7th Grade Ch 4- Life in the Colonies Flashcards
magna carta
first document to place restrictions on english ruler’s power by english nobles. limited heavy taxes, right to own private property, and right to trial by jury
under magna carta, nobles formed great counsil
parliament- a two house legislature, group of people who make laws
parliament removed james ii and made mary and william to rule
called glorious revolution. together signed english bill of rights, list of freedoms, listed habeas corpus, a person can’t be in prison without a reason
name some colonial legislatures
house of burgesses-virginia
general court- Massachusetts
general assembly-pennsylvania
freedom of press
right of journalists to publish the truth without restriction
publishing of statements that damage a persons reputation
navigation acts
passed by parliament to support mercantilism
ex: shipments from europe had to go through england first, imports from colonies had to be on english built boats
extended family
family that includes grandparents cousins in the regular family
farm life
needed big family to help
town life
easier for not big families
husbands roles
controlled income and property, represented family in politics
women roles
domestic responsibilities, had no public life
kids roles
homemade toys, had to work by age of 7, boys became apprentices, someone who learns a trade by working in that trade for a period of time
upper class of colonial society, wealthy, public figures, few in number
middle class
made up of planters, farmers, and artisans, could vote, mostly while or free blacks
indentured servants
worked for 4-10 years in the colonies for anyone who would pay for their passage to america, came from england, ireland, germany
middle passage
the trip across atlantic, cramped
triangular trade
three way trade between colonies, islands of caribbean, and africa
first leg of tri trade
new england with caribbean (fish with sugar)
second leg of tri trade
new england with africa (sugar with slaves)
third leg of tri trade
africa with caribbean (slaves with money)
why was slavery needed in colonies
plantations! first were temp but then became permanent, linked with racism, belief that one race is superior to another
slave codes
strict laws that restricted the rights and activities of slaves
ex: couldn’t meet in large numbers, own weapons, leave plantation without permission, couldn’t teach a slave to read/write
public school
school supported by taxes, mostly puritan, taught reading writing arithmetic religion, some would not admit girls
dame school
schools that women opened in their homes to teach girls or boys
school level
upper (only boys- harvard)
anne bradstreet
first colonial poet
phillis wheatly
first african slave poet
benjamin franklin
famous writer, scientist, inventor, businessman
great awakening
1730s religious revival movement, led to rise of new churches (methodist, baptist)
johnathan edwards
preacher during great awakening
the enlightenment
movement where people believed all problems could be solved by human reason
john locke
said that people have natural rights, rights that belong to everyone since birth and can’t be taken away, said that divine right doesn’t exist, monarchs get rule from god
favored separation of powers, division of power of government so no branch has too much power, made our government how it is today