8th Grade ch 15- The Civil War Flashcards
border states
slave states that did not secede.
name border states 5
Kentucky, Missouri, West Virginia, Marlyland, Deleware
not favoring either side
martial law 2
in east maryland, when the military is in charge and the citizens’ rights are suspended
south advantages 2
home turf, experienced officers
north advantages 3
more factories, more population, more railroad
military action to prevent traffic from coming into an area or leaving it
north strategy 3
blockade south seaports, gain control of mississippi river, invade richmond
south strategy 2
defend until the north got tired, get help from britain
battle of bull run 3
first battle, union was winning until stonewall jackson, confederate win
warships covered with protective iron plates
george mcClellan 3
union general, very cautious, won battle of antietam
battle of antietam 3
bloodiest day of civil war, mcClellan found south’s plans to split up and attacked larger group, forcing them to retreat. if mcClellan had gone after, war couldve been over
ulysses S grant 3
union general, took risks, won battle of shiloh
battle of shiloh 4
south attack on north, deaths on both sides, union win. union gained control of west tennessee and part of mississippi river
emancipation proclammation2
freed enslaved people in the south, had little effect at first
eman. proc. effects 3
changed the purpose of civil war to struggle for freedom, made britain not want to help south because they were fighting for slavery, united african americans to fight
divisions in south
areas with more slaves supported war more than les slave areas
north democrats who opposed war and wanted peace
habeas corpus
constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment
system of required military service
avoid draft 3
wealthy men who had slaves, could pay from people to take your place, war called a poor man’s fight
income tax
tax on the money people receive
union pay for the war 3.5
income tax, printed first federal currency (paper money)–>led to inflation
general rise in prices
south had higher inflation because 2
blockade–>shortages, union destroyed crops–>food production fell
women in war 4
ran plantations and businesses, were spies, did factory work, nursed the injured
battle of fredericksburg 3
union general ambrose burnside, tried to use traditional tactics, union suffered many casualties
joseph hooker 4
union general, “fighting joe”, very cocky, lost battle of chancellorsville badly
ambrose burnside 3
union general, mcClellan’s replacement, lost battle of fredericksburg
battle of fredericksburg and chancellorsville effect on south
got them too cocky, lee decided to attack far north in gettysburg
battle of gettysburg 3
union army was on a hill cemetery ridge, Lee ordered all-out attack on union–>Pickets charge, confederacy lost badly
fall of vicksburg 4
grant led siege to take vicksburg, led to union having control of entire mississippi river, turning point of civil war
gettysburg address 2
speech by abe lincoln to honor the soldiers who died in gettysburg, looked ahead to union victory
union takes richmond 5
lincoln gave grant command of all forces, grant decided that taking richmond would mean win, grant vs. lee in north virginia but nobody winning, lee running out of supplies, lee retreated to appomattox court house and surrendered
william techumseh 4
union general, tough, burned atlanta, believed in total war
total war
all-out attacks aimed at destroying an enemy’s army, resources, and will to fight
burn of atlanta
union led by will techumseh sherman, ordered atlanta burned
results of civil war 2
reunited the nation, put an end to slavery
more people, weapons–> could’ve won in battle of antietam
smart generals and president–>McClellan (circumspect), Grant, Sherman, lincoln (smart to replace mcClellan)
abolitionists–>supported eman. proc, more free slaves wanted to fight
location–> less plantations with slaves so less people who could avoid the draft and women didn’t need to take over plantations more women could be nurses
congress–>able to pay for the war