7th Grade Ch 5- Road to Revolution Flashcards
why did the french and indian war start
france and britain both wanted the land between Lake Erie and the Ohio River
before and beginning french and indian war
colonists, led by George Washington, tried unsuccessfully to force the French to leave many times. britiain wanted to ally with iroquios but were refused. join or die propaganda was made. colonists still failed because english generals were not ready for surprises. 7 years war starts in 1756
french and indian war tide turn
1757- william pitt became english prime minister. gave colonists new and better generals. britain started winning. caused iroquios to side with them. then, colonists attacked quebec and montreal. treaty of paris- 1763 where france lost almost all of its land to britain and spain. however, left britain badly in debt
an agreement between nations or groups to help each other against other nations or groups
pontiacs war
pontiac- ottowa leader, allied with some other Native Americans. Together, they attacked British forts throughout the present day Great Lakes area. wanted to prevent the colonists from settling west. eventually taken down in 1764 but weakened the British even more than they were after the FaIW. forced the British to recognize presence of Natives in the west.
Proclamation Line of 1763
Because of Pontiac’s War, British banned colonial settlement west of line drawn along Appalachian Mountains in 1763. colonists were angered by restrictions on where they could settle, ignored law and moved out west anyway making law impossible for British to enforce
thoughts on FaIW
colonists-proud, expected britian to be grateful, didn’t expect high tax rise, still thought themselves british
british-greatly in debt, had to keep lots of troops in america
sugar act
passed in 1764 to pay off british debt. put a duty on on anything made of sugar. enforced punishment on smugglers, caused many protests
quartering act
passed in 1765 to save money, enforced proclamation line, required colonists to quarter troops, caused many protests
stamp act
made all colonists buy special taxed stamp for any document they owned, caused many protests, boycotts, people from stamp act congress petitioned for it to end and then it was repealed but then declaratory act was passed
import tax
organized campaign to refuse to but certain products
written request to a government
declaratory act
passed on the same day the Stamp Act was repealed, provided mandate, or approval to pass new laws in colonies, stated that parliament was just as powerful in the colonies as it was in Britain
townshend acts
said that the tax was no longer on products inside the colonies but on products brought into the colonies. used writs of assistance to catch smugglers, boycotts happened, repealed in 1770(except for tea tax), the same day as the boston massacre
writs of assistance
court orders that allowed officials to make searches without saying for what they were searching
boston massacre
happened the same day that townshend acts were repealed. bostonians crowded around british and provoked them. british open fired and killed five people. lots of propaganda. many protests so british were put on trial with john adams as their lawyer but only 2 were convicted
committees of correspondence
est. by sam adams. dedicated to informing colonists on actions of British. Many committees began to be made all over colonies, uniting Americans against British.
Tea Act
1773, helped british east india co. by lowering price but making it monopoly. colonial merchants suffered, tea was smuggled
boston tea party
1773, colonists got together in the major ports of the colonies calling themselves the Sons of Liberty, didn’t want tea to be unloaded. worked in ny and philly but not in boston. during night, colonists disguised as natives dumped the cases into the water. angered Britain and caused Parliament to pass very harsh laws on Boston
total control of a market for a certain product
intolerable act
way to get back at boston. real name: coercive. 4 laws: closing of boston harbor, closing upper house of Massachusetts legislature, town meeting power cut, and quartering act strength
first continental congress
in Sept.-Oct. of 1774. discussed demanding for repealing Intolerable Acts. decided to train a militia to stand up to British troops if necessary. decided to meet again in May 1775 if needed.
quebec act
claimed land between Ohio and Missouri Rivers as part of Canada. It gave government to those areas. again blocked the colonists from moving west
official end
citizen soldiers who could be ready to fighter at a minute’s notice
battle of lexington/concord
1775- massachusetts governor saw m.m. storing arms in concord and sent troops to stop them. paul revere and will dawes rode ahead and warned them. m.m. got ready in lexington and had shot heard round the world, british killed 8 americans. in concord, 3 british were killed and when they retreated, americans killed even more from behind the trees
second continental congress
- congress argued on what to do to defend rights from British. almost everyone agreed on forming a real army. George Washington was made commander of new Continental Army. This was the first act as a government that the Continental Congress has done. also, passed many petitions in effort of peace
favored independence, most colonists, less wealthy
remained loyal to britain, 1/3 of colonists, more wealthy. feared rebellion would lead to change in government and they would lose their property. aficans and natives were loyalists in hopes to win their freedom. after war, remaining loyalists moved to canada
olive branch petition
sent to King of England in efforts to reason with the King. one of last efforts of peace that colonists tried. called olive branch because the object was a symbol of peace since ancient times. stated that the colonists were still loyal to the King, and that they should stop fighting and settle their disputes civilly and peacefully. British ignored it
declaration of the causes and necessities of taking up arms
announced that colonists were ready to fight if needed. Written by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson, said that the colonists would “die as freemen rather than to live as slaves.”
fort ticonderoga
1775, colonists called the green mt boys surprised British troops guarding fort that protected main water route to Canada. British surrendered almost immediately. colonists gained control of a valuable water route and more weapons such as cannons
battle of bunker hill
British troops attacked Breed’s Hill (controlled by colonists and next to Bunker Hill) that was outside of Boston (controlled by British). colonists won first two attacks, killing hundreds of British. only reason that they did not win third and final attack was because colonists ran out of ammunition. George Washington took cannons from Fort Ticonderoga and dragged them 300 miles to Boston. a year later, cannons were placed on high ground pointing to Boston. British couldn’t defend Boston, they retreated and never returned.
current advantages of british
powerful navy, could make a blockade, also has mercenaries
the shutting off of a port by ships to keep people or supplies from coming in or out
soldiers who serve another country for money
colonists attack canada
benedict arnold took one colonist group to quebec and rich montgomery took other. winter was bad and mont. was killed. left canada to britain