12.2 genetic and cultural influences Flashcards
weird cultures
(western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic)
almost all psychology research is conducted on people from these cultures, but they only make up 12% of the worlds population
research with members of non weird cultures
confirms that ppl from those cultures also possess the same 5 core dimensions of personality observed in members from weird cultures
-other research stresses the importance of using ppls native language when investigating personality traits. simply translating from english might bias the type of personality dimensions that emerge
a recent study used personality attributes commonly used by native speakers of Chinese to determine core personality traits
this approach revealed 4 core personality dimensions
dependability (related to neuroticism)
social potency (similar to extraversion)
individualism (similar to agreeableness)
interpersonal relatedness (related to skill in maintaining social harmony and respect for traditions)
ppl from diff cultures have diff personality traits
but that might just be because they respond differently to the question presented on personality tests
-westerners tend to be less modest and self critical than south asians
taking small average difference between groups and inferring that the two groups are completely different from one another
would this really capture an essential truth about all Canadians?
gender differences in personality
women tend to rank higher than men on measures of extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism. men and women are not all that different, but the human tendency to essentialize makes it seem like we are
individualistic cultures
members tend to think in terms of their own personal characteristics to be defensive when criticized, to emphasize their positive qualities, and to take personal credit for their accomplishments
collectivistic cultures
members tend to think of themselves in relation to others, are not as motivated to defend themselves against criticism, and are not as likely to take personal credit for accomplishments
genetic influences on personality
the correlation on measures of all five core dimensions of personality for identical twins is .5 and .2 for fraternal twins
identical twins are still much more related to one another on the 5 personality dimensions even when they are raised apart, compared to fraternal twins raised together
genetic influences on personality
there is a fare greater correlation bw the personality of adopted children and heir biological parents than between those children and their adoptive parents
personality and the great tit (parus major)
two genetically determined personality types: fast and slow exploring
- fast exploring are courageous and risk taking
- slow exploring are cautious and flexibly respond to changes in the environment
maybe diff human personalities are also more or less adaptive for diff environmental conditions ?
perhaps there are environments in which being very tough is adaptive and others in which being more intellectual is an advantage
animals seem to vary on most of the same 5 personality dimensions that distinguish humans
yellow bile
black bile
bumps on the skull different personality
hans eysyck
arousal theory of extraversion
- extroverts may require more stimulation to experience physiological arousal, which makes them more social and more likely to take risks
- introverts may experience high physiological arousal at much lower levels of stimulation, which makes intense experiences and social interactions less attractive
the ascending reticular activation system (ARAS)
research suggest that the ARAS of introverts is more reactive to lower levels of stimulation than the ARAS of extraverts.
jeffrey grays
approach-inhibition model of motivation
behavioural activation system
Behavioural inhibition system
our biological system for responding to rewards it controls our arousal in pursuit of goals that we think will produce pleasant outcomes for us
-extraversion may be caused by a relatively dominant behavioural activation system
our biological system for responding to punishments
it controls our sense of danger and discourages us from doing things that might result in punishment
-introversion may be caused by a relatively dominant behavioural inhibitions system