4.2 The visual system Flashcards
eyes rely on light energy
eyes take in light information and convert it into neural signals that the brain can interpret
tool for collecting light energy
travels through space in the forms of waves
the distance b/w two waves
distance b/w the lowest and highest points
high amplitude is brighter than low amplitude
the visual light spectrum is just a small part
gamma rays (too short to see ex, used for tanning)
ultraviolet rays
visible light
infrared rays
radio waves (too long for us to see)
ac circuits
shortest waves lengths we can see are
blue or purple
longest visible wave lengths is the colour
intermediate visible wave lengths are the colours
yellow and green
*light that consists of a mixture of different wavelengths have low saturation (faint colour)
# of wavelengths they receive from a single region in space
complex mixtures of wavelengths are perceived as white
*light waves that consists of mostly one wavelength have high saturation
what we perceive as colour represents the …
wavelengths that bounce off of objects
structure of the eye
designed to let light enter but also to direct light to the right spot of the inside of the eye
- sclera
- cornea
white surface of the eyes
clear part in the front of the eye
-shape of cornea helps direct light to right area of the eye by suspending the light waves toward the point that it needs to strike at the back of the eye
the dark opening part
- after traveling through the cornea, light then travels through the pupil
- size of pupil varies depending on how much light is available
- in bright context pupil is smaller to reduce the amount of light that can enter
- in dim context pupil is larger to allow more light to enter
difference in pupil size depends on the iris
- the part around the pupil that has a colour
- it is a muscle that tightens around the pupil constricting it
- when the muscle relaxes the pupil dilates
the lens
behind the pupil
- the clear part that changes shape
- bends light more or less
- accommodation reflex
refers to the lens changing shape to bend light that enters the eye, so that it strikes the right spot at the back of the eye
- close objects need the lens to be more spherical because the light from those objects must be bent more significantly to bring them into focus
- bringing far objects into focus requires the lens to be flat since light energy does not need need to be bent as much to direct them to the proper spot at the back of the eye
the retina
after passing through the lens the light will travel through the liquid contents of the eye and strike a structure at the back called the retina
- photoreceptors
- ganglion cells
- optic nerve
pair of light receptors designed to absorb light
- transduce light energy into neural signals
- rods and cones are two types of photoreceptors
ganglion cells
take signals from photoreceptors and relay that info to the brain
optic nerve
where the axons of ganglion cells get bundled together
fibres going to the brain
blind spot