Advanced French Words_Engl to Fren2 Flashcards
adv. next, then; after, later, afterwards
conj. now, so; but, however
- (familier) [subir - corvée] to get saddled with
s’envoyerverbe pronominal transitif
n. a remission, discount
une remise (f)
lead to
envoyer à
to post postpone, put off, the meeting has been put off until ou put back to next Tuesday
renvoyer, la réunion est renvoyée à mardi prochain
to refer, the matter has been referred to the assize court
renvoyer, transférer, l’affaire a été renvoyée en cour d’assises
refer to, the numbers refer to notes at the end of each chapte
faire se reporter, to refer, les numéros renvoient aux notes de fin de chapitre r
nuclear power stations
centrales nucleare
principal, fundamental; leading, cardinal; central, close, foremost; main; prime,
principal (féminin principale, pluriel masculin principaux)f
to apply for a post
se porter candidat à un poste
n. support, encouragement; upholding; staff, prop, crutch; favor, boost, buttress
le soutien (m)
v. retire, withdraw, go out, smooth away, draw off, draw back, fall back, move back, pull back,
se retirer
to expect somebody to do something
s’attendre à ce que quelqu’un fasse quelque chose
filled, packed
to poll a group, to carry out a survey among a group
faire un sondage auprès d’un groupe
she knew more Russian than I expected her to
elle était meilleure en russe que je ne m’y attendais
v. adjourn, postpone; transfer, carry over, hold over; bring forward
traffic jams are expected
il faut s’attendre à des embouteillages
adv. nevertheless, nonetheless, though
n. sound, probe; survey, poll; canvass
sondage (m)
protest movement
mouvement de contestation
adj. soupçonnable, suspect; méfiant, soupçonneux
n. reclamation, claiming, complaint, complaining
une réclamation (f)
n. supporter, fan, admirer
un supporteur (m)
v. demand, claim
n. cause, origin, reason; case; brief
la cause (f)
v. take place, unwind, uncoil, unroll, pass off, pass, pan out, progress, unfold, flow, pan, work
se dérouler
adj. peerless, having no equal, unrivaled, incomparable
hors pair
v. criticize, thrash, castigate
v. water, irrigate
after having had a bit too much to drink at dinner
après un dîner un peu trop arrosé (familier)