All Aeneid Part 3 Flashcards
ūber, -eris, n.
a teat, udder, breast; richness, fruitfulness, fertility
vērus, -a, -um
true, real, actual, genuine
vīvus, -a, -um
alive, living, having life
volitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to fly to and fro, fly around, flit about, flutter
absum, abesse, āfuī
to be away from, be absent
adferō, adferre, attulī, adlātum
to bring, fetch, carry, convey, take, deliver
aetās, -ātis, f.
the life of man, age, lifetime, years
Alcīdēs, -ae, m.
a descendant of Alceus; especially his grandson Hercules
amīcus, -a, -um
loving, friendly, kind, favorable
anguis, -is, f.
a serpent, snake
āvellō, -ere, -vellī or -vulsī, -volsum or -vulsum
to tear away, rend off, pluck, snatch away
āversus, -a, -um
turned away, turned back, on the back side, behind, backwards
Bacchus, -ī, m.
Bacchus, the son of Jupiter and Semele, the god of wine, of intoxication and inspiration
caeruleus, -a, -um
like the sky, azure, blue, dark blue, dark green
committō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum
to bring together, join, combine, put together, connect, unite
contendō, -ere, -dī, -tum
to stretch, bend, draw tight, strain
cupīdō, -inis, f.
a desire, wish, longing, eagerness, passion
cuspis, -idis, f.
a point, pointed end, blade, head
dexter, -tera, -terum, and -tra, -trum
to the right, on the right side, right
dīsiciō or dissiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw asunder, drive asunder, scatter, disperse, break up, tear to pieces
effugiō, -ere, -fūgī
to flee away, get away, escape
exuviae, -ārum, f.
that which is stripped off, clothing, equipments, arms
fātālis, -e
of fate, ordained by destiny, decreed, destined, fated, fatal
fateor, -ērī, fassus
to confess, own, grant, acknowledge
fervidus, -a, -um
glowing, burning, fiery, fervid
folium, -ī, n.
a leaf (of a plant)
fōns, fontis, m.
spring, fountain, well, source
foveō, -ēre, fōvī, fōtum
to warm, keep warm; to cherish, foster
glomerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to wind into a ball, gather up, roll together, collect
gremium, -ī, n.
a lap, bosom
hiems (hiemps), -emis, f.
the winter, winter time, rainy season, a storm
hortor, -ārī, -ātus
to urge, press, incite, instigate, encourage
immōtus, -a, -um
unmoved, immovable, motionless
improbus, -a, -um
not good, bad, wicked, vile, impious, bold, shameless
īnstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum
to build in, insert; form, set in order, draw up
lacessō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum
to excite, provoke, challenge, exasperate, irritate
Libya, -ae, f.
Libya, a region of northern Africa
lingua, -ae, f.
the tongue, utterance, speech, language
lūdō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to play, play at a game
magister, -trī, m.
a master, chief, head, superior, director, president, leader, commander, conductor
magnanimus, -a, -um
greatsouled, high-minded, magnanimous
minor, -ārī, -ātus
to jut forth, project, threaten, menace
moneō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to remind, put in mind of, admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach
Notus or Notos, -ī, m.
the Notus, the south wind
nūdus, -a, -um
naked, bare, unclothed, stripped, uncovered, exposed
at no time, never
ostendō, -ere, -dī, -tum
to stretch out, spread before, expose to view, show, point out, exhibit, display
ostrum, -ī, n.
the blood of the seasnail, purple
Palinūrus, -ī, m.
Palinurus, a Trojan companion and pilot of Aeneas
patera, -ae, f.
a low bowl, flattened dish, saucer, libation saucer
pedes, -itis, m.
a foot-traveller, walker; infantry, foot soldiers
perfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum
to pour over, wet, moisten, bedew, besprinkle, drench, bathe
Phryges, -um, m.
the Phrygians, inhabitants of Phrygia, the region around Troy
potior, -īrī, -ītus
to become master of, take possession of, get, obtain, acquire, receive
praecipitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to throw headlong, cast down, hurl down, precipitate
radius, -ī, m.
a staff, rod; a spoke of a wheel; a beam, ray
revocō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to call again, call back, recall
otherwise, differently, not so, the contrary
sērus, -a, -um
Sibylla, -ae, f.
the Sibyl, a female soothsayer, prophetess, priestess of Apollo
spēlunca, -ae, f.
a cave, cavern, den
subiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw under, place under, cast below
sūmō, -ere, sūmpsī, sūmptum
to take, take up, take in hand, lay hold of, assume
taeda, -ae, f.
a resinous pine-tree, pitch-pine; a marriage torch
timor, -ōris, m.
fear, dread, apprehension, timidity, alarm, anxiety
tumidus, -a, -um
swollen, swelling, rising high, protuberant, tumid
Tyrius, -a, -um
Tyrian, Carthaginian
vīscera, -um, n.
the inner parts of the body, internal organs, inwards, viscera, entrails
Volcānus (Vul-), -ī, m.
Vulcan, the fire god, son of Jupiter and Juno
volēns, -entis
willing, with purpose, of choice
volucer, -cris, -cre
flying, winged
volucris, -is, f.
a bird, a flying creature
abrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptum
to break off, break away, tear, rend, burst, sever
absistō, -ere, -stitī
to withdraw from, depart, go away; cease, stop
accēdō (adc-), -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go to, come to, come near, draw near, approach, enter
accingō, -ere, -nxī, -nctum
to gird to, gird on, bind on, put on with a girdle, gird round
until now, heretofore, hitherto, as yet, to this point, to this place
āles, ālitis
winged; (as a noun) a bird
altāria, -ium, n.
high altar, altar for sacrifice to the great gods
amictus, -ūs, m.
a throwing on, throwing around; an outer garment
Arcades, -um
the Arcadians
Argolicus, -a, -um
Argolic, of Argolis a region in the eastern Peloponnese; Greek
armentum, -ī, n.
cattle, a herd, drove
augurium, -ī, m.
the observance of omens, interpretation of omens, divination, augury
carpō, -ere, -psī, -ptum
to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather
celebrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to frequent, throng, crowd, fill
in rivalry, emulously, zealously, with competition
citus, -a, -um
quick, swift, rapid
compellō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to accost, address
concēdō, -ere, cessī, cessum
to go away, pass, depart, retire, remove; to grant, allow
cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, conlātum
to bring together, collect, gather, unite, join
convellō, -ere, -vellī, -volsum or -vulsum
to tear away, pluck up, pull off, wrest, rend
conveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum
to come together, meet, assemble, gather, come in a body
coëō, -īre, -īvī or -iī, -itum
to go together, come together, meet, assemble, collect
at length, at last, not till then, just, precisely, only
dēscendō, -ere, -dī, -sum
to climb down, come down, descend, fall, sink
Diāna, -ae, f.
Diana, the goddess of the moon, daughter of Jupiter and Latona and twin sister of Apollo
dīrigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rēctum
to distribute, arrange; to direct, guide
discō, -ere, didicī
to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with
dīvīnus, -a, -um
of a god, of a deity, divine
epulae, -ārum, f.
sumptuous food, dishes, meats; a feast, banquet, entertainment, feasts, dinners
excēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go out, go forth, depart, retire, withdraw
externus, -a, -um
outward, external
facilis, -e
easy to do, easy, without difficulty
famēs, -is, f.
fēmineus, -a, -um
of a woman, womanly, feminine, female
foedō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make foul, defile, pollute, disfigure, mutilate, mar, deform
foris, -is, f.
a door, gate
frēnum, -ī, n.
a bridle, curb, bit
habitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to dwell, abide, reside, live
hastīle, -is, n.
a spear-shaft, javelin-shaft
Helenus, -ī, m.
Helenus, son of Priam, a prophet who was carried away captive by Pyrrhus to Epirus
immēnsus, -a, -um
immeasurable, boundless, endless, vast, immense
īnfēnsus, -a, -um
hostile, inimical, enraged
īnsīgne, -is, n.
a mark, indication, proof, sign, token, signal
intendō, -ere, -dī, -tum
to stretch out, reach forth, extend
iūstus, -a, -um
just, upright, righteous, right
Lāvīnia, -ae, f.
Lavinia, daughter of King Latinus
lēvis, -e
smooth, smoothed, not rough
lūdus, -ī, m.
a play, game, diversion, pastime
metuō, -ere, -uī
to fear, be afraid, stand in fear, be apprehensive
micō, -āre, -uī
to move quickly to and fro, vibrate, quiver, shake, tremble, beat, flash
Mycēnae, -ārum, f.
Mycenae, a city of Argolis in Greece, home of Danaus, Pelops, and Agamemnon
nāscor, -ī, nātus
to be born, begin life, be produced, proceed, be begotten
nītor, -ī, nīxus
to bear upon, press upon, lean, support oneself
occupō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to take into possession, seize, occupy, master, win
oppōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum
to set against, set before, place opposite, oppose
pāstor, -ōris, m.
a herdsman, shepherd
pereō, -īre, -iī or -īvī, -itum
to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, perish, die
praesēns, -entis
at hand, in sight, present, in person
prīncipium, -ī, n.
a beginning, commencement, origin
priusquam or prius quam
before that, before; sooner, rather
prōcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go before, go forward, advance, proceed, march on, move forward, go forth
recūsō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make an objection against, decline, reject, refuse, be reluctant to do
repetō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum
to fall upon again, attack anew, strike again
restō, -āre, -stitī
to withstand, resist, oppose, stand firm, hold out, not yield
revellō, -ere, -vellī, -volsum or -vulsum
to pluck away, pull away, tear out, tear off
revīsō, -ere
to look back, look back to see, come back to inquire
revolvō, -ere, -voluī, -volūtum
to roll back, unroll, unwind, revolve, return
rōstrum, -ī, n.
a beak, bill, snout, muzzle, mouth; the curved end of a ship’s prow, ship’s beak
sacrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to set apart as sacred, consecrate, dedicate, devote
sepulcrum, -ī, n.
a place where a corpse is buried, burial place, grave, tomb, sepulchre
soleō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to be used, be wont, be accustomed
spīrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to breathe, draw breath, respire
studium, -ī, n.
application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study
suādeō, -ēre, -sī, -sum
to advise, recommend, exhort, urge, persuade
Tarchō or Tarchon, -ōnis, m.
Tarchon, an Etruscan prince
trabs or trabēs, trabis, f.
a beam, timber, rafter
trepidō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to hurry with alarm, be in confusion, be agitated, be disturbed; to tremble at, be afraid of
at any time, ever
vacuus, -a, -um
empty, void, unoccupied, vacant, free, clear, devoid of, without
vīsus, -ūs, m.
a looking, look, sight, vision, appearance
acūtus, -a, -um
sharpened, pointed, sharp, cutting
aerātus, -a, -um
of bronze
agrestis, -e
of the fields, belonging to the country
aurātus, -a, -um
adorned with gold, covered with gold, gilded, golden
avis, -is, f.
a bird
canis, -is, m./f.
a dog
color, -ōris, m.
color, hue, tint
concilium, -ī, n.
a meeting, rendezvous; a collection of people, meeting, assembly
conclāmō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to cry out together, shout, make acclaim
cōnfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum
to pour together, mingle, mix; to confound, confuse
coniugium, -ī, n.
a connection, union; hence, marriage, wedlock
cōnor, -ārī, -ātus
to undertake, endeavor, attempt, try, venture, seek, aim, make an effort, begin, make trial of
Creusa, -ae, m.
Creusa, the wife of Aeneas
why? wherefore? for what reason?
Cȳclōps, -ōpis, m.
a Cyclops, a giant on the coast of Sicily with just one eye
Darēs, -ētis, m.
Dares, a Trojan boxer and companion of Aeneas
decōrus, -a, -um
becoming, fitting, seemly, proper, suitable, decorous
dēficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum
to withdraw, revolt, desert, fall off, fail
discēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go apart, part asunder, divide, separate, disperse, scatter
by day, all day, a long time, long while, long, for a long time
dubius, -a, -um
moving two ways, fluctuating, wavering in opinion, doubting, doubtful, dubious, uncertain
duplex, -icis
twofold, double
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rēctum
to raise up, lift, set up, erect, elevate
error, -ōris, m.
a wandering, straying; a going astray, error, mistake
exeō, -īre, iī (rarely -īvī), -itum
to go out, go forth, go away, depart, withdraw, retire
exigō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum
to drive out, push forth, thrust out, take out, expel
experior, -īrī, -pertus
to try, prove, test, experience, endure
exstinguō or extinguō, -ere, -nxī, -nctum
to put out, quench, extinguish
exuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum
to draw out, take off, pull off, put off
falsus, -a, -um
deceptive, pretended, feigned, deceitful, false
fastīgium, -ī, n.
the top of a gable, gable end, pediment
Faunus, -ī, m.
Faunus, a mythical king of Latium, worshipped as the Italian Pan
ferōx, ōcis
wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce
ferreus, -a, -um
made of iron, iron
fīdūcia, -ae, f.
trust, confidence, reliance, assurance
flētus, -ūs, m.
a weeping, wailing, lamenting
flōs, -ōris, m.
a blossom, flower
fossa, -ae, f.
a ditch, trench
fraus, fraudis, f.
a cheating, deceit, imposition, fraud
frīgidus, -a, -um
cold, cool, chill, chilling
fūmō, -āre
to smoke, steam, reek, fume
fūmus, -ī, m.
smoke, steam, fume
fūnis, -is, m.
a rope, sheet, line, cord
genū, -ūs, n.
a knee
gradior, -ī, gressus
to take steps, step, walk, go, advance
Gyas, -ae, m.
Gyas, a companion of Aeneas
this way, on this side, here
long since, long before, a long time ago
ibī or ibi
in that place, there; on the spot, then, thereupon
Īdaeus, -a, -um
of Mount Ida, a mountain near Troy, on which Cybele was worshipped
impius, -a, -um
irreverent, ungodly, undutiful, unpatriotic, abandoned, wicked, impious
incēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to advance, march, proceed, stride, move, stalk, strut
increpō, -āre, -uī, -itum
to sound, resound, rustle, patter, rattle, whiz
indīgnor, -ārī, -ātus
to deem unworthy, be indignant, despise, resent, be offended
innectō, -ere, -nēxuī, -nexum
to twist, entangle, bind up, weave in, gather together, weave
īnstaurō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to establish, ordain
Karthāgō, -inis, f.
Carthage, a city in north Africa
liquidus, -a, -um
flowing, fluid, liquid
mēta, -ae, f.
a cone, pyramid, goal, mark, turning-point; end, boundary, limit
Minerva, -ae, f.
Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, sense, and reflection, of the arts and sciences
minor, minus
smaller, less
monumentum or monimentum, -ī, n.
that which brings to mind, a remembrancer, memorial, monument
soon, directly, presently, then
nauta, -ae, m.
a sailor, seaman, mariner, boatman
negō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to say no, deny, refuse
(in a direct question) an interrogative particle implying a negative answer; (in an indirect question) whether
oblīvīscor, -ī, lītus
to forget
orīgō, -inis, f.
a beginning, commencement, source, start, descent, lineage, birth, origin
ostentō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to present to view, show, exhibit
Pallas, -adis and -ados, f.
a name for Minerva (identified with the Greek Athena)
palūs, -ūdis, f.
a swamp, marsh, morass, bog, fen, pool
pavidus, -a, -um
trembling, quaking, fearful, timid, timorous, shy
penetrālis, -e
piercing, penetrating, inward, inner, internal, interior, innermost
pīnus, -ūs and -ī, f.
a pine, pine-tree, fir, fir tree
polus, -ī, m.
an end of an axis, pole; the heavens, sky
prohibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to hold before, hold back, keep away, check, restrain, hinder, prevent, avert, keep off
prōnus, -a, -um
turned forward, bent over, inclined, leaning, hanging, stooping, bending
though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
reclūdō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to unclose, open, throw open, disclose, reveal
religiō, -ōnis, f.
conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation, piety, religion
reperiō, -īre, repperī, repertum
to find again, find, meet with, find out, discover
resīdō, -ere, -sēdī
to sit down, settle
sanguineus, -a, -um
of blood, consisting of blood, bloody
sēcrētus, -a, -um
separate, apart, out of the way, secret
secūris, -is, f.
an axe, hatchet, cleaver
Sergestus, -ī, m.
Sergestus, a companion and ship-captain of Aeneas
Sīdōnius, -a, -um
Sidonian, of Sidon, a city of Phoenicia
simulō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make like, imitate, copy, represent; to feign, pretend, simulate
if however, if on the contrary, but if
solium, -ī, n.
a seat, official seat, chair of state, chair, throne
sōlor, -ārī, -ātus
to comfort, console, solace; to soothe, ease, lighten, lessen, relieve, assuage, mitigate
subigō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum
to drive up, bring up; to put down, overcome, conquer
subsistō, -ere, -stitī
to take a stand, take position, stand still, remain standing, stop, halt
suscitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to lift up, raise, elevate
sustineō, tinuī, tentus, ēre
to hold up, hold upright, uphold, bear up, keep up, support, sustain
tardus, -a, -um
slow, not swift, sluggish, tardy
Tartara, -ōrum, n.
Tartarus, the underworld, Hades, especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked
so often, so many times, as often, the same number of times
trāiciō and trānsiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum
to throw across, cause to cross, cause to go across, put over, transfer, throw over, shoot across
truncus, -ī, m.
the stem, trunk, body
vellō, -ere, vulsī, volsum or vulsum
to pluck, pull, tear away, pull out
vērum, -ī, n.
the truth, reality, fact
vetō, -āre, -uī, -itum
not to suffer, not to permit, to oppose, forbid, prohibit
volūtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to roll, turn, twist, tumble about
vomō, -ere, -uī, -itum
to puke, spew, throw up, vomit
absēns, -entis
Achīvī, -ōrum, m.
the Achaeans, Greeks
adlābor, -ī, adlapsus
to glide towards, flow, glide, slide
adnuō, -ere, -uī
to nod to, make a sign; to give assent, signify approval, promise, grant
adytum, -ī, n.
the inmost recess, holiest place (usually plural)
āēr, āeris, m.
the air, atmosphere, sky, especially the lower air
aereus, -a, -um
of copper, of bronze
āerius, -a, -um
pertaining to the air, rising aloft, airy, high
aggredior, -ī, -gressus
to approach, apply to, address; to go against, attack, assault
aliquī (aliquis), aliqua, aliquod
some, any
alternus, -a, -um
one after the other, alternate, in turn, reciprocal
antequam or ante quam
sooner than, before
arceō, -ēre, -cuī, -ctum
to shut up, enclose, confine, restrain; to prohibit access, keep away, hold off, keep at a distance
Argī, -ōrum, m.
Argos, a city of southern Greece from where the Greek fleet launched against Troy
Ausonia, -ae, f.
Ausonia, the central and south parts of Italy
auspicium, -ī, n.
divination by the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices
bīnī, -ae, -a
two by two, two to each, two each, two at a time
bonus, -a, -um
shortly; briefly, in brief, in few words
cessō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to be remiss, delay, loiter, cease from, stop, give over
circumfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum
to pour around
Cloanthus, -ī, m.
Cloanthus, a companion of Aeneas and commander of one of Aeneas’ ships
coepiō, -ere, coepī, coeptum
to begin, commence
commūnis, -e
common, general, universal, public
cōnspectus, -ūs, m.
a seeing, look, sight, view, range of sight, power of vision
cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum
to put, place, set, station
contorqueō, -ēre, -torsī, -tortum
to turn, twist, twirl, swing, whirl, brandish, wield, hurl
coruscus, -a, -um
in waving motion, waving, vibrating, tremulous
costa, -ae, f.
a rib
dēns, dentis, m.
a tooth
dēpōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum
to lay away, put aside, set down, lay, place, set, deposit
from above, from overhead
Dīs, -ītis, m.
Dis, Pluto, the god of the underworld
dominus, -ī, m.
a master, possessor, ruler, lord, proprietor, owner
beyond sword reach, at a distance, a spear’s-throw off, from afar
expleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum
to fill up, fill full, fill, stuff
fēmina, -ae, f.
a female, woman
fīrmō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make firm, strengthen, fortify, sustain
fragor, -ōris, m.
a crashing, crash, noise, din
īlex, -icis, f.
an oak, holm-oak, great scarlet oak
Īlium or Īlion, -ī, f.
Ilium, Troy
to that place, thither
incendium, -ī, n.
a burning, fire, conflagration
inceptum, -ī, n.
a beginning, attempt, undertaking
incolumis, -e
unimpaired, uninjured, unharmed, safe, sound, entire, whole
indīgnus, -a, -um
unworthy, undeserving, unfit
iners, -ertis
without skill, unskilful; inactive, idle, inert
īnfīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxum
to fasten, implant, drive in, affix
ingeminō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to redouble, repeat, reiterate
īnscius, -a, -um
not knowing, ignorant
invehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum
to carry in, bring to; to ride on, drive upon, be carried by, drive over
iuventa, -ae, f.
the age of youth, youth
lacertus, -ī, m.
the muscular part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, upper arm
laurus, -ī, f.
a bay-tree, laurel-tree, laurel (sacred to Apollo)
minae, -ārum, f.
projecting points, pinnacles; threats, menaces
mīrus, -a, -um
wonderful, marvelous, astonishing, extraordinary, amazing
miserandus, -a, -um
lamentable, deplorable, pitiable
and not yet, not yet
too much, too
nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtum
to get knowledge of, become acquainted with, come to know, learn, discern
Nox, Noctis, f.
Night, personified
occidō, -ere, -cidī, -cāsum
to fall down, fall
Ōceanus, -ī, m.
the ocean, the great sea that encompasses the land; (as a deity) son of Caelus and Terra and father of the rivers and nymphs
ōstium, -ī, n.
a door, mouth, entrance
pariō, -ere, peperī, partum
to bring forth, bear, give birth, drop, lay, spawn, produce
Paris, -idis, m.
Paris, son of Priam and Hecuba, who began the Trojan war by taking Helen from Sparta to Troy
paternus, -a, -um
of a father, fatherly, paternal
pecus, pecoris, n.
percutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum
to strike through and through, thrust through, pierce, transfix
placeō, -ēre, -cuī or placitus sum, -citum
to please, give pleasure, be approved, be pleasing, be agreeable, be acceptable, suit, satisfy
potestās, -ātis, f.
ability, power, capacity, force
rather, preferable, more
praestāns, -antis
preeminent, superior, excellent, distinguished, extraordinary
prehendō and prēndo, -ere, -dī, -sum
to lay hold of, grasp, snatch, seize, catch, take
pretium, -ī, n.
a price, money value, value in exchange
procer, -eris , m.
a nobleman, aristocrat, chief, prince
prōdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum
to put forth, exhibit, reveal; to produce, bring forth; to proclaim, put forth, relate
prōgeniēs, -ēī, f.
descent, lineage, race, family; descendants, posterity, offspring, progeny, child
properō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to make haste, hasten, be quick, be in haste, go quickly
quassō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to shake violently, toss, brandish, wave
raucus, -a, -um
refugiō, -ere, -fūgī
to flee back, flee for safety, run from, run away, flee, escape, take refuge, avoid, shun
reliquiae, -ārum, f.
what is left, a remainder, leavings, remains, relics, remnant, rest
requiēs, -ētis, f.
rest after toil, rest, repose, relaxation, respite, intermission, recreation
requīrō, -ere, -sīvī, -sītum
to seek again, look after, search for
resolvō, -ere, -solvī, -solūtum
to untie, unfasten, unbind, loose, loosen, release, open
sacrātus, -a, -um
hallowed, consecrated, holy, sacred
saepiō, -īre, -psī, -ptum
to surround with a hedge, hedge in, fence in, enclose, surround, encircle, fortify, guard
Salius, -ī, m.
Salius, an Acarnanian companion of Aeneas
saltus, -ūs, m.
a leaping, leap, spring, bound
serpēns, -entis, m.
a creeping thing, creeper, crawler, snake, serpent
sīgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to set a mark upon, mark, mark out, designate
sileō, -ēre, -uī
to be noiseless, be still, be silent, keep silence, not speak of, keep silent about, suppress
Simoīs, Simoentis, m.
the Simois river, a river near Troy that feeds into the Scamander
socius, -a, -um
sharing, joining in, partaking, united, associated, kindred, allied, fellow, common
spectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to look on, look at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, inspect, attend
stabulum, -ī, n.
a standing-place, fixed abode ; hence, of animals, a stall, stable, enclosure
stāgnum, -ī, n.
a standing water, lake, pool, pond, swamp, fen
succurrō, -ere, -currī, -cursum
to run under, run to help, hasten to the aid of, help, aid, assist, succor
suspiciō, -ere, -spēxī, -spectum
to look upwards, look up at; to mistrust, suspect
terribilis, -e
frightful, dreadful, terrible
trānseō, -īre, -iī, -itum
to go over, go across, cross over, pass over, pass by, pass
Trivia, -ae, f.
an epithet of Hecate or Diana whose images were placed at the forks of roads
tuba, -ae, f.
a trumpet, war-trumpet
ūmidus (hū-), -a, -um
moist, humid, damp, dank, wet
vādō, -ere
to go, walk, go hastily, proceed rapidly, rush
vāllum, -ī, n.
a wall, rampart, fortification
venēnum, -ī, n.
a strong potion, juice, drug, poison, venom
veneror, -ārī, -ātus
to reverence, worship, adore, revere, venerate
venia, -ae, f.
indulgence, kindness, grace, favor
violō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to treat with violence, injure, dishonor, outrage, violate
volgus or vulgus, -ī, n.
the mass, multitude, people, public, crowd
Xanthus, -ī, m.
the Xanthus, a river of Troy
acervus, -ī, m.
a mass of similar objects, pile, heap
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum
to lead to, bring to, bring along
adigō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum
to drive, urge, bring by force, take (to a place)
admoneō, -ēre, -nuī, -nitum
to bring to mind, remind, suggest, put in mind of
adnītor, -ī, -nīxus or -nīsus
to lean against, lean upon
adsurgō, -ere, -surrēxī, -surrēctum
to rise up, rise, stand up
adveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum
to come to, reach, arrive at
Alba Longa, Albae Longae, f.
Alba Longa, a town on the Alban hills in Latium, founded by Ascanius, from which Rome arose
amāns, -ntis
a lover, one in love
more, longer, further, besides
Argīvus, -a, -um
of Argos, Argive
Āsia, -ae, f.
Asia, the land mass east of Greece
aspīrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to breathe at, blow upon; to strive for, seek to reach, aspire to, draw near
Ātlās, -antis, m.
Atlas, a Titan condemned to hold up the sky
Atrīdēs, -ae, m.
son or descendent of Atreus (i.e., Agamemnon and Menelaus)
attonitus, -a, -um
thunderstruck, stunned, terrified, stupefied, astonished, amazed
aurīga, -ae, f.
a charioteer, driver
axīs, -is, m.
an axle, axle-tree
caelestis, -is
of heaven, from heaven, of the heavens, heavenly, celestial
caelicola, -ae, m.
dwelling in heaven, a deity, god
caestus, -ūs, m.
a gauntlet, boxing-glove for pugilists, usu. a strap of bull’s hide loaded with balls of lead or iron, wound around the hands and arms
candeō, -ēre, -uī
to be brilliant, be glittering, shine, glitter, glisten
capessō, -ere, -īvī or -iī, -ītum
to take hold of with zeal, take up, take in hand, undertake, enter upon, engage in, execute, manage
cardō, -inis, m.
a hinge, pivot and socket (of door or gate)
castus, -a, -um
morally pure, unpolluted, spotless, guiltless, virtuous
celerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to quicken, hasten, accelerate
Cerēs, -eris, f.
Ceres, the daughter of Saturn, goddess of agriculture
in close contest, hand to hand, at close quarters
commisceō, -ēre, -miscuī, -mīxtum
to mix, mingle together, intermingle
concipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum
to take hold of, take up, take in, take, receive
cōpia, -ae, f.
an abundance, ample supply, plenty
crēscō, -ere, crēvī, crētum
to come into being, spring up, arise, be born,
cubīle, -is, n.
a place of rest, couch, bed
cupiō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum
to long for, desire, wish
from this time, henceforth, hereafter, for the future, next
dēlābor, -ī, -lapsus
to fall, sink, slip down, glide down, descend
dīligō, -ere, -lēxī, -lēctum
to single out, value, esteem, prize, love
dīvidō, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsum
to divide, force asunder, part
dūmus, -ī, m.
a thorn-bush, bramble; a thicket
ēdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum
to give out, put forth, bring forth, raise, set up
ēlābor, -ī, elapsus
to slip away, glide off, fall out, get off, escape
ēmicō, -āre, -cuī, -cātum
to spring out, spring forth, break forth, leap up
ēruō, -ere, -uī, -utum
to cast forth, throw out, root up, dig out, take
Ētruscus, -a, -um
Etruscan, of Etruria, a region in central Italy north of Rome
Eurus, -ī, m.
the east or southeast wind
ēvertō or ēvortō, -ere, -tī, -sum
to overturn, upturn, turn upside down
excitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to call out, summon forth, bring out, wake, rouse
exercitus, -ūs, m.
a disciplined body of men, army
exiguus, -a, -um
strict, exact, scanty, small, little, petty, short, poor, mean, inadequate, inconsiderable, paltry
exitium, -ī, n.
destruction, ruin, hurt, mischief
exorior, -īrī, -ortus
to come out, come forth, spring up, rise, appear
extendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum or -tēnsum
to stretch out, spread out, extend
exūrō, -ere, -ūssī, -ūstum
to burn out, burn up, consume
famulus, -ī, m.
a servant, attendant
ferus, -a, -um
wild, untamed, uncultivated
flagrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to flame, blaze, burn
focus, -ī, m.
a fire-place, hearth
fretum, -ī, n.
a strait, sound, channel
germānus, -ī, m.
a brother
gradus, -ūs, m.
a step, pace, gait, walk
Grāius, -a, -um
of the Greeks, Greek
grāmen, -inis, n.
weightily, heavily, ponderously
Īda, -ae, f.
Mount Ida, a mountain near Troy, where Ganymede was taken up by the eagle of Jupiter
Īlioneus, -eī, m.
Ilioneus, a companion and ship-captain of Aeneas
immemor, -oris
unmindful, not thinking, forgetful, regardless, negligent, heedless
impediō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum
to entangle, ensnare, shackle, hamper, hinder, hold fast
without punishment, unpunished, with impunity
īnfernus, -a, -um
lower, under, of the lower regions, infernal
īnfēstus, -a, -um
made unsafe, disturbed, molested, unquiet; hostile, dangerous
īnsula, -ae, f.
an island, isle
īnsurgō, -ere, -surrēxī, -surrēctum
to rise up, rise, lift oneself, rise, tower
intonō, -āre, -uī, -ātum
to thunder
intorqueō, -ēre, -torsī, -tortum
to twist, wind about, fold, wrench, distort
intrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to go into, enter
involvō, -ere, -vī, -ūtum
to roll, roll upon, wrap, wrap up, envelop, surround
Īris, -idis, f.
Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods
laetitia, -ae, f.
joy, exultation, rejoicing , gladness, pleasure, delight
laetor, -ārī, -ātus
to rejoice, feel joy, be joyful, be glad
largus, -a, -um
abundant, copious, plentiful, large, much
latebra, -ae, f.
a hiding place, hidden recess, covert, retreat
lavō, -āre, lāvī, lautum or lōtum
to wash, bathe, lave
lōrum, -ī, n.
a thong, strap, strip of leather
lūceō, -ēre, lūxī,
to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter
luctor, -ārī, -ātus
to wrestle; to struggle, strive
lupus, -ī, m.
a wolf
mandātum, -ī, n.
a charge, commission, injunction, command, order
mergō, -ere, mersī, mersum
to dip, dip in, immerse, plunge, sink, bury
ministrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to attend, wait upon, serve, manage, direct, supplies
morsus, -ūs, m.
a biting, bite
nefandus, -a, -um
unmentionable, impious, heinous, execrable, abominable
niveus, -a, -um
of snow, snowy
obeō, -īre, -īvī, -itum
to go, go to meet, go in opposition
obnītor, -ī, nīxus
to bear upon, press against, struggle with, strain at
obruō, -ere, -uī, -utum
to overwhelm, overthrow, cover, cover over, hide, bury
obstō, -āre, -stitī, -ātum
to stand before, be opposite, be in the way, withstand, hinder, oppose, obstruct
olīva, -ae, f.
an olive
Parcae, -ārum, f.
the Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos
parma, -ae, f.
a small round shield, light shield
peragō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum
to thrust through, pierce through, transfix
pergō, -ere, perrēxī, perrēctum
to go on, proceed, press on, hasten, continue, go forward, march, make haste
pōns, pontis, m.
a bridge
praefīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxum
to fasten before, set up in front, affix
prīnceps, -cipis
first in order, foremost, chief
prōmissum, -ī, n.
a promise
proprius, -a, -um
not common with others, own special, several, individual, peculiar, particular, proper
prōsequor, -ī, -cūtus
to follow, accompany, attend, follow after, escort
pudor, -ōris, m.
a shrinking from blame, desire of approval, shame, modesty, decency, propriety
pūgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to fight, combat, give battle, engage, contend
pūrus, -a, -um
free from dirt, free from admixture, clean, pure, unstained, unspotted
Pyrrhus, -ī, m.
Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, also called Neoptolemus
as much as, so much as; how much, how far
quercus, -ūs, f.
an oak, oak tree, Italian oak
quiētus, -a, -um
at rest, free from exertion, inactive, in repose
rārus, -a, -um
of loose texture, thin, rare, not thick; far apart, scattered, dispersed, straggling
rēgia, -ae, f.
a royal palace, castle, fortress, residence, court
rēgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to have royal power, be king, rule, reign
repōscō, -ere
to demand back, ask again, ask for, demand
saeculum or saeclum, -ī, n.
a race, generation, age, the people of any time
salsus, -a, -um
salted, salt
saucius, -a, -um
wounded, hurt
once, a single time
serēnus, -a, -um
clear, fair, bright, serene
Serestus, -ī, m.
Serestus, a companion of Aeneas
socer, -erī, m.
a father-in-law
solidus, -a, -um
undivided, whole, complete, entire; massive, firm, dense, substantial, compact, solid
sonus, -ī, m.
a noise, sound
sortior, -īrī, -ītus
to cast lots, draw lots, allot, assign by lot