6.1 the principcles of learning: classical conditioning Flashcards
primary research focus of behaviourism
human behaviour and roles that control human behaviour
we can observe, measure and objectively verify
behaviourists couldn’t think of any reasons that
human behaviour rules would differ from animal behaviour
they experimented on animals and used those results to make claims on human behaviour
behaviourists began by reasoning that organisms are not born knowing what behaviours to engage in
not entirely true- because some species engage in elaborate behaviour that is genetically hardwired into them at birth
ex, mating
but its true that most behaviour is acquired through experience
process of learning
behaviour is acquired through learning
principles of learning is very important
behaviourists were able to maintain observable phenomenon by investigating how features of the environment, which can be directly observed, caused tendency changes some behaviour, which is also directly observable, they used the word stimulus and response
features of the environment
behaviour that arose from the stimuli
to behaviourists learning was…
mainly forming connection b/w environmental stimuli and behavioural responses they called this stimulus response (sr associations)
ivan pavlov
- tools were already available for behaviourist from physiologists
- he did physiological science
- revealed that much that controls the behaviour of animals is unconscious
behaviours can emerge quite automatically and unconsciously in humans and animals
since behaviourists where uncomfortable with research with unconscious thought process.
pavlov meat powder
-dogs started to increase salivating
classical or pavlovian conditioning
new stimulus can generate the physiological response on its own
unconditioned stimulus
getting poked in the back with a pencil
any stimulus that naturally generates some response in a person or animal
unconditioned response
response to unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus
whistling while poking someone in the back everyday, then one day they just whistle, still same arousal
-2 factors
conditioned response
if whistling comes to generate the surprise reaction without feeling a pencil poke
behaviourists took classical conditioning apart to see
how it worked
pairing conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus
acquisition phase
-for classical conditioning to work best, became clear that consistent presentation of the unconditioned stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus was necessary to form a strong enough association for the conditioned stimulus to later succeed in generating the response on its own
gradual loss of the conditioned response after the repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus alone
stops the strong reaction eventually
spontaneous recovery
renewed reaction of a conditional stimulus after a few days when you have had time to recover
stimulus generalization
does the condition stimulus always need to be the same to generate the conditioned response
-a stimulus that is similar to the condition stimulus will produce a conditioned response, but the effect will be weaker as the stimulus gets further away from the conditioned stimulus
stimulus Discrimination
is it possible to make classical conditioning more refined so that the conditioned response only occurs for a single stimulus and not other similar stimuli
-the right type of learning resulted in more precise conditioned responses that are tuned only to stimuli that are very similar to the condition stimulus
classical conditioning provides an
aspect of psychology that is present in everyone
john b watson
founder of behaviourism
conditioned emotional response
ex. response fear
why we feel the way we do about, people/ obejects
easier to generate fear responses with
snakes rather then flowers or guns
-conditioned fear responses with transitional dangers to our safety are more easier to acquire than non dangerous objects
explaines why certain associations are learned more readily than others
-explains what generates your phobia
-also explains why people have a strong dislike fore certain foods
conditioned taste aversion
associates the taste of certain food with symptoms caused by a spoiled food. generally developed after ingestion of food that causes nausea, sickness, or vomiting
conditioned drug tolerance
person does same drugs same place/equipment every time which tells the body to metabolize the drug, weakening the effect every time, must increase the dosage, could effect an overdose if they change one of the things they do in routine
common sexual fetishes include
foot or shoe
leather or latex
even those these things are not sexy, previous arousal that included these things make it seem sexy
components need to be observable and directly measurable
(memory, feeling and thoughts were ride of)- down fall (missing many aspects of pychology
reveal important phycological principles
john b watson and bf skinner