Admin 11- Goals and Objectives Flashcards
Due to the demand for services and the growth in the City of Chattanooga, _________________must be implemented to provide for uniform planning and growth.
Long Range Goals and Objectives
The department shall formulate and update annually, based upon the fiscal year, beginning __________
written goals and objectives for the department and for each major organizational component within the
July 1st
_____________is an office, division or other component depicted on the organizational chart at the first or second level below the Chief of Police, or the
Chief of Police may designate the organizational levels or functions for participation.
“Major organizational component”
Division Commanders shall consolidate any goals and objectives/recommendations and ?
Recommend Team/Division any such goals to the Assistant Chief of their respective Command.
Progress made toward the attainment of goals and objectives shall be?
Documented in a mid-year update
of the established goals and objectives in January.
In addition to the stated goals and objectives, the department shall have a multiyear resource plan that
includes the following:
a. Long-term goals and objectives, [15.1.3a]
b. Anticipated workload in relation to population trends, [15.1.3b]
c. Anticipated personnel levels, [15.1.3c]
d. Anticipated capital improvement and equipment needs, [15.1.3d]
e. provisions for review and revision as needed. [15.1.3e]
f. collaborative systems review to include: [15.1.3f]
1. Contributing elements to the review
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- Identification of command authority involved
- Areas and opportunities for improvement in systems or processes
- Elements that exist that may contribute to future risks
___________ shall be responsible for developing the resource plan.
The Command Staff