1. Brain Flashcards
Forebrain vs midbrain vs hindbrain
cognition, behavior, movement vs connects fore and hind, motor sensory vs coordination, life balance
Lateral vs ventromedial vs anterior hypothalamus
tells you when you’re hungry/thirsty vs tells you to stop eating vs sexual behavior
What are the components of forebrain?
cerebral cortex, limbic system, basal ganglia (telencephalon), thalamus as relay station for senses except smell and hypothalamus for homeostasis (diencephalon)
What are the components of hindbrain?
Medulla oblongata (myelencephalon), cerebellum (metencephalon) and reticular formation (in charge of life functions)
What are the components of midbrain?
Superior colliculi (receive sensory from visual system) and inferior colliculi (receive sensory for auditory system)
Prosencephalon vs mesencephalon vs rhombocephalon
forebrain vs midbrain vs hindbrain
Components of prosencephalon vs rhombocephalon
diencephalon (hypo/thalamus, pineal gland and posterior pituitary gland) and telencephalon (cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, limbic system) vs metencephalon (cerebellum) and myelencephalon (medulla oblongata)
What are basal ganglia?
Controls muscle movement; helps w/ procedural memory
What’s the limbic system and their components?
regulate emotion and memory; cingulate cortex, basal ganglia, amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, septal nuclei (“c bathhs”)
Dominant hemisphere vs nondominant hemisphere
left; logical, language, math, Broca’s and Wernicke’s area vs right; intuition, creative, spatial processing
What are septal nuclei? What is the pons?
one of the primary pleasure centers in brain. resides in hindbrain, connects cerebrum to hindbrain, responsible for respiration
What role does amygdala do?
fear - basic emotion against a current, known, and tangible threat; usually comes up in fight/flight response
Ganglion vs nucleus
collection of nerve cells bodies in PNS vs collection of tracts cell bodies in CNS
Name the 4 functions of hypothalamus
feeding, fornicating, flighting, fighting
Gyri vs sulci
bumps vs folds
Association area vs projection areas
area that integrates input from diff brain regions vs areas that do simple tasks such as perceptual and motor tasks (ex: visual cortex which receive visual input from retina, and motor cortex which sends out motor commands to muscles)
grey vs white matter. Know where they are in brain and spinal cord
consists of neuron somas vs myelinated axons
aka insular cortex; separates frontal and parietal lobes from temporal lobes. Deals w/ consciousness, cognition, homeostasis and emotion
List the structures surrounding the brain
From out to in: skin, periosteum, bone, and meninges (connective tissue covering the brain; dura, arachnoid and pia mater)
Neuropsychology and its various methods
Studying functions and behaviors associated with certain regions of brain. Brain lesions, extirpation, electrical stimulation to make cortical maps, EEG (checks brain activity), look for blood flow in brain in rCBF, CT (cross-sectional areas of brain, doesn’t check for activity), PET (checks brain activity but need to be injected w/ radioactive substances), MRI and fMRI (checks brain activity, safer and more accurate than PET and EEG)
Extrapyramidal system
Centers and tracts that gather info about body position and carries this info to CNS
Contralaterally vs ipsilaterally
One side of brain communicates with other side of body like left motor neurons control right side body movements vs one side of brain communicates with same side of body like hearing
A neurotransmitter active in both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Preganglionic neuron releases Ach in both systems; postganglionic neuron releases norepinephrine in sympathetic and more Ach in parasympathetic. Generally considered as excitatory signal since it’s linked to attn and arousal in CNS
Fam studies vs twin studies vs adoption studies
Related ppl = more genotypically similar than unrelated ppl vs comparing concordance rates (likelihood of showing same traits) b/w identical and fraternal twins vs comparing similarities b/w biological relatives & adopted child to similarities b/w adopted relatives & adopted child