15.3 mood disorders and schizophrenia Flashcards
major depression
a lengthy, chronic period of deep sadness, the perception of oneself as incompetent and worthless, and the belief in one’s life will never improve
- the individuals negative feelings thoughts and beliefs and their lack of motivation to do anything are destructive to their social relationships
- constantly exhausted
- bad eating habits
- simplest tasks are very hard
- will experience a gradual increase in the severity of their symptoms
Bipolar disorder
alternation across time bw periods of extremely positive mood and self esteem and extremely negative mood and self esteem
- manic phase
- depressive phase
manic phase
compels participation in risky behaviours and generates a tendency to push beyond the limits of one’s physical and mental capabilities
depressive phase
-once the come back to earth they may be embarrassed/regretful of their behaviour
bipolar vs major depression rates
- 1 yr prevalence
- bipolar 2.5% and major depression 7%
- lifetime prevalence
- bipolar 4%
- major depression 16%
pessimistic explanatory style
the person habitually believes that nothing positive will happen to them in the future, bc they are not worthy of happiness and are not capable of achieving it
personal attributions
interpretations for failures and difficulties that focus on a belief in basic personal defects in ones abilities or character
stable attributions
interpretations for failures and difficulties that focus on a beliefs that ones flaws are permanent and unchangeable
global attributions
interpreting failures and difficulties in one area as reflecting a general ineptness and lack of capacity to achieve positive results in any area
the biological basis of major depression
- serotonin circuits (which are responsible for maintaining energy levels and positive emotion) seem to be under active in ppl who develop major depression
- the limbic system (which is responsible for emotion and processing emotionally charged info) is overactive in ppl who develop major depression
- the dorsal region of the frontal lobes (for maintaining concentration and inhibiting negative thoughts) is under active in ppl who develop major depression
the sociocultural basis of major depression
living in poverty makes ppl particularly susceptible to developing major depression
- employment issues can lead to high mobility and low income housing
- unsafe neighbourhoods can have increase violence rates, schools with lower academic standards and resources
- parents in these situation can lack the necessary social support
Both the lifetime and current prevalence of ______ and ______ is quite high, compared to ______
mood disorders
anxiety disorders
involves a sever disruption in the association bw a persons thoughts about and perceptions of reality
- ppl with schizophrenia will often also experience disorganized and incoherent thoughts
- the disorder is believed to arise from a combo of genetics and negative environmental influences
- prodromal phase
- active phase
- residual phase
prodromal phase
the individual experiences cognitive deficits, an increase in confusion, and problems maintaining logical thinking
active phase
the person will develop strange delusions (or beliefs about themselves, other ppl, or the world that are simply not consistent with reality)
- the person may also experience bidi and disturbing hallucinations (visual, auditory, or other perceptions that do not originate from real events)
- the structure of the persons thoughts and speech can become illogical and incoherent, and their emotions and behaviour often become strange, unpredictable, and erratic
residual phase
the most prominent symptoms decline, but a very suppressed willingness to engage in activities or social contact often remains
paranoid schizophrenia
symptoms include paranoid delusions
delusions of grandeur are not uncommon
disorganized schizophrenia
the dominant symptoms are incoherent and illogical thoughts, behaviours, and emotional reactions
catatonic schizophrenia
a person may remain paralyzed and sometimes in very unusual position fore extremely long periods of time
undifferentiated schizophrenia
in this variant, symptoms are a combo of symptoms characteristic of other subtypes
residual schizophrenia
symptoms are typical for either the prodromal or residual phases
positive symptoms of schizophrenia
symptoms that result in the individuals engaging in maladaptive behaviours
negative symptoms of schizophrenia
symptoms that generate and absence of adaptive behaviours
10 times more likely to be victims of violent crimes
biological basis of schizophrenia
this graph shows the lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia, if a genetic relative has been diagnosed with the disorder
- has been linked to deficiencies in the prefrontal cortex
- this region is responsible for planning and motivation, and keeping our conscious thoughts and perceptions organized
- the brain ventricles of individuals also tend to be larger mainly bc of less brain matter in the limbic system which is responsible for controlling emotion and memory
- also have overactive dopamine circuits, which is known to result in hallucinations and delusional thinking
- also have under active glutamate circuits , causing impairments in memory, organized thinking, motivation and impulse control
the environmental basis of schizophrenia
individuals born in winter months are more likely to develop schizophrenia which seems to have to do with expectant mothers getting the flu during critical periods for fetal brain development
-other early developmental stressors have also been linked to the development of schizophrenia, such as material stress during pregnancy and experiencing high stress levels or abuse during childhood
the neurodevelopmental hypothesis
the idea that schizophrenia originates from negative events very early in a persons life including experiences in utero
families that are high in emotional expressiveness or high-ee families
are very critical, impatient and intolerant, intensifying the severity of schizophrenia symptoms and increasing the probability of relapse
families that are low in emotional expressiveness or low-ee families
are very supportive and non-judgemental, which tends to reduce the severity of schizophrenia symptoms and decreases the probability of relapse
mood disorders
these disorders all relate to severe disruptions in a persons emotional state, typically resulting in maladaptive behaviours and thought patterns