3 - Castilian Crisis 1498-1506 Flashcards
Henry and Ferdinand agree for Arthur and Catherine to marry.
Henry protests about Phillip harbouring Perkin Warbeck and puts in place a trade embargo against Burgundy. This means Englihs traders couldn’t use it
- Joanna marries Phillip and he withdraws support for Warbeck
- Intercursus Magnus signed, english could trade freely in all of Burgundy apart from Flanders
Edmund de la Pole flees to Burgundy, but Henry immediately arrests his associates and his return is negotiated
- de la Pole and his brother Richard flees again but to Maximilian who promised to help them until an invasion was planned. henry gives him £10,000 to give up the de la poles but nothing happened.
- Phillip forces trade concessions with Henry
Isabella of Castille dies, and Casille is absorbed into the Hasburg dynasty as Joanna and Phillip are married. Henry chose to support Phillip to protect England
January 1505
Henry cuts all trade with Burdgundy
January 1506
Phillip sets sail for Castille after finding out about the Treaty of Blois but a storm drove him to the English coast
- Intercursus Malus, trade treaty between England and Burgundy but was never implemented as it was so in English favour
- Phillip was holding Edmund de la Pole
March 1506
Treaty of Windsor
- Earl of Suffolk was given back on the condition that his life was spared
- Henry promised to Margaret of Austria
- Henry VIII to Eleanor (Phillip’s daughter)
- Phillip and Joanna monarchs of Castille
- £138,000 of debt disolved
September 1506
- Phillip dies and Ferdinand resumes control of Castille
- Treaty of Windsor never went ahead
- Henry failed to reconcile with Ferdinand
How important was defence of crown and dynasty to Henry’s motivation in the Castillian crisis ?
very important
- trade embargo 1493 for harbouring PW
- £10,000 to Maximilian to give up DLP
How important was national security to Henry’s motivation in the Castillian crisis ?
quite important
- chose Phillip as hr was stronger to protect himself
How important was trade to Henry’s motivation in the Castillian crisis ?
some importance
- Intercursus Magnus and Malus, trade treaties
- trade embargo in 1493
How important was other European’s actions to Henry’s motivation in the Castillian crisis ?
Quite important
- Maximilian and Phillip held pretenders
How important was circumstance to Henry’s motivation in the Castillian crisis ?
Large importance
- Isabella dies in 1504
- Phillip dies in 1506
- storm in 1506 causes Treaty of Windsor