Age Specific Nursing Care Flashcards
No matter the age all patients have the same 7 rights for:
- Safety
- Confidentiality
- Comfort
- Control-the ability to say yes or no to treatment
- Pain management
- Involvement of family members
- Privacy
Age Group \_\_\_? The top 2 nursing concerns are: 1. Medication errors Pediatric patients are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ more likely to have a medication error. 2.complications from a \_\_\_\_
Age group 1-12
1. Medication errors
Pediatric patients are ___3times______ more likely to have a medication error.
2.complications from a IV
Age Group ___?
Before admisitering medication ask client for:
If patient too young?
Age group 1-12
Name and birth date
Age Group ___?
Position properly before oral medications and feeding due to risk for aspiration.
#1 fear of children________________________________
#1 fear of adults__________________________________
Age group 1-12 #1 fear of children\_\_\_separation from care giver #1 fear of adults\_\_\_public speaking
Age Group ____?
ReMar Tip: When kids this age get sick they tend to ____!
Age group 1-12
ReMar Tip: When kids this age get sick they tend to regress!
Age Group: ___?
- _________________relationships with the _____________ ______.
- ___________________ with body _______________
Age Group: 13-18
Goals: develop relationships with the opposite sex
- _develop relationships with the _opposite sex
- _____cope with body __changes they will be experiencing
The need to establish independence from primary care giver
Patient Priority concerns
Age group___?
1.The need to establish independence from primary care giver
Patient Priority concerns
- Female: the beginning of menstruation
- Male: acne
NCLEX acne medications
Medication Isostritonen (Accutane)
What the 4patient teaching ?
- ) Will elevated triglyceride(fats found in the blood and food)
- ) patients need to be on two forms of birth control because this medication because severe birth defects
- ) contain vitamin A so do not take additional vitamin A
- )it causes inflammation lips, mouth but this is normal Side effect and they must continue to take the medication
Age 13-18Psych Priority:
Depression- ___________________is a prevalent cause of death in this age group
Psych Priority:
Depression- ____ suicide___is a prevalent cause of death in this age group
Age Group: 19-40
Psych Priority: Overcome barriers to learning
Age Group: 19-40
- To resolve issues that are still present from their adolescence
- Concern over who is going to fulfill their responsibility when they’re sick
Psych Priority: Overcome barriers to learning
1 Concern is to identify ________________early on.
Age Group: 40-60
The best way to anticipate disease is to look at ______________ ___________.
Community health nursing-There are 3 levels of prevention
Secondary Prevention-
early recognition
Tertiary Prevention
Psych concerns:
Caring for _____________and ;; ________________at the same time
Age Group: 40-60
#1 Concern is to identify _ diseases early on. The best way to anticipate disease is to look at \_\_\_risk factors
Community health nursing-There are 3 levels of prevention
1.)Primary Prevention -the healthy pt that your trying stop from getting sick
2.Clean environment
2.)Secondary Prevention-recognizing the disease early and treating it
2.Screening\exams-Iike screening for breast cancer
Prostate exam, HIV testing
3.)Tertiary Prevention -containing the disease or containing the damage that will be done to your patient
1.Physical therapy after a stroke
2.Dietary measures/education
Psych concerns:
Caring for ____children _and parents at the same time
This is called the sandwich generation because they are stuck in between those two generation
Age Group 60-up
- _____________________ physical abilities
- _____________________ cognitive____________________
- ____________________ grieve the loss of __________ or ______________.
Age Group 60-up
- __________ maintain physical abilities
- ____________prevent cognitive ___decline____
- _________ positively grieve the loss of _____spouse or _________job.
Age 60-up
There are three major concerns with This group
1.) ______ safety-in terms of adverse effects to medication. The elderly have a lower _____ ,they have a higher percentage of ____ fat and lack ____ mass which allow to _____ on to medication longer than some one younger
2.) falls prevention fall prevention -Communication -address pain -prevention - no \_\_\_\_ socks, bed in then \_\_\_ position , \_\_\_/\_\_\_ programs in place
3.) skin breakdown - related to Poor _____ status, ____, ______
Th Braden scale
1.) medication safety-in terms of adverse effects to medication. The elderly have a lower metabolism ,they have a higher percentage of body fat and lack muscle mass which allow to hold on to medication longer than some one younger
2.) falls prevention fall prevention -Communication -address pain -prevention - no skid socks, bed in then Lowest position , bowel/bladder programs in place
3.) skin breakdown - related to Poor nutritional status, immobility, restraints
Th Braden scale
Nursing care for wounds 6 teachings.
- ) frequently change positions every ____ hours
- )never give a ____ bath or use ____ water on a patient with a _____ pressure ulcer
- )use ____ for support and The head of bed should be raise at least ____°
- ) we ____ we don’t ___
- ) never ____ over only bony province
- )Given to me ____ of fluid a day
- ) frequently change positions every two hours
- )never give a hot bath or use hot water on a patient with a dermal pressure ulcer
- )use pillows for support and The head of bed should be raise at least 30°
- ) we lift we don’t pull
- ) never massage over only bony province
- )Given to me 3000ml of fluid a day