637 Unit Emergency Shutdon Flashcards
CCR 1.1.1 - REQUEST Fluid Unit DIVERT all feed away from 637 unit.
Oper 1.1.2 - DIVERT 534 Depentanizer Light Coker Naphtha feed stream away from 637 Unit.
CCR 1.1.3 - REQUEST BBC Console DIVERT all feed away from 637 unit.
CCR 1.1.4 - DIVERT Heavy Py Feed away from 637 unit by placing 67FC1152, Heavy Py Feed Controller, in “MANUAL” and close.
CCR 1.1.5 - PLACE 67FC2432, Recycle Hydrogen to 637E0001A/B, Cold Feed/Effluent Exchangers in “MANUAL” and close.
CCR 1.1.6 - PLACE 67FC2431, Recycle Hydrogen to 637R0001, Diolefin Saturator in “MANUAL” and close.
1.1.7 - PUSH one of the following pushbuttons to shutdown the 637F0001, Mercaptan Rx Feed Preheater:
*67HS5016A, Local Panel Fuel Gas Shutdown Switch
*67HS5016B, Fuel Gas Shutdown Switch
*67HS5016C, DCS Soft Fuel Gas Shutdown Switch
CCR 1.1.8 - PLACE 67PC4018, 550# Steam to 637E0027 SHU Guard Preheater and 637E0030A/B Splitter Reboilers, in “MANUAL” and close.
CCR 1.1.9 - PLACE 67FC4054, Boiler Feed water to 550# Steam, in “MANUAL” and close.
CCR 1.1.10 - PLACE 67FC7007, Stab Reboiler Condensate Pot Level Controller in MANUAL and CLOSE.
CCR 1.1.11 - PLACE 67LC7004, Stabilizer Reboiler Condensate Pot Level Controller in MANUAL and CLOSE.
Oper 1.1.12 - SHUTDOWN 637P0001A/B, SHU Reactor Charge Pump.
Oper 1.1.13 - SHUTDOWN 637P0018A/B, HDS Feed Pumps.
Oper 1.1.14 - SHUTDOWN 637P0019A/B, Splitter Bottoms Pumps
CCR 1.1.15 - PLACE 67FC4010, LCN Side Draw Release Controller, in “MANUAL” and close.
CCR 1.1.16 - PLACE 67FC4047, Splitter Bottoms Feed to Rx Section in “MANUAL” and CLOSE.
CCR 1.1.17 - PLACE 67FC7001, Stabilizer Bottoms release in “MANUAL” and CLOSE.
CCR 1.1.18 - PLACE 67FC7006, Stabilizer Overhead Release in “MANUAL” and CLOSE.
1.1.19 - IF Emergency allows Hydrogen circulation and Rx to be purged, proceed to STEP 1.1.25
IF Emergency will not allow Hydrogen to circulate, then, SHUT DOWN 637C0001, Recycle Gas Compressor by ENGAGING one of the following emergency buttons:
*67HS5028, Compressor Local Panel STOP Switch
*67HS5047B, Compressor Area “FIELD” SHUTDOWN Switch
*67HS5047C, DCS Soft SHUTDOWN Switch
1.1.20 - ENSURE Recycle Gas Compressor shut down initiated the following:
*67XV5003 and 67XV5004, Fuel Gas to 637F0001, Mercaptan Heater CLOSED
*67XV5024, Makeup Hydrogen Isolation Valve CLOSED
*67XV5025, Compressor Suction Valve CLOSED
*67XV5026, Compressor Discharge Valve CLOSED
*67XV5055, FCC Gasoline Feed Isolatin Valve CLOSED
*67xv5061, Nitrogen Isolation Valve to 637SP0038, Ampliflow Panel OPENED
*67XA5062A/B/C, Compressor SIS Trip Alarms on Compressor Local Panel and Control Room DCS Panel are ACTIVE
*67XV5271, Recycle Hydrogen to 637R0004 and 637R0001 Valve CLOSED
Oper 1.1.21 - ENSURE Loss of Feed Flow initiated SHUTDOWN OF 637P0001A/B, SHU Rx Charge Pump.
Oper 1.1.22 - ENSURE Loss of Hydrogen flow has initiated the following:
*SHUTDOWN of 637 P0018A/B, HDS Feed Pumps
*67XV5255, HDS Feed to Rx Section CLOSED
*SHUTDOWN of 637P0019A/B, Splitter Bottoms Pumps
*67XV5237, Splitter Bottoms Feed to Rx Section CLOSED.
Oper 1.1.23 - DEPRESSURE the unit to High Line.
Oper 1.1.24 - WHEN unit is at High Line Pressure, SWITCH to Low Line and continue depressurizing unit to Low Line Pressure
CCR/Oper 1.1.25 - IF Exothermic Rx occurs in 637R0002 or 637R0003, DEPRESSURE 637 Unit by activating 67HS5023B, DCS Switch or 67HS5023A, “Field” 637 Unit Emergency Depressurizing Switch.
1.1.26 IF there is an uncontrollable exothermic reaction on 637R0004 or 637R0001, ENGAGE one of the following SHU Section Emergency Depressure Buttons:
*67HS5218B, SHU Section Emergency Depressurizing DCS Soft Switch
*67HS5218A, SHU Section Emergency Depressurizing FIELD Switch
Oper 1.2.1 - CLOSE 8” OSBL at plot edge block valve to 637D0019, HDS Feed Surge Dum.
Oper 1.2.2 - CLOSE 12” inlet block valve to 637D0001, Feed Surge Drum.
Oper 1.2.3 - CLOSE 6” 637FV1152, Heavy Py inlet isolation valve.
1.2.4 - SHUTDOWN the following pumps when conditions dictate:
*637P007A/B, Condensate Pump
*637P0002A/B, Stabilizer Reflux Pumps
*637P0016A/B, Splitter Reflux Pumps
CCR 1.2.5 - PLACE 67FC6001, Lean Amine Flow Controller in MANUAL and CLOSE.
CCR 1.2.6 - PLACE 67LC6001, Recycle Gas Scrubber Level Controller in MANUAL and CLOSE.
Oper 1.2.7 - ENSURE 637F0001 Pilot Burners are LIT.