12.3 psychodynamic and humanistic approaches Flashcards
Sigmund freud
- personality development
- founded the fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology
- main early contribution was his successful search for apparently elusive eel testicles
- focuses on treating mental disorders
- lengthy discussions
- psychodynamic theory- conscious vs. unconscious
freudian slips
an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings
psychological problems might arise from
conflict bw our conscious and unconscious minds
-according to freud, this internal conflict is over control of our behaviour
forms the oldest part of our unconscious mind
as we grow the selfish gratification that the Id motivates has to do with sex and aggression and hunger
the energy that drives the Id is called Libido, the Id follows a pleasure principle
we quickly learn that we cant do whatever we want to do
If adults followed what Id wanted it to do they would be in jail cell
as we grow the rules of right and wrong in our family become another part of our unconscious mind called the superego
- to generate uncomf feelings when we do something that we learned is wrong, also makes us feel good for doing the right thing
- the energy that drives the superego is anxiety
conscious mind
-chose the behaviour to perform in any situation the ego faces the challenge of trying to keep both the Id and superego reasonably happy even though they want opposite things to happen
given the task of balancing Id desires against superego goody-goody attitudes, the ego follows a reality principle
defence mechanisms
methods that the ego applies to reduce pressures from the superego and Id without actually addressing the root cause of those pressures
-are temporary band aids for deeper psychological conflicts
when we want to justify doing something very selfish or morally wrong by developing an explanation as why the action is actually morally acceptable
if the id wants to do something socially or morally unacceptable, the ego decides not to do that but to do something acceptable or at least less unacceptable, as a compromise
to reduce feelings of insecurity about ourselves from the superego, we may borrow qualities from ppl we consider more terrific or powerful thyan we are
reducing the anxiety that would come from realizing that we have some flaw or some unacceptable desire by coming to believe that another person or other people have that same desire or flaw
reaction formation
reducing the anxiety from possessing a morally unacceptable impulse through the ego re-interpreting it as the opposite impulse
reducing anxiety about wanting to engage in socially unacceptable behaviours by expressing that urge through some socially noble or respectable activity
freuds psychosexual stages of personality development
how ppl deal with sexual urges
the consequence of failing to resolve the central crisis at any of the psychosexual stages, resulting in dysfunctional behaviour
Oral stage (0-18months)
the Id’s focus on oral gratification
fixation can lead to long term oral related problems
anal stage (2-3 years)
the ids focus is on elimination of wastes and the main challenge is achieving appropriate ways to fulfill this basic biological need
- fixation can lead to long-term cleanliness-related problems
- anal expulsive: id takes over at the end of the stage
- anal retentive : superego takes over
Phallic stage (3-6)
the Ids focus is on sexual gratification through the genitals
fixation can lead to adults who are too selfish or too selfless in their relationship with others
freud believed that penis envy could lead women to seek power, control, and dominance over men
Oedipus complex
boys become sexually attracted to their mothers, generating a hatred for their fathers
castration anxiety
a boys discovery that his mother doesn’t have a penis leads him to fear that the father cuts other family members penises off
penis envy
girls are also sexually attracted to their mothers during the phallic stage, and hate their fathers as a competitor, so that also makes them jealous
children forming a secure attachment with each of their parents is important
but freud is strange for thinking the process has anything to do with sexuality
Latency stage (6-13 years)
personality development takes an intermission
genital stage (13 and up)
the Ids focus returns to the general vicinity of the groin and desperately wants to satisfy sexual urges, so the main crisis is in achieving this objective in ways that are socially appropriate
-failure to achieve proper balance can result in someone who is too promiscuous or too sexually repressed as an adult
free association
freud would say a word and the client would report the first word that came to min,d thereby provided a clue about unconscious conflicts
dream analysis
describing dreams
projective tests
involves presenting something to a client and having them provide their interpretation
- rotschach inkblot test
- thematic apperception test
carl jung
founded a movement called analytical psychology
proposed that our personality also includes unconscious archetypes that originate from the ancestral past of humanity
analytical psychology
the idea that our unconscious mind consists of
1. personal unconscious
freuds ideas about the Id, ego, and superego
2. Collective unconscious
(old unconscious knowledge originating from the experiences of our distant ancestors)
the shadow
represents unconscious truth that we posses negative attributes that we would prefer to keep hidden
the mother
represents the truth that we want to give life to something but not necessarily a child, maybe new ideas, new art, new accomplishment
The hero
to be a source of good in the ongoing fight against our own capacity for evil or injustices committed by others
alfred adler
inferiority complex
inferiority complex
children who are not allowed to develop independence will become adults who feel less valuable or competent than other people
-unconscious feelings of inferiority can result in behaviours aimed at overcompensating for those feelings
karen horney
she though freuds views were sexist and that childhood development had more to do with learning how to form secure attachments with other people
-womb envy
womb envy
horney suggested that women don’t have penis envy but that boys have jealousy over not being able to produce babies or breastfeed
she suggested that this jealousy was one cause for some men’s efforts to control and dominate women and explained some fathers lack of interest in child raising
humanistic psychology
the approach emphasized that humans are uniquely designed to seek out love and fulfillment through their work with others and by engaging in activities that help others
carl rogers
person centred perspective
self actualization
person centred perspective
everyone should be viewed as basically good and all they need is a properly supportive environment to give them the confidence to reach their potential as peaceful, compassionate, and productive members of the community
self actualization
fully developing our own special talents and achieving complete life satisfaction according to our unique personal abilities and interests
with enough encouragement and support rogers thought that we will all naturally seek to achieve our fullest potential
martin seligman and the positive psychology movement
seligman led a recent resurgence of the humanistic idea that being psychologically healthy doesn’t only mean being free of pain and despair, it also mean fulfilling ones personal goals and reaching ones fullest potential