7th Grade Ch 3- Colonies take root Flashcards
talk about roanoke
- 1580s
- first english effort to make colony
- north carolina
- first time- abandoned after a year
- second time- england was at war with spain so no ship visited for two years, when discovered, everybody disappeared
talk about jamestown on first year
- established by wealthy english hoping to find gold
- was granted a charter to set up colony
- bad stuff on first year: located on swamp and had diseases and bugs, nobody knew how to farm
- relied on natives for food
document issued by government that grants specific rights to a person/company
john smith
took over jamestown and made it thrive
starving time
1609- john smith went back to england and jamestown starved because relations with natives were bad, many people died
how does jametown prosper after starving time
tobacco! their success drew colonists from england and soon formed civilization
house of burgesses
established after james town started doing well, first form of representative government in america, established laws and taxes
representative government
form of government where voters elect people to make laws for them
slaves in virginia
after james town started doing well, africans came and were sold as slaves but were able to earn their freedom
person who takes a religious journey
why was plymouth founded
to separate from the church of england, called separatists
mayflower compact
first document where colonists claimed right to govern themselves in england
when the pilgrims and natives sat together to celebrate a good year in america
name first 3 english settlements
roanoke, jamestown, plymouth
geography of new england
hills, forests, bad soil, short summers
good: less dieases
bad: no farming, so they fished
who were puritans
people who wanted to reform church of england but not separate from it, left england led by john winthrop and established boston in the massachusetts bay colony
boston was found so people could worship..
as they choose but they had to be puritan. did not believe in religious toleration
recognition that other people have the right to different opinions
name the four people who disagreed with puritans
roger williams- believed puritans should split entirely with church of england, moved and founded rhode island and decided that it had no official religion
anne hutchinson- questioned puritan teachings, established more settlements in rhode island and moved into new york state
thomas hooker- disagreed with puritan leaders, founded connecticut, several puritans followed
john wheelright- agreed with anne, founded new hamshire
how did puritans govern themselves
set up town meetings-assembly of townspeople that decides local issues
who was metacom (king philip)
native american that wanted to stop puritan expansion, destroyed many towns but still died, left colonies free to expand
how did puritan teachings grow out
people started to focus on businesses and farming and forgot about religion
name the new england colonies
Massachusetts, new hamshire, connecticut, rhode island,
geography of middle colonies
lowland, easy climate, fertile soil
grew many crops: wheat, fruit , veggies
explain new york
- originally dutch colony: new netherland
- english wanted it to connect middle/new eng. colonies
- sent ships over and renamed colony new york
- capital: new amsterdam, became new york city
new jersey
- split off from new york
- first a proprietary colony but then became royal colony
proprietary colony
colony created by a grant of land from a monarch to an individual or family
royal colony
colony controlled directly by the english king
believed all people had a direct link to god, leader: william penn, established pennsylvania
holy expirament
philadelphia was a holy experiment because it attracted settlers from all over the world by advertising in different languages, goal: create colony in which people from different religions could live peacefully
first settlers: sweden
dutch took control but lost to english with new york
part of pennsylvania
soon broke away
grew lots of wheat in mid. colonies
frontier region extending through several colonies from penn. to geor., many people who settled there were poorer and had to fight natives
name middle colonies
new york, new jersey, delaware, pennsylvania
geography of southern colonies
coastal area: tidewater
hot! great for plantations
conflicts with natives in virginia
fought for land to plant tobacco
bacons rebellion: part of poor colonists looking for more land in backcountry, tried to fight natives but governor resisted, did it anyway and was considered a rebel
established to be safe for catholics but soon passed act of toleration that welcomed all christians
northern part: developed slowly
southern part: grew quickly
main crop: rice
as more slaves came, had to split into two colonies
founded for two reasons: land for debtors (led by james oglethorpe) , and to cut off spanish expansion north
slavery was banned at first but soon reversed
name southern colonies
virginia, carolina (north/south), georgia, maryland