Anatomy - Clinical Observations Booklet Notes Flashcards
Extra-Oral Regions
Acne? Moles?
Jaw - painful? Poppin?
Intra Oral
in side mouth
consistency? Quantity & Quality
Lips/Labial Mucosa
Buccal Mucosa
- has a lot going on
-pretty rare that its NAD
-may find linea alba, possibly caritization
-dont confuse Stenson’s duct for an abnormality - describe exactly where you are seeing it (red mark 1 mm x 1 mm next to the 4.6) (bilateral linea alba like lesions)
Attached Gingiva
- the really high and low parts (highly vascular areas)
- can write NAD if no abnormality
- if they have bony overgrowths this is something you would wnat to document
Hard, Soft Palate & Oropharnyx Regions
redness could appear if you ate/drank something hot
other than that should be pinkish in colour
describe and lesions
Ask your patient to stick it out
grab with gauze and look at all the borders, lateral borders & the surface
usually tongue will have a fissure going right down the middle
-Geographic tongue??
- could have a coating on the tongue (should be pink in colour.. not white or yellow)
Floor of Mouth
- palpate it
-looking for lumps or bumps
-hopefully no pain in this area
-may see mandibular tori
Gingival Observations - Colour
Gingival Observations - Contour, Shape
Gingival Observations - Consistency/texture
Dental Observations - Bacteria Plaque Biofilm
very often ppl will have some, rare to have none at all
Dental Observations - Calculus
hardened/mineralized plaque
Dental Observations - Extrinsic/Instrinsic Stain
Dental Observations - Suspected caries, Loss of Enamel, Position of gingiva
Looking at Angles Classification