Anatomy - Lower Urinary Tract Flashcards
what are the two parts of the pelvis?
true pelvis
false pelvis
where is the false pelvis found?
from iliac crests to pelvic inlet
where is the true pelvis found?
pelvic inlet to pelvic floor
what is the false pelvis part of?
the abdominal cavity
what is another name for the true pelvis?
pelvic cavity
where is the bladder found?
the pelvic cavity
name one muscle of the pelvic floor?
levator ani
what is the perineum?
a shallow compartment between the pelvic floor muscles and the skin
where do the ureters pass as they enter the true pelvis?
anterior common iliac vessels
what happens to the ureters at the level of the ischial spine?
they turn medially to enter the posterior aspect of the bladder
what word can be used to describe the route the ureters take to the bladder?
what direction do the ureters enter the bladder at and why?
helps prevent urine reflux
what does the ureter run inferiorly to in females?
uterine tubes
uterine artery
what does the ureter run inferiorly to in males?
vas deferens
what is the most inferior part of the male peritoneal cavity?
the rectovesical pouch
what does the round ligament of the uterus do?
attaches the uterus to the perineum, via the inguinal canal
what is the most inferior part of the female peritoneal cavity?
the rectouterine pouch
aka the pouch of Douglas
what artery branches to give most of the arteries in the pelvis?
internal iliac
what artery gives off the prostatic artery?
vesical artery
where do the veins in the pelvis drain to?
the internal iliac vein
what three things form the trigone of the bladder
2 ureteric orifices
internal urethral orifice
what is the smooth part of the internal bladder called?
the trigone