11 - Economic Development in the Reign of Henry VIII Flashcards
How can you define economic growth?
- growth of industry and trade
- higher wages and lower prices
- increase in ownership
- increase in employment
Nobles - economic growth
- 10% of land available for cultivation
- created 7 barons and promoted 3 existing peers
- Suffolk was granted property in Lincolnshire 1936
Nobles - economic decline
- while bastard feudalism had not died away, the nobility was becoming more and more controlled by the king
- Thomas Finnes, a noble killed in 1541 hung for murder of neighbours servant
- Duke of Buckingham executed for treason in 1521
Gentry - economic growth
- owned 25% of cultivation land
- 5000 gentry families by 1540
- William Stumpe, MP for Wiltshire
Gentry - economic decline
- 181 gentry families became extinct
- laymen took on admission roles
- gentry x3, land x2
What happened to the population from 1525 - 1551?
Grew from 2.26 mil to 3.01 mil
What happened to rents?
Midlands - rent of meadowland grew x4 from 1540-85
What happened to wages?
Population growth meant labour was plentiful and cheap, people would drift through towns
What happened to purchasing power?
Decreased from 96 to 70
What happened to sustenance?
- bad harvests in 27-29 and 44-45
- black death 46-47
- wheat, barley and rye prices grew
Where were pasture farmers?
North, provided cloth
Where were enclosure farmers?
Midlands, after 1517 there was legislation against removing tennants
Where were arable farmers?
South East
- 10% of cloth trade
- almost doubled from 11-47
- domestic to industrial sphere
Cornish tin remained a prised export
High in the pennies
London supplied by north sea
Growing importancd
- suffered from AG
- lead and coal growth
- Boston and Hull suffered from cloth reroute
- East Anglia, cloth industry
- 1/2 of Coventry had no personal wealth
- London to Antwerp remained a prominent route
- Southampton boom in trade with Venice short lived
- ports in Bristol suffered from trade through London
Cloth Merchants
- social staus for merchants
- Kersey developed, cheap fabric widely attainable
Cloth Workers
- transitioned away from household layout
- WRoY, East Anglia aquired wealth from cloth
- Henry uninterested in exploration
- Cabot only visited twice in reign
- Mining boomed, iron ore furnaces 26