9. Social interaction Flashcards
What’s a status and types?
position person holds in a society. Ascribed - no choice (ex: royalty, ethnicity, gender), achieved - choice, master - most impt or most identified status for person
What’s a role? Role performance vs role partner vs role set
set of expectations for that status. carrying out the expections vs interacting w/ another person vs various roles associated w/ status
Role conflict vs role strain vs role exit
difficulty in satisfying requirements in multiple statuses vs difficulty in satisfying requirements in same status vs dropping one identity for another
What’s a group? peer group vs fam group vs in group vs out group vs reference group. How does group size matter?
2+ people sharing similar characteristics WITH SENSE OF UNITY. friends vs fam vs purpose of belonging vs purpose to compete/individ doesn’t identify w/ group vs our self concept depends on whom we are comparing ourselves to (ex: 11% of doctors think they’re rich because they’re comparing themselves to other individuals with high econ status rather than the avg national salary)
in basic group dynamics: Bigger group = more stable but less intimate, smaller groups = less stable but more intimate
Primary group vs secondary group
direct, close, long lasting and emotional bonds w/ others (ex: family and childhood friends) vs weaker, temporary and superficial bonds w/ others; purpose is usually goal oriented (ex: coworkers, classmates, doctor, accountant)
Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft
community vs society, togetherness by shared beliefs vs group unified by mutual self interests to achieve a goal
(ex: friends/fam and neighborhoods vs companies and countries)
What’s network? Immediate vs distant? What’s social network?
observable patterns of social relationships. close ties (ex: friends) vs not close ties (ex: acquaintances)
people’s networks are important and necessary for the spread of ideas and resources; there is much strength in weak ties because weak ties allow the sharing of new resources to a vast network
What’s organization?
group of people with structure and culture designed to achieve specific goals
What’s dramaturgy?
front stage (how you present yourself in front of others) vs back stage (how you really are); Erving Goffman
Impression management aka self presentation
Our attempts to influence how others perceive us; has 3 selves: authentic self (who the person actually is), ideal self (who we like to be), tactical self (who we market ourselves to meet others’ expectations of us; similar to ought self from self discrepancy theory)
Display rules
Unspoken rules about how to express emotion
Cultural syndrome
Shared set of beliefs, norms, values and behaviors organized around a central theme; as found in people sharing same language and geography
5 strategies for impression management: self disclosure vs managing appearances vs ingratiation vs aligning actions vs alter casting
Sharing factual info vs using props, appearance, emotions or association to make a pos img vs using flattery or conformity to win someone else vs use excuses to count for questionable behavior vs imposing an identity onto another person
Models of emotion expressions: basic model vs appraisal model vs social construction model
There are universal emotions and corresponding expressions that are understood in all cultures; the universal emotions are caused by evolution, proposed by Charles Darwin vs closely related to basic model, accepts that there are biologically predetermined expressions once an emotion is experienced, but that there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression vs emotions are solely based on situational context of social interactions —> emotions wouldn’t have evolutionary role
Formal organizations
Organization that 1) continue despite departure of a member, 2) expressed its goals, 3) have enforcement procedures to control activities of members
Iron law of oligarchy
Democratic or bureaucratic systems naturally shift to being led by an elite group
System for multiple level observation of groups (SYMLOG)
Method for analyzing group dynamics; 3 dimensions: friendliness v unfriendliness, dominant v submissive, instrumentally controlled v emotionally expressive
Bureaucracy and its characteristics
rational system of political organization, administration, discipline, and control; paid officials on fixed salary; nonelected officials have rights/privileges by making their career out of holding office; reg salary increases, seniority rights, promotions upon passing exams/milestones; officials holding advanced degree; responsibilities/work/privileges = rigidly defined by org; responsibility for meeting obligations
People tend to form social ties with others who share common characteristics
Social isolation
complete or near complete lack of contact w/ others in society
Mcdonaldization by George Ritzer and derived from Max Weber
refer to a shift in focus toward efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control in societies
George Herbert Mead
“Me” is the part of self that is a response to the environment, whereas “I” is the creative expression of the individual (ie. I = observer, doing the reflecting, me = observed)