8th Grade ch 14-The Nation Divided Flashcards
wilmot proviso
congress ban all slavery in the mex-amer war territory, never passed, south saw as a threat
popular sovereignty
lewis cass, meant that people in the territory or state would vote directly on issues rather team having their elected representatives decide
free soil party
made of antislavery whigs and democrats, wanted no slavery in mex territory
issue of california
north said no slaves cuz it was over mis compromise line but south didn’t want imbalance in congress
issue of washington dc
north wanted slave trade banned in wash dc
runaway enslaved person, south wanted north to catch them and return them back to south
henry clay
proposed missouri compromise earlier, made more compromises for current debates
john c calhoun
against compromise and henry clay, said that if cali was made free, south would be weak. 2 solutions: new amendment for rights or secession
daniel webster
supported clay, wanted compromise to preserve the union
compromise of 1850
compromise based on clays proposals: north happy: cali was free state, dc had no more slave trade, south happy: pop sovereignty for mex territory, fugitive slave act
fugitive slave act
government was allowed to arrest anybody who was accused as being a fugitive, no trial, convinced more people that slavery was bad
harriet beecher stowe
wrote “uncle toms cabin” a book about a slave who was abused, raised awareness to people who didn’t care about slavery, seen as propaganda in south
false or misleading info
stephen douglas
pushed kansas-nebraska act, wanted a railroad between illinois and pacific coast
kansas nebraska act
two new territories, slavery determined via pop sovereignty, (undid mis compromise) south supported: sent slave owners from mis to vote in kansas, north hated: said douglas reopened issue of slavery in territories
bleeding kansas
lots of pro slavery people snuck into kansas to turn it proslavery soon the pro vs anti slave people got into fights, violence was so bad it was called bleeding kansas
john brown 1
antislavery settler, let men into proslavery land and murdered some ppl, set off widespread fighting in bleeding kansas
republican party
formed from northern whigs when the whig party split apart in 1854
dred scott
enslaved person who once lived in antislavery territory, sued saying he should be free
roger b taney
said dred scott was not free bc- 1. had no right to sue cuz he wasn’t a citizen, 2. living in free territory did not make a slave free. went on to say that mis compromise was unconstitutional, allowed any state allow slavery if they wanted
dred scott decision reaction
south: rejoiced, meant slavery was legal in all territories, north: so shocked that many people who were on the fence about slavery were now strongly antislavery
abraham lincoln
northerner who spoke out agains dred scott decision, became central figure in the fight against spread of slavery
lincoln vs douglas
lincoln: opposed kansas-nebraska act, antislavery, predicted slavery would die on its own, didn’t plan to ban existing slaves states, just incoming ones douglas: supported kansas-nebraska act, popular sovereignty, proslavery
in the end, douglas won for senate
john brown 2
got a small amount of people and attacked virginia town wanting to steal us army guns, thought lots of blacks would help but not enough, brown was soon captured and many of his followers killed
south: thought he was like a terrorist and deserved to die
north: praised him for his bravery and called him a hero
election of 1860
4 candidates: lincoln (rep), douglas(n. dem), bell (cons union), breckinridge (s. dem) lincoln only got 40% popular vote, but got 60% electoral votes for the win
confederate states of america
when lincoln was elected south thought they no longer had a voice in government. South carolina was first state to secede and soon formed the confederate states of america with 6 other states. jefferson davis was their president
lincoln inaugural address
tried to tell seceded states that he meant them no harm an didn’t want to interfere with the slaves they had, just wanted to stop the growing of slaves in new territories, was rejected by the confederacy
fort sumter
in south carolina, commander would not surrender it to confederacy but its troops were starving and needed supplies. lincoln thought that if fort was surrendered other states would secede so tried to supply with food and not guns. confederates attacked fortune 1861 and it was surrendered. start of the civil war
main events to civil war (8)
- ) missouri compromise (1820)
- )compromise of 1850
- ) uncle toms cabin (1852)
- ) kansas-nebraska act –> bleeding kansas(1854)
- )dred scott decision(1857)
- )john brown raid (1859)
- ) election of 1860
- ) attack on fort sumter (1861)