11. Social structure Flashcards
Functionalism aka functional analysis vs Collective consciousness by Emile Durkheim
study of how each structure functions in a society, if each structure performs its function in harmony, then society will be going to equil; postulates that inequality = beneficial to society vs Set of shared beliefs, ideas or attitudes that operates as a unifying force w/in society
Manifest vs latent functions
an action intended to help society vs unintended pos consequences in helping society
function vs dysfunction
beneficial consequences of people’s actions vs harmful consequences of people’s actions
Conflict theory by Karl Marx. Power
studying inequalities between diff groups in society or power differentials (anti/syn/thesis); social changes aim to reduce inequality, social changes = response to limited resources and how ppl would compete for resources, social changes resolve conflict that are abrupt in nature; consensus = achieved thru power and influence –> coerce agreement to policies –> reinforces inequality
Power - form of influence over other people
Social constructionalism
knowledge and everything around us isn’t real in and of themselves
weak vs strong social constructionalism
reality = based on brute facts vs reality = based on social convention and habits –> we created everything
brute vs institutional facts
facts that can’t be explained by something else (ex: quarks) vs facts that can be explained and rely on other facts (ex: money)
Symbolic interactionism
how individuals perceive similar symbols and gestures differently (think tree and thumbs up example); based on Herbert Bloomer’s 3 tenets: action, meaning, change; holds that reality = a social convention that everyone agrees upon; focuses on how meaning is constructed through small-scale social interactions, closely associated w/ social stigma
Rational choice vs (social) exchange theory
individ’s decision making process to focus on cost and benefits of their actions vs same as rational choice but in a group, changes in individ’s behavior to maximize anticipated rewards and minimizes anticipated punishment; if it ends in benefits –> you do it again, if it ends in punishment –> you don’t do it again
Feminist theory. Glass ceiling
social inequalities = based on gender, subordination of women
Difficult for women to promote in a company
Teacher expectancy
teachers tend to get what they want from students if they have high expectations from them
List types of social institutions
fam, education, religion, gov’t, economy, medicine
monarchy vs dictatorship vs theocracy vs democracy vs charismatic authority
royalty rules but can be limited by constitution or parliament vs one person holds all power vs run by religious leaders vs citizens can vote vs a leader w/ compelling personality
study of culture
material vs nonmaterial/symbolic culture. What’s cultural lag?
learning culture thru objects or artifacts vs learning culture thru ideas. When material culture changes faster than symbolic culture