A&P - Muscle of the day list - A&P 1 Flashcards
rectus femoris
named for the direction of it’s fibers and it’s location
O: AIIS (anterior inferior illiac spine)
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: hip flexion & knee extension
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Vastus medialis
A - extend the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
O - medial lip of the linea aspera
I - tibial tuberosity via the patella ligament
Vastus lateralis
A, O, I
A - extend the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
O - lateral lip of the linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity and greater trochanter
I - tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)
Vastus intermedius
A, O, I
A - extend the knee
O- anterior and lateral shaft of the femur
I - tibial tuberosity ( via the patella and patellar ligament)
Biceps femoris
Two heads femur
A, O, I
Origin or proximal attachment:
Long head - ischial tuberosity
Short head - linea aspera
Insertion or distal attachment: head of the fibula
Long head- extend the hip and flex the knee
Short head - flex the knee
Biceps femoris is the lateral hamstring, the two medial hamstrings will be covered later
Named for its number of heads and origin
Because their attachments and actions are different
Trapezius - three different parts
Upper fibers
A, O, I
A -
bilaterally: extend the head and neck
Unilaterally: elevate the scapula (scapulothoracic joint) & upwardly rotate the scapula (s/t) joint
O - superior nuchal line, EOP (external occipital protuberance) and nuchal ligament (axial)
I - lateral 1/3 clavicle (anterior surface/appendicular)
Named for its shape
O: Nuchal ligament at C6 spinal process (S.P.) C7 - T3
I: acromion process and spine of the scapula
A: retraction of the scapula (adduction)
O: S.P. of T4-T12
I: tubercle of the spine of the scapula
A: depression of the scapula (abduction)/ upward rotation of the scapula
Pectoralis major
A, O, I
Clavicular head
Clavicular head
O - medial half of the clavicle
I - distal attachment: lateral lip of the bicipital grove (intertubercular groove)of the humerus
A - flexion of the shoulder
Named for size and location
Pectoral major
A, O, I
Sternocostal head
O: (proximal/axial attachment)manubrium & body of sternum. 1st to 6 or 7 costal cartilages
I: (distal attachment) lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
A: extension of the shoulder
Pectoralis major
Actions of both heads - synergysts
- Adduction
- Horizontal adduction
- Medial rotation
A, O, I
Named for
A - elevate the mandible (temporomanibular joint); may assist to protract the mandible (TM joint)
O - zygomatic arch
I - angle of the ramus of mandible
Named for it’s action
A, O, I
Named for
A - elevate the mandible (TM joint); retract the mandible (TM) joint
O - temporal fossa and fascia (frontal, temporal & parietal bones)
I - coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the mandible
Named for location