79. Granulomas caused by fungi Flashcards
List the diseases caused by microscopical fungi
- Dermatomycosis
- Visceral mycosis
- Primary mycosis of certain organs
- Metastatic mycosis
- Generalised mycosis
- Mycotoxicosis
Give the groups of microscopical fungi causing visceral mycosis
- Blastomyces
- Hyphomycetes
- Phycomyces
Yeast fungi
- Pseudomyces
- Candida
- Geotrichum
- Cryptococcus
Mould fungi
- Septa hyphae
- Penicillium
- Aspergillus
Mould fungi
- Real (non-septa)
- Hyphae
- Mucor
- Rhizopus
Fungal terminology: Non-sexual forms of fungi
associated with rapid reproduction and spreading.
- Fungal thread = Hyphae
- Cross wall = Septum
- Network of threads = Mycelium
- Colony of fungi = Thallus
Fungi terminology: Sexual forms of fungi
- Conidium = Spores
- Vesicula = Bladder structure
- Germ tube = → Hyphae
Grocott-staining: +++
PAS-reaction: ++
Gram-staining: +++ (Candida spp.)
Grocott-staining: +++
PAS-reaction: ++
Gram-staining: - (+)
Grocott-staining: +++
PAS-reaction: + / -
Gram-staining: -
Changes due to visceral mycosis: In organs
- Granuloma formation
- Proliferative inflammation
- Necrotic inflammatory focus
- Thrombosis, thromboembolia
Changes due to visceral mycosis: On surfaces
Covered by mucous membrane
- Circumscribed necrotic ulcerative inflammation
Mycotic granuloma: In mammals
Epitheloid type
Mycotic granuloma: In birds
Foreign body type
Endogenous factors predisposing for mycosis
- Reduced immunoreactivity
- Injury of the mucosa of the GI & resp. tract