7- Acquired Brain Injury Flashcards
What surgery did HM have?
Temporal lobe bilateral surgery
What did HM’s surgery not affect?
Remained of normal intelligence and had no psychological illness
What did HM’s surgery negatively result in and what did this mean?
Intense anterograde amnesia- destroyed ability to form new memories and recognise new people
What did studying HM show us?
There are separate memory forms
3 things that weren’t affected by HM’s surgery
Working memory, old and new procedural memory, facts/events from before damage
What memory was affected by HM’s surgery?
New facts/events memory
What amnesia was caused by HM’s surgery and what did this show?
Severe anterograde amnesia showing the hippocampus is critical for forming new memories
What type of processing is there that shows that the hippocampus provides a high-level brain function?
Lots of visual processing until any sensory info reaches the hippocampus
Where do other senses show a complex processing similar to visual processing?
Upstream of the hippocampus
Why are high-level brain areas expected to be very difficult to understand?
Due to responses being very complex
Who discovered place cells in the hippocampus in 1971?
O’Keefe and Dostrovosky
When do place cells fire?
When an animal is in a specific space region
What do multi-electrode recordings show?
That place fields of these cells provide a spatial ‘map’
Which lesions impair spatial navigation?
Dorsal hippocampal lesions
What do hippocampal place cells provide?
Spatial context for a memory
What did Maguire et al (2000) find?
London taxi drivers have a larger posterior hippocampus compared to experience-matched bus drivers
How did experience relate to brain structure (Maguire et al, 2000)?
More experience means a larger posterior hippocampus
What does the hippocampus bind and support?
Binds together different aspects of an event and supports recollection
Who suggested the Relational Theory of Hippocampal Function?
Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1993
How is an ‘episode’ (memory) formed according to the Relational Theory of Hippocampal Function?
Hippocampus supports ‘binding together’ of all perceptually and conceptually distinct aspects and elements that make up the memory
What does hippocampal damage tell us about memory?
There are dissociable systems
What is the hippocampus crucial for?
Forming new memories
What is the hippocampus not crucial for?
Recall of older memories
How is the hippocampus shown to be crucial for certain functions but not for others?
Anterograde not retrograde amnesia observed
Memories needing to be ‘consolidated’ and hippocampal-independent over time shows what?
Memories are stored elsewhere in the brain
Which brain structure acts as a ‘relay station’ in memory formation?
Where is the thalamus located?
Near centre of the brain
How do nerve fibres project out of the thalamus?
In all directions
What brain structure does the thalamus have many connections to?
The hippocampus
What other brain structure is the thalamus densely connected to?
The cerebral cortex
What is the thalamus thought to be critical for?
Information transfer from hippocampus to cortex
How is Korsakoff’s syndrome caused?
By thiamine deficiency due to alcoholism