8 - Henry VIII's Government and Parliament Flashcards
How did the privy council mean Henry ‘ruled’?
- Henry would personally draw up agendas
- the Lord Chancellor would seek Henry’s approval
- Henry kept informed on political matters, at least once a day getting updates
How did the privy council mean Henry ‘reigned’?
- privy council handled matters of state
- Henry did not attend council meetings
- Boleyn faction orchestrated Wolsey’s demise
- council allowed freedom to initiate policy
How did the privy chamber mean Henry ‘ruled’?
- Henry himself picked who was in the Privy Chamber
How did the privy chamber mean Henry ‘reigned’?
- ‘dry stamp’ was commonly used
- Paget and Herbert had access to it
- only signed monthly
How did the court mean that Henry ‘ruled’?
- largely Henry assigned posts
How did the court mean Henry ‘reigned’?
- Boleyn faction organised Wolsey’s demise
- Henry spent 113 nights out of royal palaces in 1526
- Egerton was made Henry’s standard bearer in 1513, £400 cash set aside by 1520
Overall evidence- council in control
- 1510, council pushed for Treaty of Etaples renewal
- initial council is inherited
- crown lands went through the exchequer
- didn’t attend council meetings
Overall evidence- Henry in control
- 1510, Henry abolishes council learned in the law
- Empson and Dudley arrested 2 days into reign
- Thomas Wolsey made Chief Minister
- Henry cancelled some council bonds in 1510
How did government change after 1514?
-from 1509 to 1514, Henry had a conciliar approach but by 1514 had become frustrated with councillors
- Wolsey had impressed him
Who was Wolsey?
- ordained in 1498
- 1501, chaplain to current archbishop
- mentored by Richard Fox, sat on council in 1510
How did Wolsey change religion?
dissolved 30 religious houses
How did Wolsey change foreign policy?
demanded amicable grant in 1525 for expedition to France
How did Wolsey change money?
government expenditure of 1.7 million from 1509 to 1520
How did Wolsey change law and order
star chamber was used to dispense cheap justice
Evidence Henry ruled?
- Henry asked for Amicable grant
- when Henry lost faith in Wolsey people plotted his death
- Henry denied the 1522 attack on France
- 1529, Wolsey accused of working with Pope against Henry, his career is over
Evidence that Wolsey ruled?
- Eltham Ordinances 1526, replaces William Compton
- Wolsey selected Henry’s JPs and secretaries
- Wolsey always saw ambassadors before Henry
- Wolsey demanded cardinal robes before Sept 1515 parliament session
What was the relationship between Wolsey and Cromwell?
attended Wolsey college and was his lawyer. supported him and dissolved 12 monasteries under him
What was Wolsey’s downfall?
Accused of getting in the way of Henry and supporting the Pope. Anne Boleyn accused him of interfering
What role did Cromwell play in Henry VIII’s great matter?
Sold the king’s ideas to the public , set up the idea of England as an empire
How did Henry reward Cromwell for his role in the great matter?
Master of Jewels in 1532
Invited into court
Who were Cromwell’s allies?
Anne Boleyn, convinced Henry to appoint Cramner as ABoC
What religious policies was Cromwell involved in?
shut down over 800 monasteries
1538 - sent holy blood to be examined
Why and how did Henry get a divorce from Anne Boleyn?
She miscarried their second child so he decided she wouldn’t produce an heir. Cromwell intimidated those around her and got false confessions of incest with brother
What did parliament pass in 1597?
Welfare state, poor laws
How did Cromwell increase the power of parliament over power of the Church?
buggery illegal 1533
How did Cromwell convince Henry to translate the bible into english?
Gave him a copy
How did Cromwell organise Henry’s marriage to Anne of Cleeves?
Asked Holbein to paint a picture of her, he wasn’t attracted to her so was annoyed
How did Anne of Cleeves lead to his downfall?
Henry needed someone to blame
Why did Nobles hate Cromwell
He was the Duke of Essex and had risen highly
Who was responsible for Cromwell’s downfall?
Duke of Norfolk - accused him for heresy
What justified the break from Rome?
Collectanea Satis Copiosa - justified thr anullment on legal grounds
Conservatives - key people
Duke of Norfolk
Earl of Surrey
Conservatives - what did they want
Marriage to Howard, plots against Cramner and Parr
Conservatives - evidence they ruled over Henry
Accused Howard of heresy
Earl of Surrey produced new coat of arms, threatened Henry’s legitimacy
Cramner accused of being linked to the prebendaries plot
Conservatives - evidence Henry ruled
Earl of Surrey executed 26th Jan 1547
Catherine Parr Queen Regent 1544
Gardiner not responsible for Edward in his youth
Reformers - evidence that faction ruled over Henry
Henry appointed Cramner to investigate his own case 1543
Many reformers on Edward’s council, Edward Seymour
Sep 1543, personal ring given to Cramner
Reformers - evidence Henry ruled over faction
1543 - Prebendaries plot Articles leaked
Henry chose to give Cramner ring
Henry had active role in gov
What did reformers want
Protestantism, marriage to Parr and control of dry stamp
Who controlled the dry stamp?
William Paget