere, -seruī, -sertum
to bring into, introduce, to mix with
īnsertō, -āre
to put in, insert
īnsidior, -ārī, -ātus
to lie in ambush, lie in wait for
īnsīgniō, -īre, -īvī or -iī, -ītum
to mark, make conspicuous, distinguish
īnsinuō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to thrust in, push in, make a way
īnsomnis, -e
sleepless, wakeful
īnspiciō, -ere, -spēxī, -spectum
to look into, look upon, inspect, consider, contemplate, examine, survey
īnspoliātus, -a, -um
not plundered, not made spoil
īnsum, inesse, īnfuī
to be in, be upon
īnsuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum
to sew in, sew into, sew up
īnsuperābilis, -e
that cannot be passed over, insurmountable, invincible
intemptātus, -a, -um
untouched, untried, unattempted
intepēscō, -ere, -puī
to become lukewarm, be warmed
intercipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum
to seize in passing, intercept, interrupt
interclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum
to shut out, shut off, cut off, hinder, stop, block up, intercept
interfor, -ārī, -ātus
to interrupt in speaking
interimō or interemō, -ere, -ēmī, -ēmptum or -ēmtum
to take from the midst, take away, do away with, abolish
interlūceō, -ēre, -lūxī
to shine in the midst
internectō, -ere
to bind together, bind up
intersum, -esse, -fuī
to be between, lie between
intertexō, -ere, -texuī, -textum
to intertwine, interweave
intervāllum, -ī, n.
the space between walls, an intermediate space, interval, distance
intrāctābilis, -e
unmanageable, intractable
intrāctātus, -a, -um
not managed, untamed, wild
inumbrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to overshadow, darken
inventor, -ōris, m.
a contriver, author, discoverer, inventor
invergō, -ere
to incline, pour upon
invertō, -ere, -vertī, -versum
to turn upside down, turn about, upset, invert, reverse
invigilō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to watch over, be devoted, be intent
invīsus, -a, -um
invocō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to call upon, invoke, appeal to
ho! huzza! hurrah!
Īō, -ūs, f.
Io, daughter of Inachus, changed into a cow by Jupiter, given to Juno, watched by Argus
Iollās, -ae, m.
Iollas, a Trojan warrior
Īonium, -ī, n.
the Ionian sea, west of Greece
Iōpās, -ae, m.
Iopas, a Carthaginian poet
Ismara, -ae, f.
Ismara, a city at the foot of Mount Ismarus in Thrace
Ismarus, -ī, m.
Ismarus, a Maeonian warrior and follower of Aeneas
there, in that place, where you are
from there, thence, from where you are
Ītalides, -um, f.
Italian women; Italian nymphs
Italus, -ī, m.
Italus, the ancient king from whom Italy supposedly named
Itys, -yos, m.
Itys, a Trojan warrior
iubar, -arīs, n.
radiance, light, splendor, brightness, sunshine
iūcundus, -a, -um
pleasant, agreeable, delightful, pleasing
iūdex, -icis, f.
a judge, juror
iūdicium, -ī, n.
a judgment, judicial investigation, trial, legal process, sentence
iūgerum, -ī, n.
an acre, juger (containing 28,000 square feet)
iugō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to bind, marry
Iūlius, -ī
Julius, the cognomen of Gaius Julius Caesar
Iūnōnius, -a, -um
of Juno, Junonian
iūssus, -ūs, m.
an order, command, decree
Ixīōn, -onis, m.
Ixion, the father of Pirithous, king of the Lapiths, who was bound to an ever revolving wheel in the underworld for offering violence to Juno
Labīcī, -ōrum, m.
the Labici, the people of Labicum, a town in Latium
Labos, -ōris, m.
Toil, personified
labrum, -ī, n.
a lip
Labyrinthus, -ī, m.
a labyrinth, building with winding passages
Lacedaemōn, -onis, f.
Lacedaemon or Sparta, a city in Laconia in the Peloponnese
Lacedaemonius, -a, -um
Lacedamonian, Spartan, of Sparta, a city in Laconia in the Peloponnese
Lacīnius, -a, -um
Lacinian, of Lacinium, a promontory near Croton on the southern coast of Italy
lacrimōsus, -a, -um
full of tears, tearful, weeping
Ladēs, -is, m.
Lades, a Lycian warrior
Lādōn, -ōnis, m.
Ladon, a Greek warrior
laena, -ae, f.
a woollen mantle, shawl, cloak
Lāertius, -a, -um
of Laertes, father of Ulysses
Lagus, -ī, m.
Lagus, a Rutulian warrior
lāmenta, -ōrum, n.
a wailing, moaning, weeping, lamentation, lament
lāmentābilis, -e
mournful, lamentable, full of sorrow
Lamus, -ī, m.
Lamus, a Rutulian warrior
Lamyrus, -ī, m.
Lamyrus, a Rutulian warrior
lancea, -ae, f.
a Spanish lance, light spear, lance, spear
languēscō, -ere, -guī
to become faint, grow weak, sink, be enfeebled
languidus, -a, -um
faint, weak, dull, sluggish, languid
lānūgō, -inis, f.
woolly substance, down
Lāodamīa, -ae, f.
Laodamia, daughter of Acastus, wife of Protesilaus, who killed herself after her husband was slain by Hector
lapidōsus, -a, -um
full of stones, stony
lapsō, -āre
to slip, slide, fall
largior, -īrī, -ītus
to give bountifully, lavish, bestow, dispense, distribute, impart
Lārīna, -ae, f.
Larina, a companion of Camilla
lātrātor, -ōris, m.
a barker, dog
latrō, -ōnis, m.
robber, bandit, brigand
Laurentius, -a, -um
Laurentine, Laurentian, of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium
lautus, -a, -um
neat, elegant, splendid, sumptuous, luxurious
lectus, -ī, m.
a couch, bed
Lēda, -ae, f.
Leda, wife of Tyndarus, mother of Castor and Pollux, and of Helen and Clytemnestra
lēgifer, -fera, -ferum
Leleges, -um, m.
Pleasgian tribes of Asia Minor and Greece
Lēmnius, -a, -um
of Lemnos, Lemnian, the island home of Vulcan
Lēnaeus, -a, -um
Lenaean, Bacchic
lentō, -āre
to make flexible, bend
lepus, -oris, f.
a hare
Lernaeus, -a, -um
Lernaean, of Lerna, a marshy forest near Argos where the Lernaean hydra was slain by Hercules
Leucaspis, -is, m.
Leucaspis, a companion of Aeneas
levāmen, -inis, n.
an alleviation, mitigation, solace, consolation
lēvō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make smooth, polish
lībāmen, -inis, n.
a portion offered to the gods, first-fruits, libation
liber, -brī, m.
the bark of a tree; paper, book
Līber, -erī, m.
Liber, the god of wine and hilarity, identified by the Romans with the Greek Bacchus
libet or lubet, -ēre, libuit or libitum est
it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable
lībum, -ī, n.
a cake, pancake
Liburnī, -ōrum
the Liburni, a warlike people inhabiting Liburnia on the Illyrian coast
freely, without restraint, boldly, impudently, licentiously
Lichās, -ae, m.
Lichas, a Latin warrior
licitus, -a, -um
permitted, allowed, allowable, lawful
Licymnia, -ae, f.
Licymnia, a slave
ligō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to tie, bind, bind together, bind up, bandage, bind fast
Ligus, -uris
a Ligurian, inhabitant of Liguria, a region of northern Italy
Lilybēius, -a, -um
of Lilybaeum, a promontory and town on the western coast of Sicily
limbus, -ī, m.
a border, hem, edge, selvage, fringe
līmōsus, -a, -um
full of mud, slimy, miry, muddy
līmus, -ī, m.
an apron crossed with purple worn by attendants at a sacrifice
līmus, -ī, m.
slime, mud, mire
linteum, -ī, n.
a linen cloth
Liparē, -ēs, f.
Lipare, one of the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily
liquēscō, -ere
to become fluid, melt, liquefy
Līris, -is, m.
Liris, an Etruscan warrior
līs, lītis, f.
a strife, dispute, quarrel, altercation
līvēns, -entis
bluish, lead-colored, black and blue, livid
līvidus, -a, -um
of a leaden color, bluish, blue
longinquus, -a, -um
far removed, far off, remote, distant
long, a long while
loquēla or loquella, -ae, f.
speech, words, discourse
Lūcās, -ae, m.
Lucas, a Rutulian warrior
Lūcetius, -ī, m.
Lucetius, an Italian warrior
luctāmen, -inis, n.
a wrestling, toil, exertion
lūctificus, -a, -um
causing sorrow, doleful, baleful
Luctus, -ūs, m.
Grief, personified
lūdibrium, -ī, n.
a mockery, derision, wantonness
lūdicer, -cra, -crum
belonging to play, serving for sport, done in sport, sportive
mournfully, portentously
Lupercal, -ālis, n.
the Lupercal, a cave on the Palatine Hill sacred to the Lycean Pan
Lupercus, -ī, m.
a title of the Lycean Pan; hence, a priest of the Lycean Pan
lūstrālis, -e
of purification, lustral
lūstrum, -ī, n.
a purificatory sacrifice, lustration; a period of five years
lūteus, -a, -um
yellow, saffron-yellow
luteus, -a, -um
of mud, of clay
lūxuriō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to be rank, be luxuriant, abound to excess
Lycaeus, -a, -um
of Lycaeus, a mountain in Arcadia noted for the worship of Zeus and Pan
Lycāōn, -ōnis, m.
Lycaon, a Cretan maker of weapons
Lycāonius, -a, -um
of Lycaonia, a region of Asia Minor
lychnus, -ī, m.
a light, lamp
Lyciī, -ōrum
the Lycians, inhabitants of Lycia, a region of Asia Minor
Lyctius, -a, -um
Lyctian, of Lyctius, a town in Crete; Cretan
Lycūrgus, -ī, m.
Lycurgus, son of Dryas, and king of the Thracian Edoni, punished by Bacchus with madness, and driven to self-destruction
Lȳdī, -ōrum
the Lydians, the people of Lydia, a region of Asia Minor; Etruscans, descendants of the Lydians
lymphātus, -a, -um
distracted, frantic, beside oneself
Lynceus, -ī, m.
Lynceus, a Trojan companion of Aeneas
lynx, lyncis, f.
a lynx
Lyrnēsius, -a, -um
Lyrnesian, of Lyrnesus, a town near Troy
Lyrnēsus, -ī, f.
Lyrnesus, a town near Troy
Machāōn, -onis, m.
Machaon, a Greek leader and surgeon at Troy, son of Aesculapius
māciēs, -ēī, f.
leanness, thinness, meagreness, atrophy
bravo! well done!
madefaciō, -ere, -fēcī, -factum
to make wet, moisten, soak, steep, drench, water
madēscō, -ere, -duī
to become moist, be wet
Maeander or Maeandros, -drī, m.
the Meander River, a river of Ionia and Phrygia, famous for its winding course; a crooked, winding path
Maeōn, -onis, m.
Maeon, a Rutulian warrior
Maeonia, -ae, f.
Maeonia, the region in Asia from where the Etruscans supposedly originated
Maeonidēs, -ae, m.
a native of Maeonia, the region from where the Etruscans supposedly originated
Maeōtius, -a, -um
Maeotian, of the Maeotae or Scythians of the Palus Maeotis, the Sea of Azof
maereō, -ere
to be sad, be mournful, mourn, grieve, lament
magicus, -a, -um
of magic, magical
magistrātus, -ūs, m.
magisterial office, civil office, magistracy; magistrate, public official
Magus, -ī, m.
Magus, a Rutulian warrior
māiestās, -ātis, f.
greatness, grandeur, dignity, majesty, elevation
Malea, -ae, f.
Malea, one of the southern promontories of the Peloponnese
malesuādus, -a, -um
ill-advising, seductive
mālifer, -fera, -ferum
palpably, plainly, distinctly
Mānlius, -ī, m.
M. Manlius Capitolinus, who saved the Capitol in the Gallic war
mantēle, -is, n.
a towel, napkin
Mantō, -ūs, f.
Manto, a nymph and prophetess, mother of Ocnus, founder of Mantua
Mārcellus, -ī, m.
Marcus Claudius Marcellus, one of the Romans commanders against Hannibal during the Second Punic War, conquerer of Syracuse
Mārcellus, -ī, m.
Gaius Claudius Marcellus, son of Octavia and husband of Julia, respectively the sister and daughter of Augustus, who died in early youth in 23 B.C.
Marīca, -ae, f.
Marica, a nymph of the river Liris, supposed to be the mother of the Latins
marīnus, -a, -um
of the sea, marine
Marpēsius, -a, -um
Marpesian, of Marpesus, a mountain in Paros
Marruvius, -a, -um
Marruvian, Marsian, of Marruvium, the capital of the Marsi
Mārsī, -ōrum, m.
the Marsi, a tribe of the Apennines, among the most warlike of the Italians
Mārsus, -a, -um
Marsian, of the Marsi, a tribe fo the Apennines
māssa, -ae, f.
kneaded dough; hence, a lump, mass
Massica, -ōrum, n.
the Massic hills in Campania
Massicus, -ī, m.
Massicus, an Etruscan warrior
Massȳlī, -ōrum or -um, m.
the Massyli, a people in northern Numidia
māteria, -ae and māteriēs, -ēī, f.
stuff, matter, material, timber, substance
mātrōna, -ae, f.
a married woman, wife, matron, lady
mātūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make ripe, ripen, bring to maturity; to hasten; to accelerate, quicken
Maurūsius, -a, -um
Moorish, Mauretanian, pertaining to the Moors, a people of North Africa
meātus, -ūs, m.
a going, passing, motion, course
medicīna, -ae, f.
the healing art, medicine, remedy, surgery
medicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to imbue with healing power, medicate, drug
medicus, -a, -um
of healing, healing, medicinal
Medōn, -ontis, m.
Medon, one of the Trojan leaders at Troy
Megaera, -ae, f.
Megaera, one of the Furies
Megarus, -a, -um
Megarean, of or belonging to Megara, a town in Sicily
Melampus, -odis, m.
Melampus, a companion of Hercules
Melitē, -ēs, f.
Melite, a sea nymph
Memmius, -ī, m.
Memmius, a name for a Roman gens
Memnōn, -onis, m.
Memnon, son of Tithonus and Aurora and king of the Ethiopians
Menestheus, -eī and -eos, m.
Menestheus, a Lyrnesian warrior
Menoetēs, -ae, m.
Menoetes, an Arcadian warrior
mephītis, -is, f.
a noxious exhalation, mephitis, malaria
mercēs, -ēdis, f.
price, hire, pay wages, salary, fee, reward
mergus, -ī, m.
a diver, a kind of water-fowl
Merops, -opis, m.
Merops, a Trojan warrior
merus, -a, -um
pure, unmixed, unadulterated
mētior, -īrī, mēnsus
to measure, mete
Mettus, -ī, m.
Mettus Fuffetius, an Alban general, put to death by Tullius Hostilius for treachery
Metus, -ūs, f.
Fear, personified
migrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to remove, depart, flit, migrate
Mincius, -ī, m.
the Mincius river, a river near Mantua that feeds into the Po
minimē or minumē
least of all, in the smallest degree, least, very little
Miniō, -ōnis, m.
the Minio, a small river in southern Etruria
ministra, -ae, f.
a female attendant, waiter, servant
minitor, -ārī, -ātus
to threaten, menace
Mīnōius, -a, -um
Minoan, of Minos, king of Crete
Mīnōs, -ōis, m.
Minos, king of Crete, son of Jupiter and Europa, one of the judges in the underworld
Mīnōtaurus, -ī, m.
the Minotaur, a monster with a bull’s head and body of a man, son of Pasiphae, confined in the Cretan Labyrinth
missus, -ūs, m.
a sending away, sending, despatching
mītēscō, -ere
to grow mild, become gentle, be tamed, be civilized
mītigō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to soften, make tender, ripen, mellow, tame
mītis, -e
mild, mellow, mature, ripe
mōbilitas, -ātis, f.
activity, speed, rapidity, quickness, mobility
mola, -ae, f.
a millstone, grindstone; grits, spelt coarsely ground and mixed with salt
molāris, -is, m.
a millstone, large stone
molliō, -īre, -īvī or -iī, -ītum
to make soft, make supple, soften
Monoecus, -ī, m.
Monoecus, a promontory and harbor west of Genoa
montuōsus, -a, -um
mountainous, full of mountains
Morbus, -ī, m.
Disease, personified
Morinī, -ōrum, m.
the Morini, a people living on the northwest coast of Gaul
mortifer, -era, -erum
death-bringing, deadly, fatal, destructive
mortuus, -a, -um
Mulciber, -eris or -erī, m.
one of softens, an epithet of Vulcan, god of fire
mulcō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to beat, strike, handle roughly, injure
muliebris, -e
of a woman, womanly, feminine
mulier, -eris, f.
a woman, female
by much, much, a great deal, far, by far
mundus, -ī, m.
the universe, world, heavens, earth
mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum
to wall, defend with a wall, fortify, defend, protect, secure, strengthen
mūrālis, -e
of a wall, mural
murmurō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to murmur, mutter, roar
murra (myrrha, murrha), -ae, f.
the myrrh-tree, an Arabian tree of which myrrh was the sap
Mūsaeus, -ī, m.
Musaeus, a Greek poet contemporary with Orpheus
Mutusca, -ae, f.
Mutusca, a Sabine city
Mycēnaeus, -a, -um
Mycenaean, of Mycenae, a city of Argolis in Greece, home of Danaus, Pelops, and Agamemnon
Myconos, -ī, f.
Myconos, an island in the Aegean Sea, one of the Cyclades
Mygdonidēs, -ae, m.
Mygdonides or Coroebus, son of Mygdon, a Trojan warrior
myrteus, -a, -um
of myrtle, belonging to the myrtle tree
Nār, Nāris, m.
the Nar, a river in Italy that begins in the Appenines and later joins the Tiber
Nārycius, -a, -um
of or belonging to Narycion, a city in central Greece and the birthplace of Ajax Oileus
nātūra, -ae, f.
nature, natural constitution, property, quality
nātus, -ūs, m.
birth, age, years
nāvifragus, -a, -um
causing shipwrecks, dangerous
nāvigium, -ī, n.
a vessel, ship, bark, boat
Naxos, -ī, f.
Naxos, an island in the Aegean Sea, the largest of the Cyclades, and on which Theseus abandoned Ariadne
Nealces, -is, m.
Nealces, a Latin warrior
necō, -āre, āvī, -ātum
to kill, slay, put to death, destroy
nectar, -aris, n.
nectar, drink of the gods
Nemea, -ae and Nemeē, -ēs, f.
Nemea, a city in Greece, near which Hercules slew the Nemean lion
nemorōsus, -a, -um
full of woods, woody
neō, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum
to spin
Nērēius, -a, -um
of or belonging to Nereus, a god of the sea and father of the Nereids
Nēritos, -ī, m.
Neritos, a mountainous island near Ithaca
Nersae, -ārum, f.
Nersae, a city of the Aequi in Latium
nexō, -āre
to twine, coil
nīdor, -ōris, m.
a vapor, steam, smell, fume
without doubt, doubtless, indisputably, certainly, surely, truly
too much, overmuch, excessively, too
nimius, -a, -um
beyond measure, excessive, too great, too much
Niphaeus, -ī, m.
Niphaeus, a Rutulian warrior
Nīsaeē or Nēsaeē, -ēs, f.
Nisaee, a sea nymph, one of the Nereids
nitēscō, -ere, -tuī
to begin to shine, shine forth, glitter
nōbilitās, -ātis, f.
celebrity, fame, renown; nobility, aristocracy; nobleness, excellence
noctivagus, -a, -um
night-wandering, that wanders by night
nōdō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to furnish with knots, tie in a knot
Noēmon, -onis, m.
Noemon, a Trojan warrior
noviēns or novies
nine times
novitās, -ātis, f.
newness, novelty
noxa, -ae, f.
hurt, harm, injury
nūbilis, -e
Numa, -ae, m.
Numa, a Rutulian warrior
Numa, -ae, m.
Numa, an Italian warrior
Numida, -ae, m.
a nomad, especially a Numidian
Nursia, -ae, f.
Nursia, a Sabine city
nūtrīmentum, -ī, n.
nourishment, support
Nȳsa, -ae, f.
Nysa, a city in India on Mount Meros where Bacchus was born
obiectus, ūs, m.
a putting against, opposing, opposition
oblīquō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to turn aside, twist, turn awry
oblīvium, -ī, n.
forgetfulness, oblivion
obloquor, -ī, locūtus
to speak against, interrupt, contradict, rail at, abuse
obluctor, -ārī, -ātus
to struggle against, contend with, oppose
obnūbō, -ere, -nūpsī, -nūptum
to veil, cover
obscūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to render dark, darken, obscure, hide
obstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum
to build against, build up, block, stop up, bar, barricade, make impassable
obtegō, -ere, -tēxī, -tēctum
to cover over, cover up, protect
obtendō, -ere, -dī, -tum
to spread before, stretch over
obtentus, -ūs, m.
a drawing over, spreading over
obtexō, -ere, -xuī
to weave over, overspread, cover
obtorqueō, -ere, -torsī, -tortum
to twist, writhe, wrench
obtundō, -ere, -tudī, -tūsum or tūnsum
to blunt, weaken, exhaust, make dull
in concealment, in secret, secretly, privately
Ocnus, -ī, m.
Ocnus, the founder of the city of Mantua in Italy
odōrifer, -era, -erum
spreading odor, fragrant
odōrus, -a, -um
emitting odor, scented, fragrant
Oebalus, -ī, m.
Oebalus, a king of Caprea, son of Telon
Oechalia, -ae, f.
Oechalia, a city in Euboea
Oenōtrius, -a, -um, f.
of or belong to Oenotria, the extreme south-eastern part of Italy; Italy, Roman
offa, -ae, f.
a bit, morsel, little ball of flour
officium, -ī, n.
service, favor; duty, obligation, office
offulgeō, -ēre, -sī
to shine upon, appear
Oileus, -eī, m.
Oileus, king of Locris and father of Lesser Ajax
olea, -ae, f.
an olive, olive-berry
Ōlearos or Ōlearus, -ī, f.
Olearos, an island in the Aegean Sea, one of the Cyclades
oleaster, -strī, m.
the wild olive tree, oleaster
olīvifer, -era, -erum
olīvom or olīvum, -ī, n.
oil, olive oil
olor, -ōris, m.
a swan
olōrīnus, -a, -um
of swans
omnigenus, -a, -um
of all kinds
omniparēns, -ntis
all-bearing, all-producing
Onītēs, -ae, m.
Onites, a Rutulian warrior
onustus, -a, -um
loaded, laden, burdened, freighted
opācō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make shady, shade
opera, -ae, f.
service, pains, exertion, effort, work, labor
operor, -ārī, -ātus
to work, labor, toil, take pains, be busied, devote oneself
opertum, -ī, n.
a secret place or thing, a secret
Opheltes, -ae, m.
Opheltes, a Trojan warrior, father of Euryalus
oppūgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to fight against, attack, assail, assault, storm, besiege, war with
opulentia, -ae, f.
riches, wealth, opulence, abundance, affluence
orbus, -a, -um
deprived, bereft, destitute, devoid
Orēas, -adis, f.
an Oread, a mountain nymph
orichalcum, -ī, n.
yellow copper ore, copper, copper-alloy
Ōricius, -a, -um
of or belonging to Oricus or Oricum, a coastal town of Epirus in Greece
Ōrīthyīa, -ae, f.
Orithyia, the daughter of Erechtheus, king of Athens, and wife of Boreas