10. Social behavior Flashcards
cognitive neoassociation model for aggression. Causes for aggression?
we’re more aggressive if we’re in neg emotions
Intent to harm, social dominance, high testosterone, increased amygdala activity and decreased prefrontal cortex activity (prefrontal cortex puts the brakes on amygdala)
secure vs avoidant vs ambivalent vs disorganized attachment
child can explore when caregiver is their safety net vs caregiver responds too little or none to distressed child vs caregivers responds inconsistently to distressed child vs no clear pattern in child’s behavior in caregiver’s presence or absence
The 1st 3 = main attachments by Ainsworth, 4th attachment from her colleague Mary Main
Social supports: emotional vs esteem vs material/tangible vs informational vs network
Empathy, “i’m sorry” vs reminding their skills to boost confidence (ex: “you got this!”) vs giving financial or material contribution (ex: makes a meal, donates) vs giving info (ex: explaining dx and tx to pts, “here’s some advice”) vs group activities, sense of belonging
Altruism. Empathy-altruism hypothesis
caring and helping welfare of people. We help others cuz we empathize w/ them
Behavioral cues: consistent vs consensus vs distinctiveness cues
consistent behavior vs matches others’ behavior vs use similar behavior in similar situations
Stereotype threat vs self fulfilling prophecy vs stereotype boost
when people are scared/anxious to confirm a neg stereotype –> dec in performance vs a stereotype’s expectations has been confirmed vs presence of stereotype inc performance of individual who is in line w/ that stereotype
Prejudice vs discrimination
having pos or neg attitudes about someone or something, developing an opinion on something/someone based on their perceived group membership w/o knowledge or consideration of relevant facts vs acting on that negative attitude
Individual discrimination vs institutional discrimination
one person being discriminating vs an institution being discriminating
Utilitarian vs normative vs coercive organizations
members = paid for efforts vs members come together for shared goals (ex: religious groups) vs members don’t have choice about membership (ex: prison, military)
when organization becomes increasingly governed by law and policy
Racial profiling
Unfair suspicion of crimes based on racial identity
Dispositional (internal) theory vs situational (external) theory vs correspondent inference theory vs fundamental attribution error
Person’s behavior is based on their attributes vs person’s behavior is based on their context vs describe attributions based on their observation of others’ behavior vs bias toward dispositional than situational theory, especially in neg contexts
Reciprocal liking vs proximity vs mere exposure effect/familiarity effect for interpersonal attraction
People like others better when they think those others like them vs we’re attracted to people when we’re physically close to someone (ex: being friends in same dorm or same class) vs people prefer stimuli that they’ve been exposed to more frequently (hence the reason for proximity)
Mate choice/intersexual selection vs mate bias. Direct vs indirect benefits
Selecting a mate based on attraction vs being choosy when looking for a mate. Provide material advantages, emotional support and protection vs provide better survival of offspring
5 mechanisms of mate choice: phenotypic benefits vs sensory bias vs Fisherian/runaway selection vs indicator traits vs genetic compatibility
Observable traits that make a potential mate look attractive vs developing a trait to match a preexisting preference in a pop vs a certain trait that has no effect or neg effect becomes exaggerated over time (ex: peacocks) vs traits that signify overall good health, may or may not be genetic vs mate pairs will have complimentary genetics —> minimize recessive genetic d/o
Strategic alternatives for socially influenced competitors: altruism vs spite vs cooperation vs selfishness
Donor gives benefit to recipient vs both donor and recipient = neg impacted vs both donor and recipient = benefitted vs donor benefits while recipient = neg impacted
Inclusive fitness
Measuring success of organism in a pop; based on number, ability and success of offspring
Primacy vs recency effect in impression bias
First impression = more impt than subsequent impressions vs most recent impression = more impt than former impressions
Self serving (attributional) bias vs actor-observer bias
Individuals view their own success based on internal factors (ie. Good behavior and traits) and view their failures based on external factors (ie. Situational) vs actors attribute their actions based on dispositional factors, while observers attribute ppl’s action based on situational constraints instead of dispositional ones
Just world hypothesis
In a just world, good ppl get good things and bad ppl get bad things (aka karma)
Attribute substitution
When individuals have to make judgments on something complex, they tend to stick to a simpler substitution or apply a heuristic
Paternalistic vs contemptuous vs envious vs admiration stereotypes
Group is looked down upon, inferior, ignored vs group is viewed with resentment or annoyance vs group is viewed with jealousy, bitterness or distrust vs groups is viewed with pride and pos feelings
Power vs prestige vs class vs privilege
Ability for ppl or groups to achieve their goals despite obstacles vs level of respect to a person by others, reputation of individual moving from low to high SES vs socioeconomic status vs entitlement or advantage not earned but used for individuals’ benefit
Ethnocentrism vs cultural relativism
Judging actions of another based on one’s own culture vs accepting actions of another based on that other’s culture
Social perception/Social cognition
How we generate impression of ppl in our social environment; includes perceiver, their target and situation (ie. Social context)
Reliance on central traits vs halo effect
Organizing perception of others based on target’s traits that are most relevant to perceiver vs judgment on individual is based on perceiver’s overall impression of the individual (if individual has good impression —> individual can do not wrong, if individual has bad impression —> individual sucks no matter what)